Accepted Rescale total SCP breaches with player count

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
May 17, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove
This suggestion would make it so the maximum breach count scales with server population instead of what it is right now where once you hit 60 players you can mass breach everything. The theoretical max breach count allows for 9 SCPs to be breached at the same time as long as there's more than 65 players on the server (1st breach as 035, 3 from 035 hacking out scps with breach tools 3 from those scps breach tools, 4 from the hacked SCPs breach tools and 035's, and 035 dragging 096 out of his CC). During downtime, this leaves about 1 scp for every 6-8 people to handle which is just completely unreasonable. When you factor in for other GOIs, D class, afk people, and non-combatants, the actual ratio is more like 1.5-2.5 combative foundation for every SCP out, with around 1-4 MTF total to handle 9 SCPs during downtime. These nine SCP breaches frequently lead to nukes even during time the server is full, and the lack of people on the server during downtime essentially makes 4AM-10AM ish non stop breach simulator.

A theortical scale for this could be three SCPs at 50 players, then 1 for every 10 past that point, this will also include both 035 and 096 to the breach count making it more reasonable to breach 035 and 096 during high pop and discourage it during low pop. It would also factor in for the people on the SCP unlike the old scale which didn't factor SCPs into the calculation. This would also calculate total SCP breaches compared to now where the system is divided between hacking and breach tool uses.

Current Max Breach ScaleNew Max Breach Scale
0-65= 5 0-50 = 3
65+ = 951-60 = 4
61-70 = 5
71-80 = 6
81-90 = 7
91-100 = 8
100+ = 9

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?
Couldn't find anything recent from the October update.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2)
- Would allow a much more reasonable scale of SCP breach power vs people fighting the breach
- Prevent downtimes constant breach RP.
- Gives foundation a fighting chance to actually recontain breaches during down time without staff intervention.
- Overall beneficial for server health

Possible Negatives of the suggestion
- Likely would take a bit of time to properly implement as scaling it properly would need to be tested overtime.
- SCP mains will be mad they can no longer kill farm as much.


Active member
Oct 21, 2023

I like the idea and the intention behind it but US server never really drops below like 70, most people just afk with priority which would just inflate numbers without the actual manpower being their, but +support anyway, it brings us a step in the right direction

Resistance Doggo#8278

Active member
May 6, 2023
Suggestion Approved

Hi Wrath,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as accepted.​
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