Denied Remove the CI Technical Expert

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Aug 19, 2022
What does this suggestion remove:
This suggestion is to remove the CI Technical Expert job from CI, they're unnecessary and no RP is done with them besides that the COs prefer to fix things with their own repair tools. Similarly, add repair tools and technician tool to the CI operative job as they're more suited for the role than a 2 slot cl3 job that has nothing to do in the base as doors are rarely broken and computers are rarely used.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not that I can think off, no

Possible Positives of the suggestion:
- There will be another slot for a different job that could come up in the future
- A new job can be created out of the technical expert that would be more suited for CI

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Not any negatives that I can think off

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This suggestion should be accepted because CI does not use this job at all as it does not have any use in the CI base in general as the CO jobs can repair all the broken doors and computers themselves, I also believe that there can be a better job made out of the technical expert than it being a useless job which I do not know what it could be yet which it should be posted in another suggestions.
Wow, really? You made a suggestion to remove a critical CI job such as the technical expert? This job is useful for maintenance RP on the servers in CI base, a example would be when a virus was uploaded into out system and we needed a technical expert to remove it. Furthermore the technical expert has crucial items like the mop needed to clean up CI base and prevent it from being dirty, how could you forget to consider this?

You have also not informed either the US CO team - Nor the rest of the UK CO team about this change. This is keeping important changes withheld from us, and next time you need to tell us of such major changes.
-Awful suggestion, do better next time buddy.
Wow, really? You made a suggestion to remove a critical CI job such as the technical expert? This job is useful for maintenance RP on the servers in CI base, a example would be when a virus was uploaded into out system and we needed a technical expert to remove it. Furthermore the technical expert has crucial items like the mop needed to clean up CI base and prevent it from being dirty, how could you forget to consider this?

You have also not informed either the US CO team - Nor the rest of the UK CO team about this change. This is keeping important changes withheld from us, and next time you need to tell us of such major changes.
-Awful suggestion, do better next time buddy.
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Simply rename the job to 'CI Engineer'. Nothing could possibly go wrong with that.
the tech job for CI if it isn't used then less bloat is always good
As a smaller faction, I don't think the lesser used and more frivolous jobs would count toward bloat and population thinning as much as say, Foundation jobs.
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Well-known Member
Apr 13, 2024
Wow, really? You made a suggestion to remove a critical CI job such as the technical expert? This job is useful for maintenance RP on the servers in CI base, a example would be when a virus was uploaded into out system and we needed a technical expert to remove it. Furthermore the technical expert has crucial items like the mop needed to clean up CI base and prevent it from being dirty, how could you forget to consider this?

You have also not informed either the US CO team - Nor the rest of the UK CO team about this change. This is keeping important changes withheld from us, and next time you need to tell us of such major changes.


-Awful suggestion, do better next time buddy.
Last edited:
Wow, really? You made a suggestion to remove a critical CI job such as the technical expert? This job is useful for maintenance RP on the servers in CI base, a example would be when a virus was uploaded into out system and we needed a technical expert to remove it. Furthermore the technical expert has crucial items like the mop needed to clean up CI base and prevent it from being dirty, how could you forget to consider this?

You have also not informed either the US CO team - Nor the rest of the UK CO team about this change. This is keeping important changes withheld from us, and next time you need to tell us of such major changes.
-Awful suggestion, do better next time buddy.
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Wow, really? You made a suggestion to remove a critical CI job such as the technical expert? This job is useful for maintenance RP on the servers in CI base, a example would be when a virus was uploaded into out system and we needed a technical expert to remove it. Furthermore the technical expert has crucial items like the mop needed to clean up CI base and prevent it from being dirty, how could you forget to consider this?

You have also not informed either the US CO team - Nor the rest of the UK CO team about this change. This is keeping important changes withheld from us, and next time you need to tell us of such major changes.
-Awful suggestion, do better next time buddy.
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Glovano ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Reason: Altough the job is not utilised often, it is vital for reparing ci base for example during a raid or when an SCP breaks in and breaks the doors.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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