Rancher's Overseerer Assistant application [USA]

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Sep 9, 2022
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:561590132
Discord name: Speedy4116
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have about 1300+ hours on the server. Vtime 1 week 3 days
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: Central
Character name(s): Foundation- "Rancher" CI- Jolly
Civilian name: The Cook
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?:Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Held- E-11 LCPL

Held- CI- Gamma/Alpha

Holding- Nu-7 Nu-7 MAJ

Holding- CI - Beta

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes all over nearly 2 years ago. Severe toxicity and a mute for unknown reasons to me.
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
I have a great deal of experience in a SR cl4 position, I've learned over the months how to control and give out orders to site 65 for the benefit of the foundation. I understand what to do in complex scenarios, Not only do I have all of this knowledge and experience I understand what it takes to make things run as smoothly as possible when higher ups are not there to help you. I believe this would benefit greatly to this position as the main job of a overseerer assistant is to make sure the site runs smoothly without Site Command on site. I'm more than ready to hold this position in my opinion... No in Fact I'm more than ready for this position and will out shine any other Assistant there is.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

- Authorize AA in time of need

- Make sure the site is running smoothly

- Sign any documents that need approval (As long as there valid)

- Do any Job without question the 05 ask of you

- Enforce the Code of Conduct

- Work with A-1 when needed

- Observe the foundation and report any issues

- Authorize sweeps if no Site administration are on site

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Born in 1995 "Clark" grew up training hard to become a military personal in the united states army just like his father. After serving nearly 14 years in the united states army and reaching a command lvl of MAJ he was found by the foundation and offered to protect a base known as the foundation, Clark just thinking it was another military base to defend from other country's agreed and was bagged over the head and taken. Now this was not normal because as a MAJ he was trusted with highly classified information and just some random military base he had to be bagged for the transportation? Clark nervous as ever took the rode the long journey in silence. When he arrived he was pulled out of the trunk and walked into a huge garage or that's at least what he thought it was due to him having a bag over his head. After many doors opening and many elevator down he was put in a room for a good twenty to thirty minutes before someone came in. It was the commander of Nu-7, and a couple of his CO's. With a syringe gun nearby filled with some weird liquid, the commander started to explain. "This is no regular military base MAJ, this is the SCP Foundation" Clark confused was handed a document that explained the ins and outs of the foundation. Commander "I'm offering you a Job as a Nu-7 PVT to defend this foundation with your life, If you refuse this offer you will be injected with this needle" Commander shows him the injection gun with Class B in it. Clark knowing he will be at the bottom of the ranks again after all those years of trying to climb to MAJ but, Also in mind of the new information he will be handling with is inclined to agree. The commander with a smile on his face says "Welcome to Nu-7 Jolly"

After some years of being apart of Nu-7 Jolly wanted more, he knew there was more to the foundation then he knew currently even with his Cl4 clearance. He wanted to climb to the top of the chain of command and go further. Striving for greatness Jolly had an Idea, In order to become one of the top rankings in the sight he had to become a Non Combative, now this would be new to him as his whole life there was nothing but ruthless war. This would be a change, instead of him protecting someone, someone would be protecting him, but Jolly knew if he wanted to become the best there is and nothing less he had to move onto higher responsibility. So Jolly started trying to find out what would be the best fit for him. Then he heard of the Overseerer assistant. A role that had high commanding powers and much responsibility. Now he found this as he was going through some files and it just so happens a 0-5 member was just around the corner with multiple A-1 guards by his side, coming into the room for unknown reason to Jolly. The A-1 quickly surrounded Clark as they are very protective of the 0-5. Jolly a little intimidated by these A-1 was frozen as the 0-5 pushed past his guard's to get to Jolly. The 0-5 picked up the papers Jolly was going threw and started reading to himself. After he was done he set the papers down and asked "Why do you have these?" Jolly nervous and shaking responded "I was just interested in how the site ran around here without you sir and I was hoping to become one as well, that's why I was studying the job" the 0-5 intrigued asked "What's your rank Nu-7" Jolly still nervous and shaking a little bit responded "LT sir" He then whispered in one of the A-1's ear and Jolly was grabbed from his seat and bagged yet again. He was drug onto Floor 3 and put into a dim lit room. His bag was removed from his head and in front of him was the same 0-5 member, with four A-1 guards in the room. He also noticed that same injection gun sitting on the table which he now knew very well as Class A. The 0-5 asked "Now I'm willing to offer this position to you due to your record with the foundation and your interest in the subject but the question is, are you ready for the next step up?" Jolly now not so nervous, in a confident tone said "Yes sir, I'm ready" Jolly was slid and new Cl4 Card with the name Assistant Overseerer "Rancher" as his code name. He was also slid a document with his first real orders directly from the 0-5 member himself.
Warning: Message Received... Processing Message.

Incoming Message from: @kennedy.inspector@scip
To: "Rancher

Greetings, upon deliberation from other members of the council, as well as review of your merits within the site, we have all agreed that you would be a major boone to our Assistant Program, please report to the Council for your orientation.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact any member of the Council for any Information.

Glory to the Foundation, Signed O5-4.

Application Accepted
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