What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)
Your Username: 'Raven'
Your SteamID: :STEAM_0:0:672915894
Total TIme - 922.7H. 1M 6D 4H 2M, I've been playing since August of 2024
[Foundation-'Raven'] [CI-Kevin Crow] [CIVI-David McTubbs]
No but I'm reposting this for another interview
I've received 2. first one was RDM, I was a D class and was stabbing other D classes because i thought it was allowed, I've learned from that.
The second ban was LTARP I left while getting kidnap from A-1 and left the game because i was tired and it was 4 am.
5-6 when its my day off and 3-4 if not
Your Username: 'Raven'
Your SteamID: :STEAM_0:0:672915894
Discord Username: |
Age: 16 |
What's your current playtime: |
Total TIme - 922.7H. 1M 6D 4H 2M, I've been playing since August of 2024
Do you have a mic: |
Your characters name: |
[Foundation-'Raven'] [CI-Kevin Crow] [CIVI-David McTubbs]
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: |
No but I'm reposting this for another interview
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: |
I've received 2. first one was RDM, I was a D class and was stabbing other D classes because i thought it was allowed, I've learned from that.
The second ban was LTARP I left while getting kidnap from A-1 and left the game because i was tired and it was 4 am.
How many hours can you be on everyday: |
5-6 when its my day off and 3-4 if not
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: |
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: |
The reason why I want to become a Game Master is that I want to create fun for the server I don't want it to be same old get a little RP in then to have to stop because a Breach happened because happens way too often, so during that little RP time I want to be SCP or Have an anomalous item or anything that's anomalous.
that creates some mischief around the site that everyone can experience it not just people that can block it off from people that aren't high clearance or MTF's, I want everyone to have fun.
I want make funny moments in my events that will make people laugh and not to take the event too seriously, I like that people take it serious but stuff need to change and have some fun.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: |
I don't think I'm special from the other people that trying apply and get GM.
everyone has a shot to get it, I just want people to have fun and if the people find the event boring during the event I would change it up mid-event for people that find it boring to make sure they too also have fun.
I don't want it just one group to have fun, I want everyone to be able to have fun.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server): |
I don't know much lore about SCPs so I'm just going to make up some SCPs in these ideas but The Three Event ideas I have are,
1, [ Civi's vs Foundation] Civi's got tired of CAF lies they always bring out others Civi's aka Para-watches in cuffs saying the fell. when they just posted on their Instagram what was inside, so they are planning to raid CAF to stop CAF from what they are doing and to save their missing friends that might be in there and to check out what are they really doing, They might even try to team up with CI since GOC seem like they are always defending CAF.
2, [CI VS GOC,CAF] GOC found out in a recon missions near CI base that CI is planning some thing big because They're digging holes under Hill House, It doesn't seems like another bunker but not for bunks, meeting rooms or offices, It seems like they are making nukes in. So they planned to meet CAF to speak with them and how to stop CI from making those nukes and take any info about Nukes,GOC,CAF. They need to make a joint army between the two factions.
3, [The Insane Researcher] There's a new researcher that just got hired to look at new SCPS that got captured and contained and figure out how they tick eventually The Researcher has gone mad after researching a new SCP that got captured, its like he got infected with something, He keeps saying life is lie, everything is lie, the SCPs are the good guys but eventually Doctors think he is back normal and say he's good to go back researching but The whole time he was lying, He's still insane but no ones knows, So he starts experimenting and taking blood from the new SCPS and using it on him self to make himself powerful and gain enough strength to make sure no one can stop him and to free all SCPs in the world.
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): |
SCP ['The Medic'] The Medic was Human before he became an SCP, he was experimenting on How to make Humans Immortal and/or make a Healing factor that can heal anything like Injuries, Diseases, and Deformities.
The reason why he was trying to make Immortal and a Healing Factor It was because He was dying from uncurable disease that he didn't want anyone to go through but during that process, He made Himself Immortal and Crazy fast healing factor so He figured out how to get humans Immortality and Healing fact but It came with side effect He became a monster That was 7 Foot with Sharp Teeth and Long Nails that could like cut someone like butter and Acted like crazy man or more like a Hungry, Angry Bear in the forest that always looking for someone to hunt but There was something.
He didn't know his blood can give people the same thing he was experiencing but he figured it out after a few Month what he became because someone stabbed him with anomalous knife he never seen before and he was bleeding but He'd lived and cut the guy open and tried to kill him but while cutting the guy open, he accidentally gave the guy some of his blood and the guy became just like him then he realized he can give people his gift/curse and now his mission is to give everyone his gift/curse. He starts rampaging in Pinewood giving people his gift/curse, killing anyone that seems unworthy of it.
GOC are the first ones to find the monster and They are trying to fight it with everything they got but General "Striker" is tired of his people blood shed so he called up The CI Commander, The Chief OverSeer and The ECC to meet up with them and have talks about how to stop this thing.
While GOC, CI, and Foundation are having their talks, The Monster is infecting the ground and weather like it has control over everything, There is thunderstrikes everywhere it goes and The ground looks like it dying like the monster is sucking the life out of everything its getting near.
If I Get GM I will like to do this Idea some day and see how this idea goes and how long it will take to defeat it because nothing is actually Immortal.
List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff): |
(O-1) Operation "NightLight" The ECC has Greenlighted O-1 to turn off the Lights in FL3 and Raid them, O-1 is raiding to see if A-1/OverSeers are plotting against them, They found questionable docs about A-1 and OverSeers doing unethical things and A-1 was Plotting against O-1 and The ECC.
(A-1) Operation "QuickSwift" The OverSeers have Greenlighted A-1 to take captured CI and GOC Disguises to be Inside their bases and to Figure out any Info that GOC and CI may or may not have about CAF and Scps they have captured and to destroy it and to try to grab any SCPs they might have and Secretly try to give to Nu-7, We can't let GOC and CI to weaponize SCPs, Mission Progress
(Nu-7) Operation "Takeback" Ci has Raided Caf and stolen info about unheard of
clearance level 6 named SCP-6101 aka Ethan Prosper.
Error Unknown
(E-11) Operation "FightBack" A Scp has Appeared and has entered HCZ and is trying to release all the scps in HCZ because they are his friends and has been telepathically talking to them for weeks and E-11 has Been allowed by SA to use a new tech in development to fight the new scp and the new tech is working on the new scp and its killing it instead of containing it.
(CI) Operation "SwiftFight" CI has been ordered by
The Engineer
The Engineer
The Engineer
(UNGOC) Operation "UpGrade" The GOC has been planning to raid CI and CAF because they want to upgrade their tech and guns and raided CAF and CI before and found documents about a new chem and gun, The new chem is for CI to get SCPs to fall asleep and make it easier to contain them and The new gun is for an E-11 to instant beam SCPs when they breach and the Goc wants to steal and When they Raid CAF and CI. Mission Progress
(Foundation Staff) Operation "OverThrow" The Foundation Staff made a union and have been planning to raid FL3 and ECW so they can be the Top Dogs of the Foundation, they first raided the Armory to get guns and when they got armored up and got the most powerful guns, They raided SA and they were successful and then They started to raid ECW and they were unsuccessful and lost.
You can tell about the last 3 questions. I like Raid RP but I Rather do other stuff if the people want it to be different if I do get TGM
Please send Feedback on my application, I would love to know what was wrong with it so in future if it gets denied, I could make it better
I want to do all the Ideas have in this Application if GM/SGM Allow them to happen.
Sorry about If I Spammed the Spoiler system too much
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