Content Suggestion Remove/Reduce SCP Job Switching cooldown

Content Suggestions will be reviewed by Content Team weekly, please allow time as not everything can be reviewed at once.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Removes or reduces the SCP Job Switching cooldown. Also adds the ability to swap SCPs while on another SCP job

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Don't think so

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+Quicker response of SCPs when asking for a test

+Less player frustration, making it easier to to play different SCPs

+Possibly more activity on SCPs, being given the option to play the SCP being interacted with rather than sitting AFK in an empty cell

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- People flag on SCPs after being asked (I guess this was the original reason)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I just don't believe this system to be necessary. As far as I understand, this system was added to prevent people from swapping SCPs as a result of being asked to, either to be breached or tested on. I don't think it benefits anyone to have this system. Even if people swap on an SCP purely to be tested or breached, why does that need to be restricted? SCPs already wait several hours in a dark cell devoid of human contact, we don't need to make it even more difficult for people to have interactions as SCPs, which are already typically inactive unless actively breached. If someone who's already been waiting as an SCP for ages wants to swap SCPs to be tested or breached, let them. It does nothing and benefits nobody to have this system in my opinion.
Jul 15, 2023
I think the reason this is in place is because of weirdness/bugginess with the breach queue. If you jump from one SCP to the other, the breach queue might freak out and put you and/or other people in the wrong place. Like, if this is either not the reason or technologically solveable, then
But yeah.
Suggestion Denied

Hi FrostByte,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion because the reason we added a cooldown and removed the ability to swap from one SCP to another immediately is for Balance Reasons. For example, during peak times, you could be on 173 waiting to breach. You may be PM'd to get on 7722 by either a breached SCP with a breach swep or by a D-Class who will hack you out and now you can immediately switch to that SCP and get breached. The cooldown is added to combat that and during peak times, makes it harder for people to do this as often.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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