Reggie Kumangstein Ban and Warning Appeal

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Reggie Kumangstein

New Member
Oct 26, 2022
Your in-game name: Reggie Kumangstein
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:27161794
Your steam community link:
Date of ban: 26/10/2022
What is your exact ban reason: LTAP | FearRP (B)
Who banned you: "Basilisk"
Ban length?: 3 Days
What server were you banned on?: SCP-RP UK
Link a copy of the in-game rules here:

What will you do to stop this from happening again:
I didn't do anything wrong, so I'm not going to apologise.

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?
I have, primarily at the request of C.Daniels. Who consistently calls sits on me when RP doesn't go his way.

Why should you be unbanned:

Put plain and simple, my ban is completely invalid for multiple reasons.
First and foremost, for some context, I had received a warning earlier on in the day from 'Red' for apparent NLR. During this situation there was an active Chaos Insurgency raid ongoing, and as NU-7, I was killed in Security Sector elevator by 'C.Daniels'. Due to this, I decided to wait 4 minutes to give C.Daniels more than enough opportunity to leave the area so he would not think I was breaking NLR. After this time I decided to go to LCZ as ordered and entered the elevator again. When I did I discovered blood on the ground of the elevator. As such I declared over comms that someone had been murdered in SS. I suggested a mass ID check, it was approved, and I proceeded to start checking people nearby.
C.Daniels was a deep cover CI during this.

I ID checked 3 people before encountering C.Daniels. When asking for his ID he flatly refused and was acting extremely strange and shady. An IA Agent saw this, and arrested C.Daniels. He then decided to interrupt this entirely legitimate RP by calling an admin sit.
This sit was taken by 'Red'. I can only describe the sit as C.Daniels belligerently pleading to Red to give me the most amount of punishment possible, and getting to the point of shouting down his microphone and behaving in an extremely rude and disrespectful manner. It resulted in Red becoming (understandably) fed up and simply making C.Daniels happy by warning me.
I like Red, and hope no repercussions come to him, but this seemed to me to be a complete cop-out, wanting to simply get the situation over with. I feel that Red was pressured by C.Daniels' constant shouting over me, demanding I be punished or, in his words "I will keep getting away with it". Whatever "it" is.
Prior to this, C.Daniels did similar and had me warned for apparent Metagaming, in a very similar situation where he failed to convincingly keep his deep cover, and interrupted the proceeding roleplay because things didn't go his way.

The above was for context as to C.Daniels' relationship to me prior. On to the ban itself:

The "LTAP" reason:- My game is prone to frequent crashes. My game happened to crash at the worst time, right as I was about to receive a warning. If you are inclined to not believe me, ask yourself this - I was informed I was receiving a warning, I am very well aware of the consequences of LTAP. So why would I do it intentionally?

Instead of checking logs to see the actual reason for the disconnect, which is fully visible within standard ulx logs. Basilisk just decided to ban me.

FearRP - Take a look at this clip:

This is the clip itself that got me a warning, it is taken directly from C.Daniels point of view but is selectively edited.
Just prior to this, C.Daniels decided to jump into our vehicle while we were driving at 30 mph. Very unrealistic. He stayed in here despite us asking him to leave. My friend, Reus Crispies, got out of the car and shot at C.Daniels. Reus was killed 1 second before the start of this clip, and I proceeded to start pulling my gun out as soon as C.Daniels started to reload.

Despite the selective editing, as can be seen in the clip, C.Daniels was in a state of starting his reload animation when he ordered us to "stop moving". I decided to take my opportunity when he was reloading to attempt to get revenge for my murdered friend.
It could be argued I would have been better off doing it slightly earlier, but as can be seen in the clip, I managed to get off multiple shots on C.Daniels before he finishes his reload animation and starts shooting me.
For these reasons, it was entirely valid from an RP and rules perspective, for me to pull a gun and attempt to defend myself.

But no, C.Daniels proceeded in this situation to jump into a moving car, minge around and annoy us, and then kill us.
Despite this, I had no interest in starting an admin sit, but C.Daniels, the person who had just gunned down 3 civilians and was alive afterwards, decided to call an admin sit and once again, demand I am warned for my apparent crimes.

During this sit, the admin in question, 'Basilisk' was extremely unprofessional, constantly talking over me when I was trying to explain myself, and being completely delusional and in denial about the clip, claiming "you would never pull out a gun in real life".
I don't really intend on taking action against Basilisk, but his attitude towards the situation obviously skewed the result of the admin sit, and not allowing myself a proper opportunity to defend myself from these accusations was very unbecoming of an admin, who is meant to be impartial, rather than taking sides.

If a man was threatening you with a gun in real life, having just shot your friend, and starts reloading his gun, that would be the perfect, most sensible, and only real moment to take action against the guy with the gun in order to save your own life.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?:
The only thing I can do is to completely avoid C.Daniels in game, seeing as he is intent on calling an admin sit on me for absolutely no reason and accuses me of things I don't do.

Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
Because I very much enjoy playing on this server and love the interactions and RP I have on it (With the notable exception of any C.Daniels encounter). I should not be unfairly punished because of this man's childish attempts to bait admin sits and get me warned for no reason.

I'd love to rejoin the server because I get on with almost everyone on the server and have a great time on it, it is a shame however that people like C.Daniels seem intent on not allowing me to do so.

Thanks for reading. Hope to see you all again soon.
Jun 30, 2022
Hello Reggie the reason i banned you for LTAP is because you just dissappeared whilst in the sit and you also had a bad attitude before hand and said I don't care when i tried to explain to you what you did wrong and that you have to follow the rules so i thought you left intentionally and i didn't know you crashed and for that i'm sorry and yeah next time i will wait more than 5 minutes, And you did break FearRp also if you see daniels breaking rules please report it to staff. Also i'm sorry if you felt that i was unproffessinal and i did allow you the chance to explain and i only talked over you when i wanted to hear daniels input also calling staff delusional isn't helping your case, And i wasn't in "denial" I saw the evidence presented by mr daniels and it's a clear example of breaking fearrp like for example if someone pointed a gun at your head in real life you wouldn't pull out your own gun cuz that would just get you killed.

Reggie Kumangstein

New Member
Oct 26, 2022
Hello Reggie the reason i banned you for LTAP is because you just dissappeared whilst in the sit and you also had a bad attitude before hand and said I don't care when i tried to explain to you what you did wrong and that you have to follow the rules so i thought you left intentionally and i didn't know you crashed and for that i'm sorry and yeah next time i will wait more than 5 minutes, And you did break FearRp also if you see daniels breaking rules please report it to staff. Also i'm sorry if you felt that i was unproffessinal and i did allow you the chance to explain and i only talked over you when i wanted to hear daniels input also calling staff delusional isn't helping your case, And i wasn't in "denial" I saw the evidence presented by mr daniels and it's a clear example of breaking fearrp like for example if someone pointed a gun at your head in real life you wouldn't pull out your own gun cuz that would just get you killed.
I appreciate your response and accept your apology. I'd like to also offer my apologies for the use of the words "delusional" and "in denial", that was a harsh and unfair emotional reaction to me getting banned.
I also appreciate your commitment to improving, based upon your willingness to admit fault in the case of the LTAP warning.

However, I do not accept your premise that I broke FearRP. As I explained in my appeal, and as is evident in the clip, Daniels is reloading when I pull out my weapon. I in fact, have enough time to get off 2 shots on Daniels before he has even finished his reloading animation.
There was not a loaded weapon pointed at me at any time prior to me pulling out my own weapon to defend myself from someone who had just gunned down my friend, and I assumed was proceeding to shoot me also once he had reloaded.

I appreciate your position on this, but I would implore you to re-visit the clip with this in mind.
You will find that there was never a point in this situation in which I was held at direct gunpoint, with a gun ready to shoot immediately.
Had that been the case, you would be entirely correct in calling it FearRP for me to pull out a weapon under such circumstances. But these weren't the circumstances. And as can be seen in the clip, I proceeded to start damaging Daniels in a position and time when he could not retaliate for a solid second.

I would have killed him too, if my aim wasn't so crap lol.

Appreciate your response in any case, but with all mentioned here I feel the ban should be removed at this point.
The warning, we can continue to discuss.

Appeal Denied

Hello @Reggie Kumangstein

After reviewing both sides of the story and the clip, I can confirm you did infact break FearRP.

Whilst yes, he was reloading, you are a citizen, who then decided to pull out a pistol in reaction to being held under gunpoint. This is indeed FearRP, and as such that warning will stay.

I will talk to Basilisk about professionalism, and waiting for LTAP, however your ban will remain the same as it runs out quite soon, and you have broken quite a few of our rules.

Additionally, if you do feel targeted by a certain player you may report this to me or another member of Server Leadership so we can provide a more friendly environment for you to experience.

I hope this clears things up, have a good day.​
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