Accepted Remove Deployable Shield usage outside of bases/During war

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Jul 10, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Simple. Disallows the use of deployable shields outside of bases or during war. I think it's safe to say the addon has been abused on rocky positions or behind additional cover to provide fucking OBSCENE headglitch spots which are 'technically legal because they're using a shield hurr durr'

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-No more free headglitching (seriously, how is this allowed)
-See images

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-Bad players cant rack up a 30 kd without being shot once

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
If you genuinely think this is fun to play against. I want to speak to you.
Upvote -3
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Jun 27, 2022
-support as the police regs lack good equipment[ I should know we did not have a at4 intel this year after it was swapped for are c4 that we got last year and I have played in mp regs since server launch. we also have no stingers bar perma ones and bad reg kit guns for both/co gun on rmp has misaligned sites but is good other wise. kbar is good so ya]
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MilitaryRP Staff
Resources Team
Mar 19, 2023


Hello Jason, like Gene said RMP/KGB don't get much other equipment to use during wars or outside of base and the shields are basically the one thing we get but using shields is fine only thing that isn't allowed as SA have said is when someone is using a deployable shield its should be on the same level as the opposed person or similar level, like you have shown on the South town picture, that is not allowed as the person with the shield is on a higher altitude, if it was lower or same level it would be fine.

Leaning towards a neutral if people keep abusing this =Neutral

helloooo jasooon , like everyone said in here... the deployable shield is the only piece of kit that KGB/RMP regiment has that is allowed during wars that is generally avaible for anyone in the regiment and not blocked by a person limit (AT4 has a 1 person limit as it is only avaiable on the rso kit) using shields is always tricky as you don't know if you are headglitching or not and you can't always place your shield on some spots / maps.
anf for people who say you guys got the ceramic kit.. i have been playing in wars for like months on end and i haven't seen a single moment where a ceramic kit saved someone from a sniper shot.

also for the response below. No kit in rmp/kgb has both the deployable and hevy shield at the same time, the only kit that has both is either RC or spetznas (on kgb) and then we have to sacrifice our weapon (hk417) to the ppsh which is the worst one of our two kits. i also feel like we have no war equipement at all then if shields are gone.

Litterly without deployable, it would be heavy (which you can still shoot through if you are good) , ceramic (which doesn't work) and at4 (limited to1 person).
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Jul 10, 2021
Yeahh I'm gonna add another two cents.

MP/KGB Do Not Need a Free Headglitch.

I felt this obvious but apparently not.
I know better than most that the MP kit is limited, however I also know better than most what it's like to play with, and play against the deployable shield. And to make a long story short, it's miserable.

Sure, the MP kits are limited. But the deployable shield being restricted does very little to change that.
This isn't a case of whether or not MP have enough. They do, and they are NOT GETTING IT REMOVED.
This is a suggestion of balancing, not of content.

Im almost positive that any job that has a deployable shield also has a heavy shield, so the argument that KGB have no content left if this is restricted is quite literally null. You can achieve the same thing with two players, and one using a shield. But contrary to the deployable shield, this method is balanced as it doesn't actually make headglitches.

I am not opposed to the use of deployable shields in appropriate ways, such as in bases as they use CORRIDORS! These make for the deployable shields to be actually usable for defensive purposes without breaking balance and causing a unplayable mess for the rest of us.



MilitaryRP Staff
Resources Team
Mar 19, 2023
Yeahh I'm gonna add another two cents.

MP/KGB Do Not Need a Free Headglitch.

I felt this obvious but apparently not.
I know better than most that the MP kit is limited, however I also know better than most what it's like to play with, and play against the deployable shield. And to make a long story short, it's miserable.

Sure, the MP kits are limited. But the deployable shield being restricted does very little to change that.
This isn't a case of whether or not MP have enough. They do, and they are NOT GETTING IT REMOVED.
This is a suggestion of balancing, not of content.

Im almost positive that any job that has a deployable shield also has a heavy shield, so the argument that KGB have no content left if this is restricted is quite literally null. You can achieve the same thing with two players, and one using a shield. But contrary to the deployable shield, this method is balanced as it doesn't actually make headglitches.

I am not opposed to the use of deployable shields in appropriate ways, such as in bases as they use CORRIDORS! These make for the deployable shields to be actually usable for defensive purposes without breaking balance and causing a unplayable mess for the rest of us.

Hello Jason,

what if the shield gets removed and RMP/KGB get a stinger aswell or a grapple hook or something like that?
Jul 10, 2021
I dont think removing the shield from being used is the right way, I do however think that it should count as headglitching because.... its headglitching. I think making it against the rules to use them in this way would be the best outcome.
9/10 times you use the shield it's "headglitching" even when it doesn't seem like it to the user. Perfect example is the barn image.
Punishing people for using the shield by warning them for headglitching as it is isn't the right approach.
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