Accepted Reduce the price of Citizol-Q

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Event Team
Jan 2, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion is to change the overall price of Citizol-Q, or make a way to obtain it outside of purchasing it from the Chemist, such as a unique recipe.
1. If the price for the chemical is reduce, I feel it should be reduced to around 500 to 1k per litre.
2. The 'unique' recipe will all be from the Chemist NPC, or some low-level SCPs which can have samples obtained relatively easily. E.G Naproxen + Oil (Fire)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Easier to obtain the currently rare Grenades, allowing for more use from all factions.
Makes it actually viable to use the Grenades, such as the Tear Gas grenade. As it stands, it is around 10 to 12k per grenade.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Alot more usage of Tear Gas Grenades from all Factions, which could increase the overall lag and will make the grenades a more 'meta' item to use.
Increased potential for misuse from jobs which shouldn't usually be acquiring them.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I feel this should be accepted on the basis that the update adding the Grenades have been mostly unused, other than GSD CL4 during riots, as it is around 10k+ per grenade and the grenades only last for around 20 seconds or so. Obviously, I love the idea of the grenades and think they could have great potential, however the overall cost for them is way too high to be a viable choice during a raid.
Increasing affordability across the board without considering its implications on balance would have disastrous implications on the combat meta, making existing chokepoints practically impossible to push through if spammed out by even just two grenades at a time. Apart from entirely splitting the existing (and very fresh) system into two, I'm not sure how you can balance reducing the price of common use grenades, such as tear gas or amnestics, with those that actually warrant the current price such as "budget nerve gas".
Feb 10, 2024
I don't think the grenades should be cheap enough for them to be used in every raid/scenario imo. They should be used in very specific and vital situations, but I would understand if others would prefer for it to be usable in most situations because nades = fun.

Though, a recipe for Citizol so you can make it a bit cheaper would be pretty cool.
Feb 22, 2024
Should cost a fair amount to obtain. If this was cheaper we would see every hostile action using them. Adding in a recipe to make them slightly cheaper would be ok but shouldn't become so cheap it negates the first point.
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