Denied Remove/Rework Janitor Job.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion is based around the removal of the janitor job.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Less lag.
- Opportunity to add another useful job.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Content team probably worked on this quite a bit and it would be a shame to remove it.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Let's all be honest, since the janitor job got added the lag increased. There is multiple reasons why, one of them being the large amount of decals on the ground that I swear increase by time. Realistically there is no point in cleaning up those decals as they respawn in 5 minutes (or so) after being cleaned. Content team is probably going to deny this because they worked so hard for an update that nobody asked for, and if you are not gonna remove the janitor job atleast rework it in some way, add a higher cooldown for the dirt decal respawn (30 minutes or something) or make it so once they are cleaned, they don't respawn at all. Another way this problem can easily be fixed is removing the dirt decals from CL4/CL3 areas, it's not like janitors are ever gonna have access behind CL4 doors just to clean a dirt patch that will respawn anyways.
I am honestly pissed at the fact that useless content is being added and lagging the server even more, but trying to fix the lag itself is just not an option for content team.
As an ending statement, I want to address how it feels being a combative and playing on 200 ping. Besides the FPS lag, which I could possibly blame my PC for, trying to fight with 200 ping during peak times is like gambling. It's basically a diceroll if your shots hit, register, and if they actually do damage to your enemy. I'm not speaking only for myself, every other combative around the globe but US is experiencing the same exact problem. This suggestion is only one step to try and fix the lag, as 2 years ago, when I joined the server I did not have the same problem.

Doug 'TrippleD'

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 19, 2024
Wow, really? You made a suggestion to remove a critical foundation job such as the Janitor? This job is useful for janitorial RP on the foundation , a example would be when a drink was dropped on the floor and we need a Janitor to clean it up! Furthermore the Janitor has crucial items like the hoover needed to clean up the dirty floor and prevent it from being dirty, how could you forget to consider this?

You have also not informed either the US SA team - Nor the rest of the UK SA team about this change. This is keeping important changes withheld from us, and next time you need to tell us of such major changes.
-Awful suggestion, do better next time buddy.
Wow, really? You made a suggestion to remove a critical foundation job such as the Janitor? This job is useful for janitorial RP on the foundation , a example would be when a drink was dropped on the floor and we need a Janitor to clean it up! Furthermore the Janitor has crucial items like the hoover needed to clean up the dirty floor and prevent it from being dirty, how could you forget to consider this?

You have also not informed either the US SA team - Nor the rest of the UK SA team about this change. This is keeping important changes withheld from us, and next time you need to tell us of such major changes.
-Awful suggestion, do better next time buddy.

Jeffrey Nut

Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 6, 2023
ngl.... its so fucking useless like its either another minge job or just a dead job nothin going on there idk about uk but like on us useless


Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
I want to address a few things on this.

since the janitor job got added the lag increased.
The janitor actually doesn't increase lag for anyone, even in profiles that I conduct, it doesn't even reach "top 10" of the laggiest things we have.

I am honestly pissed at the fact that useless content is being added and lagging the server even more, but trying to fix the lag itself is just not an option for content team.
Content team had no involvement in the addition of the Janitor and this was added by Ventz, The content teams responsibility is also not to "fix" the lag, their responsibility is to manage the state of the server for suggestions and small items that can be edited in games, whereas Developers and Network Leadership hold responsibility for server lag, which I am constantly investigating to find the causes that we can optimise as I agree the lagginess is less than ideal, but its not a simple "5 minute fix"
Content team had no involvement in the addition of the Janitor and this was added by Ventz, The content teams responsibility is also not to "fix" the lag, their responsibility is to manage the state of the server for suggestions and small items that can be edited in games, whereas Developers and Network Leadership hold responsibility for server lag, which I am constantly investigating to find the causes that we can optimise as I agree the lagginess is less than ideal, but its not a simple "5 minute fix"
I see you add at the end of your statement, "not a simple 5 minute fix", yet, I'm more than sure me and you both have known for a while what is in that "top 10". I get that you guys are updating the map and that might also contribute to the lag (we won't compare old ez with new ez) but you have to find fixes. Put all your brains together and I'm sure you can figure out what is the main lag source.
Although you say the janitor job doesn't increase lag, I don't believe you. Slowly removing useless things on the server will help at one point.
I see you add at the end of your statement, "not a simple 5 minute fix", yet, I'm more than sure me and you both have known for a while what is in that "top 10". I get that you guys are updating the map and that might also contribute to the lag (we won't compare old ez with new ez) but you have to find fixes. Put all your brains together and I'm sure you can figure out what is the main lag source.
Although you say the janitor job doesn't increase lag, I don't believe you. Slowly removing useless things on the server will help at one point.
I don't believe you that it causes lag :geek:
I see you add at the end of your statement, "not a simple 5 minute fix", yet, I'm more than sure me and you both have known for a while what is in that "top 10". I get that you guys are updating the map and that might also contribute to the lag (we won't compare old ez with new ez) but you have to find fixes. Put all your brains together and I'm sure you can figure out what is the main lag source.
Although you say the janitor job doesn't increase lag, I don't believe you. Slowly removing useless things on the server will help at one point.
They know the #1 contributor of lag, but PAC3 makes up a huge chunk of their revenue.

Other major contributors (as far as I'm aware) are the electric signs (which most were removed, except a bunch of senior admins re added a bunch more), dimensions (which won't be removed, as both multiple paid option SCPs and jobs surround the dimensions), and unnecessary perma propped items (which again, most were removed (especially from GOC base, Yeke stole my coffee machine) and again were readded to random offices).

If you want "quick fixes" for lag, start championing for removing the like 30 cabinets in places like ISD offices, or the electrical signs that were readded when they could just be replaced by decals.

Jeffrey Nut

Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 6, 2023
ima be honest the first time i Quited the server was when dimensions were added why? is lagged the server for me personally bad idk about other people but it wasant enjoyable as before i just came back a few months ago and it got a lil bit better but simple fixes are like what guardian said removing useless perma props that dont contuct too much off RP or in rooms that arent being used. AND
If you want "quick fixes" for lag, start championing for removing the like 30 cabinets in places like ISD offices, or the electrical signs that were readded when they could just be replaced by decals.
YES removed all the fucking cabinets well not all but most of them, like a few weeks ago me and o5 went into the Room and there were like 30+ cabinets not being used in the arachive room including thoese ones that are like all arounnd ISD offices, there are way too many cabinets in one place and then they arent actully used most of the time


Senior Administrator
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SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Group Moderator
Dec 20, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Driver ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

The janitor update does not contribute to lag in any significant way. Removing content does not necessarily increase server performance.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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