What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
A new group hacking mission where if both sides have 25 people (not including afks) the entirety of a nation can help assist the special forces (AG/SAS) with the hacking mission.
Basic rules for this mission to happen
-25 People on each side (Not including afks)
-No tanks, no IFV's, no paradrops
-Basic transport vehicles/transport trucks allowed
-1 Life
If this mission is completed/initiated there can not be another special forces hacking mission for the duration of peacetime-prewar
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-More peacetime interaction
-Fun chaotic PVP scenarios
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-Impossible to truly fight back if the nation who initiated the mission is already in CC/HC
-Bigger groups are easier to spot and can get killed earlier
-Would require more people to be manning gates and require better protection of the base
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Peacetime has been a ongoing issue in where it is difficult to always retain players due to it becoming a FOB building simulator/AFK Simulator. Majority of the time not all players want to do trainings/tryouts and would like to have some more variation in what they can do during peacetime. The server is overall heavily respected for its PVP characteristics. So I personally feel like it would be logical in expanding the PVP experience in different ways during peacetime as it has been the biggest attraction on this server.
A new group hacking mission where if both sides have 25 people (not including afks) the entirety of a nation can help assist the special forces (AG/SAS) with the hacking mission.
Basic rules for this mission to happen
-25 People on each side (Not including afks)
-No tanks, no IFV's, no paradrops
-Basic transport vehicles/transport trucks allowed
-1 Life
If this mission is completed/initiated there can not be another special forces hacking mission for the duration of peacetime-prewar
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-More peacetime interaction
-Fun chaotic PVP scenarios
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-Impossible to truly fight back if the nation who initiated the mission is already in CC/HC
-Bigger groups are easier to spot and can get killed earlier
-Would require more people to be manning gates and require better protection of the base
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Peacetime has been a ongoing issue in where it is difficult to always retain players due to it becoming a FOB building simulator/AFK Simulator. Majority of the time not all players want to do trainings/tryouts and would like to have some more variation in what they can do during peacetime. The server is overall heavily respected for its PVP characteristics. So I personally feel like it would be logical in expanding the PVP experience in different ways during peacetime as it has been the biggest attraction on this server.