- Will certain CO +'s who are not fit to lead a regiment be demoted?
- Are only people who are currently not active / in a regiment eligible to apply? or is it also people who are currently playing?
- Will applicants who return from being away for a long time get higher ranks than those who have been playing & grinding?
1. Will be discussed with NHC throughout the process, both prior to accepting applications and during review periods
2. Anyone (I mean
anyone) can apply given they meet the basic requirements for the program. Thats Old players who left a few months back, current USSR players that want to transfer, current nato players that want to step up, etc.
3. No. As long as the applicants meet the basic requirements (outlined in the FAQ to be active post application) they will be considered equally. If you can prove you are going to be active it will aid in your application, however that only takes you so far as proving you are reliable when put into your requested position.