Raiden2's Application For Site Advisor

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Active member
Jun 29, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:223540919
Discord name: Charlie Buck / Charlie "Hammer" Buck
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Charlie "Hammer" Buck (Foundation) | Charles D. Buck (CI)
Civilian name: Charlington Bucky
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: SCP-096, Site Affair Operative (Job approved), MTF E-11 PVT (Former)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: One FailRP warning for beating someone as 912 without being ordered too. I didn't know I couldn't do that so that was my bad.
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?: I've seen other people play as it, and it seems like it'd be fun. I also want to get some L4 experience under my belt so I can apply for other roles that require it. I also want to get some experience managing the site, chiefly because I'd like to apply for O5 in the near future. I also want to do something other than just standing around and arresting people, internal affairs gets boring quickly. And most of all, I want to help out around the site. I want to try and improve the site as much as possible, but as an internal affairs I currently have no possible mode of which I can really assist the foundation to the magnitude that I wish to be able to.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?: I play as site affairs often (mostly internal affairs) so I am good at managing people, so why not take it a step further and become site admin. I am also extremely active on the server (I'm usually on at least 1h a day) so I will be there to do my job as site advisor. I'm also willing to learn, so I am not afraid to be given criticism and learn from mistakes. I am also willing to give criticism when needed, but I am sure to not be too harsh, but not too soft.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?: (Site Advisor): Approve / deny documents, assist the site director, oversee other personnel. They also just generally ensure that the site is running smoothly and try to improve the site in any way possible. Lastly, they make sure they that all site personnel are doing their jobs effectively and correctly.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Prologue
Charlie "Hammer" Buck was born in ████ ████ LA (Louisiana), on May 3 19██. As a child, Charlie wanted to join the military, specifically the navy, as he was fascinated by ships and things of the sort. However, his dream was crushed when he was denied because he failed the ASVAB. He didn't want to give up on the military, so he retook the ASVAB and joined the army instead in the year 2000. He barely passed basic training, but he proved to be a good soldier, he never hesitated to follow orders and racked up a fairly decent combat record. His first true deployment was in Afghanistan in 2001 after 9/11 had caused the US to declare war. He was in the 245th Infantry.
- Act 1 "Deployment"
During his first battle, he was shocked. He had witnessed his buddy get his brains blown out by a sniper. The bits of brain matter and blood coated his shoulder that his buddy once stood next to, now he lies dead on the dry sand next to him. Tears welled in his eyes as he took aim on the enemy, and a bullet passed by his ear. He wasn't deterred by the close shave of the enemy's bullet. He emptied his clip towards the sniper. The sniper was shocked by the sudden spray of bullets, and disappeared below the window. Charlie's unit commander took this chance to move up. They made it to the entrance of the building, and cautiously entered through the main door. It was quiet as they moved up the stairs, guns trained in different directions to ensure they didn't get caught off guard.
- Act 2 "Change of Plans"
When they made it to the top floor, they found the sniper on the floor in a pool of blood. Turns out Charlie managed to hit most of his shots, the sniper bled out before they even made it to the building. Charlie was satisfied by his kill, having been glad he could avenge his buddy's death. When he got back to the FOB, he was called in by his unit commander. "Do you know why your here?" the commander asked. "Not a damn clue," Charlie answered. Charlie was informed that he was selected to join a 'special unit'. He arrived at a secret facility, which he was informed was his new home base.
- Act 3 "The Facility"
Upon arrival, he was greeted by men in dark grey camo fatigues wearing heavy armor and bearing a strange insignia. They escorted him to a place called "security sector." There, he was briefed by a man in dark ocean blue fatigues wearing some sort of riot armor. He also bore the same insignia as the soldiers that escorted him here, and had the word "SECURITY" printed on the back of his chest armor. The place he was in was called Site - 65, a facility owned by the SCP Foundation, which he now worked for. He was briefed on his role, his new rank, his equipment, and his responsibilities. Charlie had no idea why he was here, or how. All he knew is that he had found a job he would find to enjoy more than the military.
- Act 4 "The Foundation"

He was stationed in a prison-like place called "D-Block," where he supervised the prisoners. He would also escort scientists when they needed to perform tests. A week into his reassignment, he was escorting a test to an entity known as SCP - 173. Upon arrival the prisoners, which are known as "D - Class" were set to stand in front of the massive armored door that led to the SCP's chamber. The massive door opened to reveal a large statue standing in the corner of the chamber. The scientist ordered the D - Class into the chamber. As they entered, the lights flickered off for about half a second. During that time, 2 loud snapping noises followed by a scream occurred. When the lights were on once again, 2 of the 3 D - Class lie lifeless on the floor. Their heads turned completely backwards. Charlie was shell-shocked by the horrid sight, but he had seen worse. He backed away, and while doing so, he blinked. The moment he blinked, the statue was about 1 meter away from him. Charlie was incredibly perturbed on how the statue was able to close the distance in such little time. But he had no time to be bewildered. He carefully opened the door behind him without breaking line of sight, and crept out of the room, closing the door behind him. As he left, heavily armed soldiers in navy blue fatigues approached, and ordered him to move out of the way. They entered the room and engaged the statue with beams from some sort of handheld device. They then dragged the statue back into it's chamber, and an engineer came and repaired the door.
- Act 5 "Site Affairs"

After the recent disaster, Charlie was soon promoted to "Officer" within the general security for his outstanding work and great conduct. Only a few days after his promotion, he was approached by a man in a black suit and red tie. The man asked him if he wanted to join "Internal Affairs." Charlie accepted and was brought into internal affairs as an IA operative. Charlie now directly enforced ethics and the code of conduct. He made arrests daily and always made sure to ask his superiors before making any rash decisions. After a good month in internal affairs, Charlie had been given the nickname "Hammer" by his peers because of his punishments, which he would show no mercy to the ones who he punished. Another month had passed, he had gained a reputation as a great internal affairs member. He was recognized by many even outside of internal affairs, and was known to give out fair punishments and be lenient when possible, but also firm.
- Act 6 "Administration"
After two months in internal affairs, he was taken by two heavily armed guards. They had peculiar digital camo fatigues and had "ISD" printed on their backs. Charlie was absolutely terrified, he thought he was being taken to be executed. He entered a room where a man in a black suit with a black tie and white undershirt sat in a comfy chair. He peered at Charlie and asked him to sit. "Do you have any idea why you've been brought here?" the man asked. "No" Charlie answered, he was terrified he'd say the wrong thing. "Ease up, your not in trouble," they man said. Charlie let out a sign of relief. "You're here because I believe you are a great candidate for site advisor," "What?" Charlie replied. "You will assist the site director and keep an eye on personnel, just not as close as you had before," the man said. "O-okay," Charlie replied in disbelief. "Come now, you have much to learn." the man said as he got up from his chair.
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Active member
Mar 18, 2022
I have a few questions for you:

Do you have any MTF experience at ALL?

Is your main motivation of Site Administration to become Clearance 5?



Active member
Jun 29, 2022
I have a few questions for you:

Do you have any MTF experience at ALL?

Is your main motivation of Site Administration to become Clearance 5?

A1: Becoming clearance level 5 is not my main motivation, my main motivation is to become site advisor so I can make improvements to the site, as that has been my passion since I joined internal affairs.

A2: I forgot to list that I do have MTF experience, I was an E-11 private for some time. (I know it's not much but I still do have a bit of experience.)
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Active member
Mar 18, 2022

From the office of ████████

Application Denied

Thank you for taking the time to apply for Site Advisor. Unfortunately due to your lack of experience as a CL4 personnel, alongside your reasoning for becoming a Site Advisor, the ████████ has determined you are not fit for this role.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks

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