What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Reverts the hacking notification to pre-update as soon as possible for server health. This will make it so that instead of E-11 just getting a general notification to where a hack is happening, they will receive an exact location of where a hack is happening. The only exceptions will be if the SCPs being hacked out are:
In these hyper-specific scenarios, E-11 will only be given a general hacking notification as to not completely get rid of the new code for general notifs.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
This update just came out.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1. SCP-035 doesn't become the most overpowered SCP in the game
2. Chaos Insurgency Deepcovers don't just get free hacking containment breaches. Prior, even when there were exact location pings for SCP hacks, it was still worth it to attempt the hack with the reward of possibly causing a containment breach / chaos. Now, it's literally idiotic not to hack stuff, as you can hack something like 8837 or 966 or 049 or 939s or 106 and nobody would have any way of knowing without individually clearing the entire sites CCs, with many being gigantic in nature... And you can do a hack in like 2 minutes... Entire SCP containment breaches that are put on a 2 hour 30 minute cooldown for balance are freebies now.
3. SCP-035 doesn't become the most overpowered SCP in the game.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
CI or SCPs become a little underwhelming? Still, this is how it's supposed to be. As someone who loves SCPs, they're supposed to be the underdogs that get hellfire thrown their way in beams that make them walk like they're walking through mud; and big ass LMGs / Mini-guns, and nitro & nerve gas, the microsecond so much as a 457 CBs, and have every little dirty trick used against them... Because it makes it feel so much cooler when you can actually cause a code black despite that. To me, the removal of these pings feels like cope from someone caused it. Cope from CI, cope from SCPs, something.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
pls don't kill roleplay. if this stays, roleplay is going to die in a fire and codes will be blaring 24/7 instead of 23/7... Something like this shoulda had a community vote
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