What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion redacts specific information about some of the jobs on the TAB menu.
Some examples (if you have better ideas make sure to send them in the comments!):
General Security Department:
Cadet, Guard, Officer, Sergeant would be displayed as -> General Security
Response Unit -> Riot Control Units or remain the same
Containment Unit would remain the same
Captains and Chiefs would also remain the same
Research Department, Medical Department would remain the same as it is important for leads of these departments to be able to check who and what rank is and isn't on the server (for license trainings, onboardings etc.).
Internal Security Department:
Internal Security Agents, Operatives, Investigators -> Internal Security Operative
CL4+ would remain the same
External Affairs Department would go as followed:
External Affairs Agents, Operative, Senior Agent and Field Agent (because he can be metagamed to be a marksman on surface) would be displayed as -> External Affairs Operative
The rest of CL4+ jobs would remain the same.
SCPs would be changed to ONLY display SCP (without the specific number, which would cut off on hard to detect (for staff) metagaming)
MTF/CI/GOC jobs would only display jobs that are Officer+ (this includes removing juggernaut and TB from the display to avoid metagaming) as usual, the rest would just be MTF/CI/UNGOC 'X' Operative
For example if someone is on MTF Nu-7 Marksman job it would show him as MTF Nu-7 Operative on the TAB menu.
But if someone is on MTF Nu7 Officer job it would remain the same as it is now.
If someone is on CI Type-Blue it would display him as Chaos Insurgency Operative and so on.
EDIT: recruits from both CI and UNGOC would remain the same (for raid auth reasons - forgot to include them in the first place).
D-class personnel would all be displayed as Class D Personnel - so TB, Scout, Brute, Janitor wouldn't be identifiable by pressing the TAB menu.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
No (at least from what I checked).
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Massively decreases soft metagaming that is hard to detect by the Staff Team.
- Gives more immerssion to the server.
- High Staff members should be able to make it happen - possibility of no devtime being required.
- Silent breaches (SCP-035 and SCP-079) become actually useful, as they cannot be simply checked by looking at the TAB menu and elminating them. (Combatives got to check them manually now rather than instantly knowing that they're not on Site).
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Honestly? I personally do not see any other than potential devtime.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe this should be accepted due to soft, undetectable by logs or clips metagaming is a massive issue on the server and this suggestion would only work in favor of the server health + would give more immerssion to the experience of the SCP-RP world.
Credits to @Charles "Ze" Whitmee for giving me the idea to post this suggestion
This suggestion redacts specific information about some of the jobs on the TAB menu.
Some examples (if you have better ideas make sure to send them in the comments!):
General Security Department:
Cadet, Guard, Officer, Sergeant would be displayed as -> General Security
Response Unit -> Riot Control Units or remain the same
Containment Unit would remain the same
Captains and Chiefs would also remain the same
Research Department, Medical Department would remain the same as it is important for leads of these departments to be able to check who and what rank is and isn't on the server (for license trainings, onboardings etc.).
Internal Security Department:
Internal Security Agents, Operatives, Investigators -> Internal Security Operative
CL4+ would remain the same
External Affairs Department would go as followed:
External Affairs Agents, Operative, Senior Agent and Field Agent (because he can be metagamed to be a marksman on surface) would be displayed as -> External Affairs Operative
The rest of CL4+ jobs would remain the same.
SCPs would be changed to ONLY display SCP (without the specific number, which would cut off on hard to detect (for staff) metagaming)
MTF/CI/GOC jobs would only display jobs that are Officer+ (this includes removing juggernaut and TB from the display to avoid metagaming) as usual, the rest would just be MTF/CI/UNGOC 'X' Operative
For example if someone is on MTF Nu-7 Marksman job it would show him as MTF Nu-7 Operative on the TAB menu.
But if someone is on MTF Nu7 Officer job it would remain the same as it is now.
If someone is on CI Type-Blue it would display him as Chaos Insurgency Operative and so on.
EDIT: recruits from both CI and UNGOC would remain the same (for raid auth reasons - forgot to include them in the first place).
D-class personnel would all be displayed as Class D Personnel - so TB, Scout, Brute, Janitor wouldn't be identifiable by pressing the TAB menu.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
No (at least from what I checked).
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Massively decreases soft metagaming that is hard to detect by the Staff Team.
- Gives more immerssion to the server.
- High Staff members should be able to make it happen - possibility of no devtime being required.
- Silent breaches (SCP-035 and SCP-079) become actually useful, as they cannot be simply checked by looking at the TAB menu and elminating them. (Combatives got to check them manually now rather than instantly knowing that they're not on Site).
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Honestly? I personally do not see any other than potential devtime.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe this should be accepted due to soft, undetectable by logs or clips metagaming is a massive issue on the server and this suggestion would only work in favor of the server health + would give more immerssion to the experience of the SCP-RP world.
Credits to @Charles "Ze" Whitmee for giving me the idea to post this suggestion
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