Denied Remove the garbage shit that is on the server to reduce lag.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Jun 24, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Remove unnecessary shit that is essentially adding to the lag on the server (EX guns that are not used, add-ons that are never used, entities, shit that isn't used on the server, ETC.)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Reduce lag
I can play without having massive lag spikes
Civil networks can live up to its name and can be know to never lag potentially
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I would like to see the server not lag as badly, but we have shit around the server that is irrelevant and is producing lag. The lag is so bad that the server has increased in having giant lag spikes that interfere with combat, RP, and fucking someone over when they are hacking. The main purpose of this suggestion is for SL to look at what content, add-ons, guns, ETC is not being used and to simply remove it that is it.
We had this discussion 3 months ago. Admittedly, the situation is a bit different now as server performance is worse - I did have one idea that may be pursuable as a way of trying to cut down on the entity budget, as my understanding is that the EZ update added a lot more entities to the server, which may be one of the things contributing to poor performance. But I decided not to put it forward, as I believe that:
  • The effort required would be too much, compared to how much positive effect it will have.

  • There may not be enough cases where it applies, to reasonably do it to have enough impact on server performance.

  • I also don't know enough about the specific subject matter to confidently suggest it, as something that would help with the problems currently being faced.
In the interest of contributing constructively to this suggestion and making it not useless, I will stick my idea in a spoiler here in case it provides any useful insight to CT:
Here's my elevator pitch: Envision for a second, the VComputers printers and shredders. You ever notice how, where there's pretty much any instance of a shredder on the server, it's almost always right next to a printer? My assumption is that both of those objects are entities. I'm probably hilariously wrong, but in the off chance I'm onto something, my idea here is basically just entity hybridisation for situations like that - Instead of having the printer and shredder as a separate thing, combine them into a single object. When you bring a printed document to the combination printer and shredder and press E, you get a prompt asking if you want to make a copy (printer functionality) or shred it (shredder functionality) - And obviously the Clipboard SWEP would just have normal printer functionality.

Again, on the assumption that these are both entities, hybridising every extant instance of printer and shredder into one object each would cut down on the amount of entities present on the server - And I think there are other cases where this hybridisation could be considered? For example, the perm NVGs & Scrambles. Make it one object with a menu that gives either NVGs or Scrambles based on what you select. Could potentially do it for AA items like some kind of AA armoury ...Wait a minute. It's probably less enjoyable to go up to an object and pick out whatever you need from a non-diegetic UI, as opposed to pressing E on individual items, but if reducing the amount of these individual loose things helps with performance at all, then I'm pretty certain that lag is even worse. Also like, we have... Regular armouries. Why can't AA be its own kind of armoury instead of just a bunch of loose items on the floor? I mean yes, the rooms themselves are the armouries, but like, you get my point. It feels like unnecessary clutter.

Regardless of how the server's changed, I believe that Yeke's response to the suggestion I linked and the discussion had within that thread still applies.

==Not A -/+ Support Matter
tbh will it really matter? as gmod is a really old game and when the server is capped (128 players on at same time) I dont think it will really matter if they removed bunch of things
The age of gmod is a largely irrelevant topic to the issue of lag (read what a red herring is), if server leadership cared about it they would do something about it, but they don't because you all will play the server and spend money on it anyways despite constant poor performance that is only going to get worse as more updates get added

Don't listen to bs excuses about gmod age and whatnot, its irrelevant and intended to mislead, and shut down conversations about server lag because they dont want to fix their shit
Nov 7, 2023
The age of gmod is a largely irrelevant topic to the issue of lag (read what a red herring is), if server leadership cared about it they would do something about it, but they don't because you all will play the server and spend money on it anyways despite constant poor performance that is only going to get worse as more updates get added

Don't listen to bs excuses about gmod age and whatnot, its irrelevant and intended to mislead, and shut down conversations about server lag because they dont want to fix their shit
true but you cant expect it to be nearly to 0% lag when theres 128 people in one server

Derek White

Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Oct 12, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Evil ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

This has been denied as we do not deem to necessary as alot of the "not used" stuff such as the excess of vguns are not the main cause of lag and are they to give our GM team things to use.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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