Network Leadership required Remove SCP-500 Pills from D-Class & MC&D

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Removes the SCP-500 pills that both MC&D & D-Class Scout spawn with / can spawn. These can be replaced with an alternative, of which I will not specify as that is not the nature of my suggestion. Currently, SCP-500 is a Clearance Level 3/4 SCP item. Despite this, it is widely known about and used by personnel down to CL1. This is because it's easily acquired, contradicting the lore of the object itself (in that the capacity of 500 pills is limited, and irreplicable). And, is possessed freely by D-Class scouts.

My suggestion, simply, is that this item no longer be sold through the medium of MC&D, or provided to D-Class upon spawning. I'd like to see, overall, a focus on bringing secrecy back into the RP atmosphere. It feels now like everyone knows... Everything. And simple things like an SCP being classified to Clearance Level 3 are ignored for the sake of convenience. This isn't to say it's the fault of any players, though. Who wants to amnesticate every CL1 / CL2 personnel who had the item info breached, and or sold to them by an MC&D? That, or the Cadet who innocently weaponed checked a D-Class scout.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
To my knowledge, no.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- A more 'realistic' arsenal for both D-Class and MC&D that does not contradict other content on the server.
- SCP-500 can now be coveted, and used more frequently in RP.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Someone might try and argue 'balancing'. Sure, but it's easy enough to give D-Class a field kit or such if that's a concern. In terms of MC&D, they need a little more to do, period. But, this could easily be replaced with an alternative item of almost any kind.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Overall, I don't see much of a harm in this. It could cause increased use of SCP-500 in RP, as opposed to a shitty sold item, or one that D-Class spawn with. It might make the scarcity of the item a little more prevalent in RP, too.
Honestly a field kit, same as the ones from dispensers I think would be better. It doesnt make sense for D-Class to be able to sort their own fractures, but using some crude plasters is a W

As for MC&D, instead I think it'd be good if they just had something unique... right now they're remanded to being gun dealers but MC&D in lore are much more. Perhaps radios (the music ones) or something similar could be cool as its "£100 for a radio" with an MC&D auction channel added so it works as an advertisement, or even to play this:
and I know theres an MC&D, that Secretlabs did that could be cool
but this would require video editing time, though this is something I now wanna cook for a new event as I type... oh well;

I understand that people are going to make the argument that MC&D will lose out. But, in order for them to actually get some improvements or additional content in future, you gotta wade through the shit...
why not add the cool shit first then remove the bad shit? Personally I feel like a better alternative would be increasing the Price of the SCP-500 pill, and attempting to make it more RP orientated for the surface factions for tests, but removing one of MC&D's only actual anomalies is pretty lame imo.

hell, someone go make a MC&D rework pls 🙏
Jun 20, 2023
+Support for the D-class scout aslong as it's not just a simple field kit as d-class can easily get it without needing 50% achievements
-Support for MC&D, They have little to no scps they can sell, if it was expanded on in the future but not currently.
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Alex/John Dingle

Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 7, 2022
+Support for the d boys (give them the advanced field kit from MRP tho (its just a better field kit))
-Support on MC&D, now what i would find cool is a whole rework of MC&D to be kind-off like the Eastern resistance from MRP, being able to do minor raids on the foundation to attempt to steal SCP's and sell them to CI or GOC. (tbf now that i think more about it maybe no?)
That is not the point of the suggestion. We cannot remove one without the other, else my concerns with the overall feature still remain.
personally I feel like a less extreme option (which wouldn't fix the issue 100% that you're talking about in the suggestion) would just be to
increase the price of the 500 pill that MC&D sell. It's currently their cheapest sell, so increasing it's price would result in less just general usage of it, but still allow MC&D to sell at least a anomaly.

Again, this doesn't fix it completely, but people disagree with removing it from MC&D, so I feel like it would just be best to increase its pricing.
personally I feel like a less extreme option (which wouldn't fix the issue 100% that you're talking about in the suggestion) would just be to
increase the price of the 500 pill that MC&D sell. It's currently their cheapest sell, so increasing it's price would result in less just general usage of it, but still allow MC&D to sell at least a anomaly.

Again, this doesn't fix it completely, but people disagree with removing it from MC&D, so I feel like it would just be best to increase its pricing.
Perhaps you're trying to enable a 'crash-out', Niox.

Raising the price of the aforementioned SCP Object will NOT render my overall issue with the feature remediated. The pill will still be obtainable outside of what should realistically be possible. I.E, the pill should ONLY be obtainable via theft of the object from it's containment area.

I hope this clarifies why I would not be in support of the price being 'modified'. The feature must be removed.
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