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Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 16, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Creates the ability for Class-D Type blue, CI Type Blue and any other reality bender to receive a refund on there class from staff.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
D-Class (the whole faction) has more of a fighting chance
Makes the person that dies to BS not pissed

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Gensec Gets overwhelmed if this happens too much
Foundation has a tad more breaches?

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
All this would fix is a giant issue with dclass and ci where there main reality bender is not able to receive a refund. The refund would still need to be valid but it would actually cause them to get there roles and there reality bending swep back.

There is little to no reason why a refund of TB's shouldnt be possible. Right now staff cannot force job type blues due to whatever reason and actual limitations of the server. If this is changed it will increase more RP (and chaos) for dclass and foundation

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Active member
Nov 29, 2023
There should be no reason a command like this to not exist, would allow people who were on d-class or ci type blue or similar to be refunded if they died through metagame or related. A command that refreshes thaumatologist slots would also be good.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 16, 2023
can't you do this with a sit (@) anyway? i'm pretty sure that's what your denial reason will be, but

anyway, in case something like this is needed
Staff are unable to force job Type Blue or any reality bender, They could give the realty bending swep, but that messs with energy and decay.
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Jeffrey Nut

Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 6, 2023
How much i wanna + support this, theres one issue with this and i know staff cannot refund Type Blue slots currently because how the timer works for the TB's (CI gets 1 "Ticket" every 45 minutes this means if they wait 1,30 Hours they get 2 tickets = 2 Lifes, GOC Thaum(idk lol, probly how CI type blue works) and Dclass type blue just opens every 45 minutes but doesnt get extra "Lives" aka the timer doesnt actully start and it only starts after the TB died im pretty sure or just most people die before 45 another type blue slots opens)

Making Staff being able to refund the ticket breaks the cooldown at least for Dclass type blue and all the other TBs so its probly gonna get denied
Also some things could be wrong here but this is how it works if i aint stupid

I don't know the exact level of spaghetti that would have to be untangled to implement such a feature efficiently, but its not none, according to these two suggestions.

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Blacklisted Player
Jun 21, 2023

Cope Suggestion + The way D-Class TB works this wouldn't be possible


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 16, 2023

I don't know the exact level of spaghetti that would have to be untangled to implement such a feature efficiently, but its not none, according to these two suggestions.

updated main post, mainly up to the dev team if they are willing to update the admin menu with proper refund commands ):


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 16, 2023
if it really breaks the way tb works maybe they can create a work around like a new Type Blue job specifically for refunds that doesnt have a timer and you can only get on the job when an admin job sets you

3/4 times I have successfully gotten onto type blue I got immediatly RDMed by stupid D-Class or metagamed by a GENSEC
Yes, In the clip I listed that is just a little issue. 98% of the time gensec say "wtf how do you have 500hp" and then gun you down.
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