Reiner's Director of Research Application [UK]

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Aug 3, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:619179282
Discord name: dasnexo
For how long have you played on CG SCP: about 9-10 months
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: Germany
Time zone: GMT+1
Character name(s):
Reiner Zephyran (F), 'Reiner' (CI) Reiner 'Solis' (GOC)
Civilian name:
Winkel Reiner
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Executive Researcher (Holding); CI-G [PLP] (Holding); CI-G (Held); GOC SPC [PVT] (Held); MTF-E11 CPL (Held)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have not received any kicks or similar yet.

Why are you applying for Director of Research?:
The position of DoR is the next step in progression within the Research Department and I personally think that I possess the necessary experience to be a good Director. During my time as Executive I have witnessed multiple directors, some of them became good friends, who were more than ready to answer all of my questions. That is one of many reasons why I have always looked up to them, especially Mirai and Pennington. I would love to be someone, who most of the people within the community can trust. Being a DoR would allow me to help other Researchers better than before. It is also a position that is crucial for RP, not only within the Research Department itself, but also for other Departments such as GENSEC or E-11.

What makes you suitable for Director of Research?:
I have been an Executive for a long time now and gathered a lot of experience in terms of Research and the SCPs that are on-site.
Additionally, I consider myself to be a friendly and approachable person who is passionate about research and RP.
Although I am currently on LOA I believe that my activity is, in general, is more than acceptable.
As I already mentioned I have witnessed many Directors of Research and assisted multiple of them with their work

- (Giving my opinion on some documents, helping with RP, etc.)
I try to help other Researchers as best as I can, while also being as friendly as possible.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP?:
• Managing the Research Department and choosing/removing the Executives
• Authorizing certain Crosstests if their approval is needed
• Enforcing the Research Policy and ensuring that no Researchers act unethical/mingy
• Creating/maintaining relationships with other Departments
• Assisting/informing any Researchers that ask for help

Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Executive Researcher Reiner Zephyran can be seen sitting in front of a computer in his office, with another person standing in the shadows
There is a notebook next to the computer, it is opened and a page with the headline «The Valley of Tears» is shown.
Several notes at the edges of the page have been crossed out with only one paragraph still visible: “Crossing the Valley of Tears first takes one through a river of blood.”
Reiner logs into the SCIPNET system with his keycard and opens the archive.

»INPUT: <Angelus non est invictus>
< Notebook Entry #21- 30/08/20██ -’Motes’-Slices of Reality>
< Notebook Entry #23- 11/09/20██ -Project OV Reopened>
< Notebook Entry #26- 15/09/20██ -Azrael Sightings>
< Notebook Entry #28- 25/09/20██ -’The Palace’
< Notebook Entry #29- 22/10/20██ -’FRD-271-X1’>
< Notebook Entry #30- 22/10/20██ -’Soul-Reaping Scythe’>
< Audio Recording #22- 02/12/20██ -’Valor of Conscience’>
< Notebook Entry #40- 06/02/20██ -’SE-3024’>
< Notebook Entry #42- 31/03/20██-’Ora Vitae’ Project Lead>
»INPUT: <SEARCH: ‘Valley of Tears’>
/ENTRIES CONTAINING ‘Valley of Tears’\
<Notebook Entry #28 ‘The Palace’>
»INPUT: <ADD ENTRY #53; #54; #55, DATE: 23/03/2024 >
<NAME: #53 ‘Valley of Tears’; #54 ‘The Chorus’; #55 ‘The River of Blood’>
/OPENING ENTRY #40-’SE 3024’\

Reiner: If we manage to repair this machine, we could use it to understand what this river of blood or the valley of tears is.
Unknown Voice: Do you really think so? Remember what happened last time we activated it. Maybe we should just leave it in this condition. Or at least get someone who can actually do something in the case this goes wrong.
Reiner: And who do you think would actually support this test? It’s most likely too unethical for the Committee to approve tests like this and would be too high of a risk to be supported by the O5.
Unknown Voice: I think I know someone who would support this test and help fund the upcoming tests. Although he won't help us as an official representative, he still offered to support us with the resources that are available to him.
Reiner: Do you mean C██████ W██████?
Unknown Voice: Yes, W██████.
Reiner: And those 'resources' you mentioned, do you mean ██████-1?
Unknown Voice: Not just them, he also agreed to fund the materials needed to repair SCP-9384.
Reiner: Are you sure that we can trust C██████?
Unknown Voice: We can’t be 100% sure, but it’s still worth a try.
Reiner: If anything goes wrong it's your fault J██████ keep that in mind.
J██████: In that case we still have a sleeper agent in ██████-1.
Reiner: An agent that won't listen to you, remember? But that’s not important at the moment. I think it’s almost time to go now. Let’s go and meet with C██████, don't forget to bring some amnestics though, just in case he declines the offer. Class A should be enough.
Reiner logs out of the SCIPNET system and shuts off the computer.
J██████ and Reiner leave the room to continue trying to repair the broken anomaly SCP-9384

The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████.

Hello, @Reiner Zephyran

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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