Rule Suggestion Removing GOC stuff from Ranger & Mayor

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Oct 14, 2022
This suggestion removes the UNGOC from the descriptions of Mayor and Ranger job, and the documents within Ranger Station. Furthermore this suggestion makes Civi RP more fun and free, without the hegemony of the staff pausing RP every five seconds for an in RP issue and not a staff issue.

I scrolled through the entire suggestions list that has been labeled as "resolved" and seen nothing about this specific issue, most likely because this was newly integrated within the job descriptions, if there was any similar suggestions I might've missed, this suggestion is different because it adds another dynamic that the UNGOC part in the Mayor and Rangers removes, adds many dynamics actually, this is a suggestion that is for Civilian RP, not much of those around these forums though.

I can list the positives of this removal:
  1. Allowing Mayor to enforce laws of Pinewood that isn't dictated by the UNGOC.
  2. Allowing the Rangers to have more cohesion and power within Pinewood considering they are the Police within Pinewood.
  3. Allowing the Mayor to add more policies about free press and such whilst also giving him the ability to deny free speech.
  4. Giving the Mayor the freedom to chose his own policies over like press or anything without any regiments influence.
  5. Making a more realistic Pinewood, you think Civilians in a small town would let some random UN soldiers, inside of a hong kong international trade embassy, steal civilians, bomb Pinewood, kill people, Amnesticize civilians, have wars in Pinewood, and oppress the civilians? Most likely not, if you haven't seen any rural areas in Canada with all the hunting rifles and such, or even small towns in texas, you would see what people would do against tyrants, look at Canada now and see how the civilians dislike Justin Trudeau. More realistic.
Thats all I got with the positives.

The negatives of this removal could be:
  1. People who consistantly play UNGOC would be mad that they cant own civilians.
  2. Regiments would now have to roleplay with the civilians.
  3. The civilians can also roleplay now without the out of RP punishment for in RP things.
Thats all I got with the negatives.

This suggestion should be accepted since normally, the power dynamic isn't realistic at all, and since this server is all about realism and with a lot of rules that are very specific, and what some people call strict, this suggestion adds more roleplay aspects, instead of having to worry about the staff popping in and pausing RP just for it to be void or something, there would hopefully be less staff pausing RP since it would be an in RP thing, like before, and before there was active civilians, rangers, mayors, MCnD, and parawatch, all of that has started to decay because the UNGOC trying to constantly instill power upon the civilians, so much so that its failrp if you don't RP with them.
This was a ruling made back when I was still GOC REGCOM, and I'll state now that US GOC had absolute zero bearing on the ruling. It was actually pretty negatively regarded when it happened.

That being said, I really disliked the change. While I think in general Mayors should be working with the UN (when the UN are acting as proper peacekeepers), I don't think the Mayor should necessarily be working for the UN.

Ideally, the rule would only be changed once Ranger spawn moves ANYWHERE else, as that was the biggest problem GOC had. We could never properly clear infobreaches or the like, as rangers would spawn into rangers and GOC shooting each other and it would last for multiple hours.
This was a ruling made back when I was still GOC REGCOM, and I'll state now that US GOC had absolute zero bearing on the ruling. It was actually pretty negatively regarded when it happened.

That being said, I really disliked the change. While I think in general Mayors should be working with the UN (when the UN are acting as proper peacekeepers), I don't think the Mayor should necessarily be working for the UN.

Ideally, the rule would only be changed once Ranger spawn moves ANYWHERE else, as that was the biggest problem GOC had. We could never properly clear infobreaches or the like, as rangers would spawn into rangers and GOC shooting each other and it would last for multiple hours.
afaik they don't work for GOC, they just work with them and are generally expected to cooperate with them on anomalous matters unless they have RP reasons not to
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afaik they don't work for GOC, they just work with them and are generally expected to cooperate with them on anomalous matters unless they have RP reasons not to
IIRC the way its worded is that they are in the know on anomalous matters (which the GOC would never allow), and thus have an expectation to follow all orders given. I might be incorrect, it's been a minute since I've read the bio.
IIRC the way its worded is that they are in the know on anomalous matters (which the GOC would never allow), and thus have an expectation to follow all orders given. I might be incorrect, it's been a minute since I've read the bio.
The way I understood it was that they essentially know that if they see or hear of weird/unexplainable things, they should call the local UN base, but not much more than that. I might be wrong, though.
Apr 6, 2023

As the UNGOC General ( for UK ) the change was not made with my knowledge nor consent, I did not like the change.

I believe that Mayors & Rangers should work independently of the GOC although working with them more than not.

At this moment in time, I do not see anyone doing RP with this so why not give Mayors & Rangers some more freedom of RP?
Jan 5, 2024
to be fair i have never seen anyone play ranger/mayor in like a year, surface activity is mostly closed to CI/GOC/Foundation skirmishes (or whatever they do) and surface SCP capturing, ive seen a couple trying to play surface medic, but usually they job swap after 15min once they realize no one is in pinewood

the other part is people scavenging and parawatches
Oct 14, 2022

As the UNGOC General ( for UK ) the change was not made with my knowledge nor consent, I did not like the change.

I believe that Mayors & Rangers should work independently of the GOC although working with them more than not.

At this moment in time, I do not see anyone doing RP with this so why not give Mayors & Rangers some more freedom of RP?
I think I also roleplayed with you on the UK server in the past lol (If not, my mistake), I spoken to some admins and they have said something along the lines of "the people wanted this" and "it has already been discussed", things like that, I appreciate you coming on here and replying your support and opinion, hopefully this suggestion gets accepted so we can have fun again.
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Oct 14, 2022
to be fair i have never seen anyone play ranger/mayor in like a year, surface activity is mostly closed to CI/GOC/Foundation skirmishes (or whatever they do) and surface SCP capturing, ive seen a couple trying to play surface medic, but usually they job swap after 15min once they realize no one is in pinewood

the other part is people scavenging and parawatches
A military parade that happened on surface, the reason why we got the UN to help us with the parade is because they were pressured to roleplay with us by an admin. <- that entire text is a hyperlink for the military parade youtube video.
Jan 5, 2024
Oct 14, 2022
im kind of sleepy so dunno if you saying that surface RP exists or not

but if admins have to pressure people to RP on surface thats not a good sign
Exactly my point, admins shouldn't have to pressure anyone to RP, this is the problem because UNGOC somehow somewhere instilled a puppet government on Pinewood, makes no sense whatsoever and even then, the UN will still not RP with their puppets, even in some cases the UN will kill rangers for no reason.
imo the current actual GOC stuff included (that people complain about without actually even reading) is completely sensible. Pinewood is a village with regularly occuring, obvious anomalies (8854 and 323), along with frequent other anomalous issues such as breaches from Site-65. Some government and police forces are provided very low level clearance with issues such as this in some wiki stories - one that comes to mind was a tale on the Broken Masquerade Hub where the park rangers of a specific national park were given up to 4/XXXX clearance for a specific anomaly that occurs within the park so that they can assist in containment efforts, cover-ups, and keeping civilians safe in relation to it, but otherwise only knew the basic facts about what the Foundation is and does.
Oct 14, 2022
imo the current actual GOC stuff included (that people complain about without actually even reading) is completely sensible. Pinewood is a village with regularly occuring, obvious anomalies (8854 and 323), along with frequent other anomalous issues such as breaches from Site-65. Some government and police forces are provided very low level clearance with issues such as this in some wiki stories - one that comes to mind was a tale on the Broken Masquerade Hub where the park rangers of a specific national park were given up to 4/XXXX clearance for a specific anomaly that occurs within the park so that they can assist in containment efforts, cover-ups, and keeping civilians safe in relation to it, but otherwise only knew the basic facts about what the Foundation is and does.
I get that but none of that was ever achieved in RP, you spawn into that job and then your just coaxed into it by server rules, it would be better if the GOC went to RP it all out instead of just getting the devs and admins to do it for them, it makes no sense as to why the rangers and mayor needs to be complete allies with the GOC, and if the rangers and mayor is allied with GOC that means the GOC shouldn't randomly kill the mayor or rangers, atleast have the GOC respect the opinions of civilians, I have yet to see that ever happen out of all the times they could've actually roleplayed, they hadn't, the admins say its an "in rp issue" but now its a staff ruling. As the mayor, you are EXTREMELY limited as to what RP you can have, no point in playing on civilians if you have to follow people who have been backstabbing the town for years (not an exaggeration). I do however agree with you that they should keep civilians safe, however they don't.
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