Denied Remove the ability to call nuke if 008 is within the Entrance Zone, or Floor-2.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Removes the ability for Site-Command to immediately call a nuke when an 008-2 instance is on EZ or F2. It makes no sense as they are still contained within the site & have a VERY high chance of being killed by turrets and/ or ERT/ GOC/ MTF.
NOTE: This does NOT restrict SC's ability to call a nuke when 008-2 instances are ON SURFACE; just on F2 and/ or EZ.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Better 008-2 breaches
+ Less nukes/ less ability for Site-Command to immediately cause an RP reset
+ More RP & fun for most if not all factions
+ Rare 008-2 breaches get to continue for longer

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Site-Command can't ruin the server's fun and/ or RP as easily.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The most recent nuke that happened (4:42 PM 4/25/2023) was universally disliked by most MTF, GOC, CI, & the breached SCPs. The nuke was triggered because a single 008-2 instance made it up the elevator to F2, without getting into lobby or even touching turrets, resulting in an instant nuke trigger by the Ethics Committee.

Every. Single. Person in OOC was upset about it, as GOC were waiting at garage with an APC, Nerve gas, Nitros, a Jugg, & multiple strike team members, as well as E-11 starting to retake the breach, & multiple persons having fun within the site. You can see the OOC reactions here as well as my own and a few GOC.

ERT wasn't even allowed to be called in, & the breach had only occurred for maybe 10-15 minutes as far as I was aware(as a GOC). The UN requested an update multiple times, all of which were ignored until the final time in which the nuke was called anyways.

I don't think I am alone in thinking it was a fail nuke, nor was it properly justified & felt more like the EC finding any small reason to activate the warhead & do an RP reset. It felt unrealistic, & generally malicious.
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Since this relates to the most recent breach, I feel for the benefit of the record that the timeline should be recorded.

008 breaches are massively disruptive towards roleplay, hence why we limit them to only allowing limited groups to breach them. As a general rule when it comes to nuking, when its normal breaches (I.E not 008 breaches) we hold off nuking until ERT is deployed.

The issue with 008s are, they don't count as kills for ERT, meaning that most of the site can be affected, but the ERT deployment chance is still 0. Site Command has rules in place when it comes to nuke, it can generally be surmised below.

- Multiple SCP breach where ERT has failed
- Massive 008 Breach that has breached beyond EZ checkpoint.

Now to clarify some of the points you made in the post.

The nuke was triggered as there were multiple 008s in the lift to Floor 2. I should know, I had people reporting it.

You forget I was the one that requested you,

and when GOC asked what happened, I was the one that responded to you

During that time, Sits were being made that 008s were camping spawns and other players RPs were being ruined and had to be halted. 008 breaches are not designed to last for long periods of time once they are outside of HCZ. There's a reason for that, its the most disruptive feature on the server.

- Support.
I did ask at least 4 different times & you only responded when the instances were making it past EZ.
You DID respond, I never said you didn't, I said you ignored us until the problem was so large a nuke was required.
The breach lasted around 20-30 minutes, as far as I and many others were aware.
This situation feels more malicious than required, as there were no communications between the EC/Foundation and the GOC until a nuke was required, which is far too slow. This is a VERY consistent problem that makes playing GOC annoying whenever a Foundation interaction is needed.


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
-support, everything I would say has been said like 5 times.
Nuke is there to prevent literally world ending issues from occurring in RP, quite literally the whole point
as a ci main myself i believe i cope alot but after reading some of kitos suggestions glad to see i dont cope as much as i thought i did
Jul 23, 2022
This situation feels more malicious than required, as there were no communications between the EC/Foundation and the GOC until a nuke was required, which is far too slow. This is a VERY consistent problem that makes playing GOC annoying whenever a Foundation interaction is needed.
I'm going to be honest, when dealing with large scale breaches, and people yelling things into your ear and monitoring the various levels of comms and trying to work out what is happening, Most SC members don't think of GOC. There isn't any malicious behind it, it is quite simply a case of tunnel vision. You see it happen in game, and it also happens in the real world.

Is there things that can be done to improve communications , sure, but this suggestion of restricting when nukes can be used, something that's is already heavily restricted, doesn't address those concerns. All it does is prevent players from being able to get back to normal RP.


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
bro im just gonna be real i imagine the goc in your video was all the goc on about 6 people how are you stopping 008 with 60+ instances also you said in teh video that "It doesnt matter they have all the fun" are you saying the foundation right before 008 gets into the civilian surface shouldnt nuke so 6 people can get to shoot some 008?
The Foundation ignores us 95% of the time.
If instances made it to surface it's different, but they didn't, nor did you even let the GOC assist. It just feels like a complete ignorance of RP in favor of not dealing with a breach.
There is still a bulkhead stopping them, plus all of the AA & GOC.
Yea the GOC's RP doesn't revolve around the central RP faction of the server at all. We can make our own RP with civilians, the issue is that there aren't enough, if any, civilians to RP with most of the time, & most aren't very good at RP.
It just sounds like cope to me, plus you never play GOC. I've legit only seen you once on GOC, & the other PSYCHE lead has only seen you once over the span of 2 weeks.
I'm on LOA and even then I play when not a lot of people are on. Just because YOU think I'm inactive doesn't mean I am.


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Content Team
Group Moderator
May 23, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Kito,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion because this suggestion simply does not make sense. It's the Alpha Warhead objetive to prevent that this SCPs breach into surface, otherwise it would cause alot of damage and damage to the RP.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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