Denied Reverse the GOC tryout changes.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Reverses the decision to make GOC tryout-based rather than application-based.
Re-applies the GOC Recruit whitelist requirement.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Applications work as-is(or as they were), all development time would simply be re-opening such a threat system and the whitelist for GOC Recruit.
+ Removal of tryouts means COs don't have to essentially read the forums application questions out every time they want new people.
+ Less minges on GOC, with folk hopping onto GOC Recruit to spout non-sense in open comms, primarily information breaches.
+ It would bring back the creativeness that is needed for the GOC and clearly show it through an application's format.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- The tryout room may not be used as much. However the tryout room is broken, so really it shouldn't be used period.
~ When a kill house IS introduced, it might be more effective to conduct tryouts.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Currently, without a kill house, the only difference between how the system worked before and now is that now you have COs deal with mingy recruits, which gets more people blacklisted, and force the COs to read out the application's questions(even if they're different questions). This is obviously annoying for the CO team on GOC, and has no increased acceptance of GOC members(so far).

I don't see any reason to keep this system, since the GOC is split 3 ways, with 2 of those ways being RP focused. The GOC did not need to do tryouts, and I am sure the people who suggested/pushed for tryouts are regretting it now, or don't conduct them. The US has accepted 6 total members from tryouts(as far as I am aware), and the UK has accepted 0 total members from tryouts(as far as I am aware). I will update these figures as I am informed.

As Server Leadership put it, we are not CI 2.0. Tryouts only enforce this fact. Tryouts work for MTFs, and CI, because both of those play-styles are heavily combat/PvP focused. The GOC is NOT heavily combat OR PvP focused. 2/3 divisions are fueled entirely by RP, with the last division being the go-to MTF-style PvP/Combat heavy RP.

With the GOC being so heavily RP based, an application can show how creative an individual can be. Essentially, the more creative the application, the more creative the RP. It showed before how well an individual knew certain topics of the GOC, gave those individuals time to learn and gain knowledge regarding these topics, and allowed individuals to apply their creativity to their knowledge for us to see. We cannot attain that from a tryout.
After discussing this with you personally, I believe reverting back to an application-based system would be beneficial while the GOC are given the tools (i.e. killhouse, a proper training room with a fixed door etc.) and create an effective tryout process while still being able to accept new people.

+Support (For a temporary reversion)
You're biased for me dork.
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people really liked the idea back then, judging by the replies it really didn't serve them their benefits.

Perhaps it should be lightened/eased to the point were anyone can join with simple requirements and reach the rank up to LCPL. At the rank of LCPL they'd have to pass a test similar to the level of the old application and then could carry on in ranks.
people really liked the idea back then, judging by the replies it really didn't serve them their benefits.

Perhaps it should be lightened/eased to the point were anyone can join with simple requirements and reach the rank up to LCPL. At the rank of LCPL they'd have to pass a test similar to the level of the old application and then could carry on in ranks.
That doesn't work. Foundation command, at least on US, is very adamant about taking ANY OC comms as IC, resulting in DEA getting onto GOC roles to minge and start shit with Foundation and GOC, only to swap onto DEA and push it further. I don't like the system and it doesn't work as-is.

Every individual in the GOC is fully representing the GOC, it isn't an MTF, and the GOC isn't a part of something larger(even though IC it is). Which obviously means we need to pick the people we recruit, as allowing randoms or low-quality RP people into the GOC results in massive problems.
Nov 20, 2022
in your walls

I am one of the first 2 people to get into GOC through a tryout and from this perspective, I agree with bringing it back to forum apps. I was about to start reading up on GOC lore and make a forum post when I was told tryouts were a thing. While, yes, you need rp knowledge for the last bit of the tryout, it is by no means the focus of the tryout when really it should. Faces are never used ever so I think it may just be a UK relic. But my point is, I agree with what Kito says. GOC is very heavily rp focused and because of this, the wider audience of “shoot bad guy” mindset doesnt nearly cover what we do unlike CI. Because of this, it’s good to see the effort and knowledge that goes into applications. It would also remove the minging on recruit that COs have to deal with.
+/- support

the whole tryout system for ungoc is currently being reworked, to make it better so and so due to to strict caps, but reverting it back to an application wouldnt be too bad either, and is soemthing that would be pretty cool
Without a kill house or any training infrastructure, the only thing tryouts do is force COs to hand out more blacklists to people abusing the GOC RCT role, and read out the application questions, or a variation of them. Tryouts do legit nothing else right now.
Without a kill house or any training infrastructure, the only thing tryouts do is force COs to hand out more blacklists to people abusing the GOC RCT role, and read out the application questions, or a variation of them. Tryouts do legit nothing else right now.

true, if ungoc gets given a killhouse which there is plenty of room, tryouts shall be better but reverting back to an application based entry would be better for times being, until further development is given
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