Accepted Remove the Base Kidnapping cooldown [MRP]

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

This would remove, or severely reduce, the base kidnapping cooldown.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Not sure, don't think so?

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

The main benefit would be allowing more peacetime activity, giving special forces more of a spec-ops character to them, and encouraging people in bases to be more cautious and alert for danger.

It would also make things more exciting in peacetime. Having an AG/SAS kidnapping raid ongoing was always fun to be a part of.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

The obvious being people will inevitably complain about constant raids. Maybe a reduction in the cooldown would be a good middle ground?

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I'd like to specify: This is a suggestion to remove the BASE KIDNAPPING COOLDOWN, NOT THE HACKING COOLDOWN.

When MRP first launched there were no kidnapping cooldowns, especially for base kidnappings. AG/SAS could rock up to a base, sneak in and would 95% of the time get absolutely slaughtered because of course they would.

The balance was that they were entering a military base and people were expected it. It was a very rare occasion that a base kidnapping would actually work. But every time it was fun to do. It gave people something to actually try and achieve.

The current cooldown was put in place after a successful kidnapping where AG enetered the NATO base unopposed through the front gate, but that's a failing on NATO to secure their base? Why introduce a rule to protect against incompetence?

Currently the cooldown is placed at an hour. It's high risk, very low reward, so it stifles and encouragement to actually go and do it. I've rarely seen any attempt at base kidnappings since 2021, which is a shame because they were just fun to be a part of, being kidnapping or doing the kidnapping.

Obviously the playercount is lower, you'd have to allow it at a certain amount of numbers to ensure that bases are adequately protected.

I feel a lot of what made MRP was the peacetime interactions in base, but the slow creep of making bases impenetrable and limiting any forms of roleplay have really damaged the server long term. Removing this cooldown (or severely limiting it to like 10 minutes) would breathe back some life into the server.

Another issue is the time actually being held and negotiating. I feel this is a valid concern and that most kidnappings in the old days were done just for fun, or for intel. I'd suggest making it so that base kidnappings can only be done to gain information from the victim, before they are executed or turned loose. A base kidnapping for monetary gains should be limited to once an hour.

tl;dr - it used to be a very common and fun element of peacetime. It was taken away without any real thought and people have just accepted the rule is there for a reason when in reality it's caused peacetime activity to suffer.

Before downvoting - MRP players consistently ask for more roleplay, but more roleplay means more scenarios like this that are player-instigated and player-led. If MRP was fine and balanced with 100+ players when these were happening, it'd be fine and balanced with 40.
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Dr Drew

Super Administrator
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MilitaryRP Staff
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Group Moderator
Jan 29, 2022
Suggestion Accepted

Hi @Valkon ,
Your suggestion has been accepted.
Content/SL will not be removing the timer as we know that it would cause a lot of issues but we are going to lower it from every 1 hour to every 20 minutes
Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion​
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