Reapers gamemaster application

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Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 8, 2021
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Killerluc14

For how long have you played on CN DRP: ive played since release and i played on previous instances to.

Age: i am 24 years old

In what country are you located?: i am located in the Netherlands

Time zone: my timezone is CEST

Character name (regiment and rank): Reaper

Steam ID: my steam id is: STEAM_0:0:92477780

Discord ID: Reaper99

Do you have a mic?: yes i have a good microphone

In-game Skills Level?: my skills level is 20 i dont know how that links to gamemaster but yes i am at level 20 in skills

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: it is my first gamemaster application

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have not been punished in any way shape or form cuz i like to abide the rules and have a fun time on the server

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?: I have previous experience considering i have owned several servers myself and used to host all sorts of events for certain milestones in a multitude of games

Do you have any previous experience with non-serious roleplay?: i have had previous experience on multiple occasions with non serious and serious rp so i am capable of both i have played several other darkrp servers and diffrent games think about fivem etc where its a little less serious but still rp in some way shape or form

How many hours can you be on everyday?: i can be on up to 8 hours a day and that would be after my work hours which is peak pop on the server

How many events can you host a week?: i can host as many as the server would let me however thinking of unique event on daily base is not really possible as it would take time to create them etc. so at some point they would be repeating events in custom orders

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?: cuz i like having interactions with people and i like to help people get into the whole non serious rp and show them how fun it is by for example dragging them into my gunstore business or pd etc. id just like to get people into the rp as much as i am and hope to get them just as excited for it as me. as i keep coming back daily for more fun

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: I think i would be able to help create more rp situations and fun events with cool prizes for people to long for more events and more fun with their fellow rpers i also would be able to help people get more into the darkrp this server has to offer with its multitude of options regarding what to do. why i think im special over other applicants is the fact that i have previous experience in the event creation regard and my options are near limitless. and also previous experience in helping enforce and create the fun rp as i did on previous servers and games.

Please List 3 small event ideas:

idea number 1: Murder maze its a very simple but fun concept You have 1 killer a bunch of trapped friends and a few objectives. to simply sum it up you are trapped in a dark and scary maze with no other way then finding the extraction point or killing the killer with teamwork. The killer has alot of health with limited killing tools that require skill or close range think of harpoons and knives. and thru out the maze there is 2 or 3 exits and a few strong guns scattered around your only options are to either find your way out or team up with your fellow trapped friends and find the guns to eliminate the killer. thru out the maze there will be hiding spots and little buildings some have weapons others only got medkits or defibs. the event ends if the killer has killed the last trapped friend. whoever managed to escape the killer will get a small price and if there is a group of people who managed to eliminate the killer they win a bigger prize as its way more challenging. i wanna make it so the killer can see clearly and the friends cant

idea number 2: base wars its a classic you have 2 or 4 teams in a simple arena they all get 10 minutes to setup a good base before the fight emerges. after 10 minutes the walls blocking each other off from the area will be removed and the fight emerges the team that wins gets a price.

idea number 3: zombie survival we will give the contestants a small sized map with buildings and other places to hold off for survival. there will be guns armor and healing foods scattered around the map for people to make their survival the best possible. the ultimate goal outliving your fellow survivors and getting away with the prize. i will make multiple maps for this event so they aren't ever the same sometimes ill move a small piece or remove it making the map change ever so slightly but ever so deadly. if multiple survivors outlive the time period set for this event they all win a prize but beware the last minute of the timed event is a free for all allowing killing within the survivor ranks

bonus idea: Storage wars i make a few lockers add some nice mystery items and make people bid against each other for the stuff inside the locker some lockers are good and worth alot others are basic lockers with some guns etc

Please List a major event idea (Involving the whole server): this is only for a large group of people or the whole server to play. its gonna be hard but i wanna make it work. the idea is HUNGER GAMES. there is gonna be a big open map area with a few buildings and debris scattered around with random guns armor drops etc on the floor everyone goes in with just a knife. you get 2 minutes of peace time where no one can kill each other and they can go and scatter in the middle we will have a few guns around where everyone spawns. better guns and similar guns will be scattered around the map with the ultimate goal outliving your fellow players. we can play this in either small groups or solo in other words teaming or no teaming allowed and we can choose whether we get one or more winners based on my previous statement. sometimes we will allow teaming but only 1 winner making you betray your easily made friend for the big price. or we can allow teams to win for a medium price for all winners. after a certain amount of time a kill zone will come in idk how yet but ill figure it out to drive people to a specific side of the map as a final standoff. if i cant do a kill zone ill make walls close in on people and signal the area that is safe with some smokes myself.

i hope this application was up to the standards and i hope to make a good chance on becoming a game master and creating much more events like shown above

your dearest friend,

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Deleted member 5936

= Neutral

When it comes to this application you are lacking in grammar, using words like 'cuz' and 'thru' come off as being unserious / rushing the application. The quantity of content within the event ideas is good though.

Good luck with the application and verdict

- Julien White

Deleted member 5564


I havent really seen you ingame so I can't judge your character. Your application seems rushed and the event ideas arent exactly unique (all of them match events that were hosted before on the old darkrp server).


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 8, 2021
= Neutral

When it comes to this application you are lacking in grammar, using words like 'cuz' and 'thru' come off as being unserious / rushing the application. The quantity of content within the event ideas is good though.

Good luck with the application and verdict

- Julien White
I feel like those few words have very little to do with how serious and application is or not considering we speak like that ingame to i doubt it should have any negative impact on the verdict. And the reason im not gonna state unique ideas is because people would most likely just end up stealing them and making them less unique. However unique or not these are liked and wanted ideas for events making them more then acceptable for a application.

I havent really seen you ingame so I can't judge your character. Your application seems rushed and the event ideas arent exactly unique (all of them match events that were hosted before on the old darkrp server).
Same anwser goes for you i respect both your judgments however we have spoken and played together ingame you probaly just dont remember it cuz we all see like 50 new faces a day on the server. I would like to thank both of you for your judgements and i hope i can change both your judgments over my application before my verdict.


CG Platinum VIP
Dec 25, 2020
+ support
+ you seem like you actually want to rp which can be rare these days
+ good ideas, yes they are mostly stuff weve seen before so it would be nice to see some unique ones but they are also events that are liked by the community and fun for everyone
+nice and never had a bad interaction with you

Deleted member 55

Application Accepted

Hi @TheDutchReaper99,

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

Congratulations on having your application accepted, please join the Interview Waiting Room in TeamSpeak and put "Waiting for Interview" in your name so we can proceed with the next stage of the process.​
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