Denied Restore E-11's hacking notification to pre-update.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Reverts the hacking notification to pre-update as soon as possible for server health. This will make it so that instead of E-11 just getting a general notification to where a hack is happening, they will receive an exact location of where a hack is happening. The only exceptions will be if the SCPs being hacked out are:


In these hyper-specific scenarios, E-11 will only be given a general hacking notification as to not completely get rid of the new code for general notifs.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

This update just came out.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

1. SCP-035 doesn't become the most overpowered SCP in the game
2. Chaos Insurgency Deepcovers don't just get free hacking containment breaches.
Prior, even when there were exact location pings for SCP hacks, it was still worth it to attempt the hack with the reward of possibly causing a containment breach / chaos. Now, it's literally idiotic not to hack stuff, as you can hack something like 8837 or 966 or 049 or 939s or 106 and nobody would have any way of knowing without individually clearing the entire sites CCs, with many being gigantic in nature... And you can do a hack in like 2 minutes... Entire SCP containment breaches that are put on a 2 hour 30 minute cooldown for balance are freebies now.
3. SCP-035 doesn't become the most overpowered SCP in the game.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

CI or SCPs become a little underwhelming? Still, this is how it's supposed to be. As someone who loves SCPs, they're supposed to be the underdogs that get hellfire thrown their way in beams that make them walk like they're walking through mud; and big ass LMGs / Mini-guns, and nitro & nerve gas, the microsecond so much as a 457 CBs, and have every little dirty trick used against them... Because it makes it feel so much cooler when you can actually cause a code black despite that. To me, the removal of these pings feels like cope from someone caused it. Cope from CI, cope from SCPs, something.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

pls don't kill roleplay. if this stays, roleplay is going to die in a fire and codes will be blaring 24/7 instead of 23/7... Something like this shoulda had a community vote
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E-11 Bio is not completely immune to 008, unless they changed it back. I made a bug report regarding when I was in E-11 about this and Yeke himself said it's intended that E11 bio has a vulnerability to 008.

Otherwise -support, I trust the word of Redmann and Jonas.
I didn't know this, but you get the point. It's strong against biohazard SCPs so its guns are a bit weaker to compensate.
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Joe Phatmann

Well-known Member
Oct 31, 2022
- Support
From what I am seeing E-11 just want to have an excuse to be lazy, as alot of the SCP aspect has already been nerfed and E-11 buffed to highheaven same as ERT. I believe a general location is exactly what is needed, now CI and/or D-Class have a chance to hack an SCP out.

I'd say train E-11 better, use headphones and quit whining.
Sure a general location is enough, but we dont get that!
Also, I'd like to note something that those that aren't in E-11 may not know.

Previously, every time a hacking attempt started on an SCP containment box, it would provide E-11 with a notification immediately saying which SCP was being hacked.

Currently, E-11 only get a notification that a hacking attempt has started, but we get no information as to where at all. It can be for any SCP and we get no information, not even whether it's in HCZ/LCZ or UHCZ/LHCZ.

Also, as to "use headphones", Source engine sound is awful and makes no sense. Half the time you can hear hacking across half of HCZ (good for knowing it's happening, bad for locating it, as it doesn't usefully change the closer you get), and half the time you can't hear it until you are pressed against the door of the specific room it is happening in. We basically can't use sound for much most of the time and have to manually check every single containment cell and it's entirely luck whether we find the right one. If somebody's close enough to the room the hacking is in to find it immediately, it won't be in that room because they'll have already been caught, so it's usually somewhere far enough away from anyone that the hacking is pretty much guaranteed to be finished by the time anyone gets there, because we have to check every cell on the way there.
hacking is horribly loud and potent is extremely useful for sweeping HCZ - five people is more than enough to sweep the entirety of heavy containment in a few minutes, when 7722 came out there were similar problems - I think the issue is with OP NEW SCPs, the 035 change is very welcome in my opinion - he's very useful as a support SCP now so people who get on it are more likely to be breached (last night was the first time in the almost 2 years i've played on the server that someone said 035 flag on to be breached)
Nah, copin hard, do some trainings ya lazy bums (jk or am I)

Fair points are being brought up, and I'm highly glad most forums users can agree that this is primary just an US E-11 skill issue, but 90% of yall aren't reading the post-

I've never been in E-11. Nor a single other regiment. I've only played SCP & Research.
I've never been in E-11. Nor a single other regiment. I've only played SCP & Research.
So why are you making the suggestion? No offence but it just doesnt make sense to me why you are doing it especially without consulting either UK or US, preferably both, CO teams on a suggestion that directly affects their regiments?
I'll be honest, as an e-11 member it sucks to find in which room the hacking is, the sound of hacking is bugged for most people and you have to check atleast 20 containment chambers (only in HCZ). Trust me, at late/early hours, checking 20 CC's kinda sucks as you are the only e-11 on. As I saw earlier, they should atleast add the general location of the hacking for example "Hacking in Lower HCZ" or "Hacking in Lower LCZ", it would make things much easier.
I'll be honest, as an e-11 member it sucks to find in which room the hacking is, the sound of hacking is bugged for most people and you have to check atleast 20 containment chambers (only in HCZ). Trust me, at late/early hours, checking 20 CC's kinda sucks as you are the only e-11 on. As I saw earlier, they should atleast add the general location of the hacking for example "Hacking in Lower HCZ" or "Hacking in Lower LCZ", it would make things much easier.
low pop (ie late and early hours) are always really horrible for breaches i don't think you should expect it to be as easy to find/contain an SCP when there's 40 people on compared to 110, i think your idea should be done (hacking in lower/upper HCZ) it's a good balance between being good for E11 and fun for a hostile force
I've experienced a bit more of the "E-11 nerf" and now I can clearly say that atleast the general location of the hacking needs to be added. I know I said this before but everytime there is a hacking notification, e-11 comms go purely insanse. For example someone reports the hacking at 939's, then someone else at 079, then someone else at 682. Please understand that it's not that easy finding which scp is being hacked out because the hacking noise is a bit "funky" in HCZ. You can ask me or all the other E-11 members, It's really hard to find which scp is being hacked out. And by the time we find out, they are already breached and making their way to breach another one and the cycle continues. In the past week, not only E-11 has not been enjoying these breaches anymore, but the entire site, roleplaying with a code 5 every 30 minutes and nukes after nukes is not that fun.
With an ending note I want to say that the new notification system is unbalanced at the time being and needs to be changed because it's just not fun anymore, maybe for CI or D-Class it is fun breaching SCPs and creating havoc on the site, but look from all the perspectives first, adding a simple general location is balanced for E-11 and D-Class/CI and it would fix this issue.
We dont breach scps lol it goes against our main mission. Only time we hack out scps is to adb them
I didn't mean that it was GOC doing it, I meant that GOC had started raiding recently, so we have that on top of everything else. I could have worded that better.

I will also say that this seems to have improved somewhat since the SCPs have been nerfed, and that means E-11 actually can search for this properly now we're not constantly in a Code Black-level breach.

I'd say it's not too bad now as long as there's enough E-11 on - we had one recently where it just took us being organised and having enough people searching separate areas., When there's low E-11 online though, it's basically impossible to do anything. I feel like maybe the hacking notifications could be made more specific the lower the E-11 or overall server pop is, otherwise it's basically completely useless when pop is low.
A notification is enough, if E-11 have a headset they'll hear the hacking long before it's done
People don't seem to be reading, but sound in Source is terrible. Most of the time, you can't tell which direction it is coming from, how close you are to it, and it's very inconsistent. Half the time you can hear it until you're basically in the room, and half the time you can't hear it across half of HCZ but can't tell a thing about how close you are or which direction it's in, so can't use it to pinpoint the sound.

To give you an idea:
  • 7722 - can't hear it until you're in the outer room
  • 106 - can't hear it until you're basically in the control room
  • Anywhere near secondary - you can hear it across the entire area with no idea where it's coming from. It could be in 914 and you wouldn't be able to tell it from reactor or 035 or anything else around there. You can't tell which direction it is, how close you are, anything. This affects like half of HCZ. You basically can't tell until you are already there.
  • 079 - you can't hear it until you're at the outer door
  • 682 - you can't hear it until you're in the containment chamber
"Just listen" doesn't work when sound is so broken in Source and on the server.

I'm currently not even fully +supporting this, but people keep saying the same thing without reading the existing problems with this.
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People don't seem to be reading, but sound in Source is terrible. Most of the time, you can't tell which direction it is coming from, how close you are to it, and it's very inconsistent. Half the time you can hear it until you're basically in the room, and half the time you can't hear it across half of HCZ but can't tell a thing about how close you are or which direction it's in, so can't use it to pinpoint the sound.

To give you an idea:
  • 7722 - can't hear it until you're in the outer room
  • 106 - can't hear it until you're basically in the control room
  • Anywhere near secondary - you can hear it across the entire area with no idea where it's coming from. It could be in 914 and you wouldn't be able to tell it from reactor or 035 or anything else around there. You can't tell which direction it is, how close you are, anything. This affects like half of HCZ. You basically can't tell until you are already there.
  • 079 - you can't hear it until you're at the outer door
  • 682 - you can't hear it until you're in the containment chamber
"Just listen" doesn't work when sound is so broken in Source and on the server.
good point, get better ears
why? because it's not even worth playing e-11 at this point
you sure it isn't because 2 new (very OP) SCPs have been added and nobody knows how to properly deal with them yet? the same situation happened when every new SCP was added - give it some time and the SCPs will be nerfed/strats will be made to counter the SCPs
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