Red's O5-6 'The Hammer' Application [UK]

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Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
2,751,000 secs - 764 hrs 10 min


In what country are you located?:
UK - England

Time zone:
GMT +0

Character name(s):
Foundation: ‘Red’
CI: Red ‘The Medic’
Civilian name: Burim

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Nu-7 COM (Holding)
E-11 PVT (Held)
Internal Affairs whitelist (Holding)
Overseer Assistant (Holding)
CI-D (Held)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
05-6 ‘The Hammer’

I am applying for this as I would like to assist with managing any and all departments that come under the Overseer Council. I always aim to go above and beyond with every task/assignment I’ve been given. I feel confident enough to fulfil the requirements of O5-6.

The Overseer council makes the toughest of decisions in even more tough and complicated situations, I believe I am more than suitable for this role As I always face a challenge head-on and will always look for the best outcome for any party involved.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:

I feel like I am the best candidate for O5, due to my experience as OSA and doing assignments for Site Administration, and the council. I've always aimed to go above and beyond in each assignment. I've got extensive experience in Nu-7 as Commander, which included designating assignments to CO’s, making sure I had the best people for the CO roles, and of course, leading/commanding the regiment. I feel like I’ve made good changes for Nu-7.

O5 are vital for choosing, and guiding Departments/MTF’s in the right direction, I feel like from my experience in guiding Nu-7 into a much better state. When it comes to documentation, I feel like I am very good at this, from experience in Internal Affairs/OSA/Nu-7 COM. Also, I am always very active in and out of the site. When it comes to RP, I'm very professional and approachable. In site, I've always had a good reputation, and I am well-known around the site for my hard work in Nu-7, and my dedication to the Foundation.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:

The council watches over all departments in the foundation and makes sure these are always running at maximum capacity, and are being as efficient as they possibly can be. They work very closely with Site Administration, to assist in running the site and keeping an eye on how everything is running.

The council also work very closely with the Ethics committee when it comes to the facility, and if a mass breach or a big issue arises, calling a code black or even detonating the alpha warhead when there is no chance of recovering the site.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

The council out of RP, will host meeting with each other, and other departments to get updates on how everything is running, and make sure any decisions they make in RP will have the best outcome for the site as a whole. They have exceptionally high standards and are very professional, in character and out of character either on-site/Discord/TS/Forums.

They also choose people for Department directors and Site administration.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

James [Redatcted] ‘Red’, was first involved in the Foundation at the age of 16. The year was 20[Redacted]. When taking SATs, after being a perfect student, and aiming to join the military after passing these tests. Without knowing at the time, this was the first encounter with SCP-1071-1/-2, as you will know the essay question is the easiest. After realizing ‘Red’ had failed these tests, It wasn’t long until the Foundation became more suspicious along with other instances of SCP-1071-1/-2 showing up, along with -3 for those who passed. The Foundation would soon lose interest in ‘Red’ due to other individuals that failed SCP-1071-1/-2 and would end up committing severe crimes.

Over some time ‘Red’ was unable to get more mundane jobs, due to the failure of the SATs. After a few years passed reaching the age of 22, ‘Red’ joined the [Redacted] Regiment in the Canadian Military, after multiple successful campaigns, the Foundation noticed the growing success of ‘Red’, and his name reappeared due to SCP-1071-1/-2. It wasn’t long after, ‘Red’ was interviewed by agents from the Foundation, and was offered a place in the General Security, starting work in 20[Redacted]. After 6 months of working for General Security, in Site-[Redacted], ‘Red’ was offered a transfer to Site-65 working for Nu-7. It wasn’t long after joining Nu-7, ‘Red’ was able to climb through the ranks ending up as Captain. This is when [Redacted], took ‘Red’ aside, in an unrecognizable room and offered him a place as an Overseer assistant.

As Overseer Assistant, ‘Red’ served and did any task assigned to him by the Overseer council to the best of his abilities. After investigating multiple issues with [Redacted] Department, and reporting all of this to the Overseer council. ‘Red’ was assigned to look into the rising issue of GOC encroaching on Site-[Redacted], after being sent out to the site it was obvious the site was already in disarray due to the constant raids from the CI, the first day ‘Red’ arrived he was only able to get into the lobby until distant gunshots, and alarms started blaring through the site, repeating “Intruder Alert, escort all Non-Combative personnel to the breach shelter’. Within seconds 20 MTF units, were rushed past and 10 more came to escort ‘Red’ down to the Breach shelter.

After entering the Breach shelter, the alarms went silent for exactly 13 seconds, until a full blackout across the site. All lights were off and the Breach shelter would not open. After 2 days of complete blackout MTF [Redacted] were able to reclaim the site. The Chaos Insurgency raided, and there were [Redacted] casualties. The Choas Insurgency were able to steal SCP-[Redacted], and multiple Clearance 4/5 documents.

After this incident, it was decided by the Council that ‘Red’ would join along in Operation Dark Sun, which would include the MTF’s: Nu-7, E-11 and [Redacted]. They aimed to acquire the SCP and any documents back from the Chaos Insurgency using brute force.

Operation Dark Sun:

Nu-7 were already in position waiting for the call from [Redacted] to enter the Chaos Insurgency base located at [Redacted]. To clear the base ready for E-11 to enter, until Nu-7 got the call to enter. The main entrance was already open, and no one was to be found. Not a single soul or any sign of life. E-11 biohazards were among the first to enter the Chaos Insurgency base, once they entered the belly of the base, all they saw were bodies strewn across the floor. ‘Red’ was at the back escorted by MTF [Redacted], after examining the bodies, they were GOC and CI. No gunshot wounds but all of them had one deep wound at the back of their neck. It seemed the GOC already got wind of the Chaos Insurgency capturing a parathreat. After scouring the site for any evidence of the SCP captured, it seemed nothing was left but the captured documents, and bodies strewn everywhere. Some of them not even holding guns, like it was so sudden no one could react.

After attempting to leave the base, lights filled up the entrance temporarily blinding everyone for a few seconds, the GOC was outside waiting for us to bring the parathreat outside. After a hail of gunshots from both sides. Few survived the skirmish that lasted less than a minute. ‘Red’ was one of the 3 survivors from the fray, left with a gunshot wound to the left side. The sound of gunshots had attracted something, while ‘Red’ was trying to focus on what was going on with the distant screams, SCP-[Redacted] was feeding on the dead bodies while ‘Red’ was on the floor watching others get eaten, trying to think of a way of getting out with at least his own life.

The whirring of helicopters started to close in, wondering if the GOC called out for backup. Gunshots filled the air again, all aimed at the SCP, unsure who was shooting, ‘Red’ pulled out his M1911 and joined in, with a few clean shots going straight for the head. The SCP pounced closer within an inch of ‘Red’ ready to finish him off. Men in all black surrounded it, with beams and gunfire and were able to get the SCP contained.

Nu-7 had come in with a force of 50 men for backup and had successfully contained the SCP. ‘Red’ was aboard the first helicopter back to Site-[Redacted] with the SCP. Walking in through the main gate, limping and still in pain with a bullet inside of him, was greeted by multiple suited men, and was offered a place in the O5 council.

Operation Dark Sun: Mission Overview:
MTF’s deployed: Nu-7, E-11, [Redacted]
Location: [Redacted]
Duration of Operation: [Redacted] - [Redacted]
Casualties: Foundation: [Redacted]
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Reactions: Deleted member 1291
Jun 3, 2022
Massive +support

As upsetting as it would be for all Nu7 if Red was accepted, he's widely known for doing what he believes to be right for the good of his faction. The application here is his attempt to further his aid to better fit not only Nu7 but as much of the server as possible.
Red is not only a great COM but is also very welcoming and easy to talk to and goes above and beyond to solve situations to the best of his ability. Best of luck Red!

Also the app is pretty good.
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Reactions: RedBubble55
Dec 28, 2022
Massive +support

Red is probably the best COM I’ve seen and has really dug nu-7 out of the hole it was in and he definitely has what it takes for 05 but it will be a shame to see him go. (Nu-7 on top fr fr)
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Reactions: RedBubble55


Well-known Member
Jul 7, 2022
He denied him getting accepted first to stay in nu7 (huge respect for that) and i hope he will get accepted again he is doing so much stuff for nu7 that i cant even comprehend and i could never see anyone else being more fit for the position than he is.
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Reactions: RedBubble55


Well-known Member
Oct 30, 2022
Hey @RedBubble55, I've decided to give you a +SUPPORT for your application for the following reasons:

+Great general knowledge
+Multiple interactions, nice guy
+Great playtime

With this, if you don't become O5 I'll class F amnesticate you. Good luck!​
Hey Red, I will be giving you a huge +SUPPORT on your application due to the following reasons.

Positives (+)
  • You have amazing knowledge of site due to your OSA role and your time as a Nu-7 Commander
  • Friendly and approachable
  • You're one of the most active people on site right now
  • Amazing leadership and dedication
Negatives (-)
  • You have to leave Nu-7

You know how we all appreciate and love the work you've done for Nu-7 and joining Overseer Council is your next step in the foundation.
With all your skills and knowledge you're more then fit for this role.
I think no one doubts you will do great even if you will have to leave the positions that you're holding right now.

On a personal note from the heart of a Nu-7 member, dont forget us when you're there, dont overwork yourself, and if something happens we wil always be on standby for a Floor 3 raid.

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