Denied Revitalisation of Surface RP

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

This suggestion works for Civilian Job improvements, additional buildings, an implementable legal system, realistic missions, integrated roleplay opportunities for SOP/GOC/CI. While I understand that ultimately this is an SCP server, this can open avenues for actual surface activity other than combat, legitimate civilian life with the horrors beyond human comprehension below RP. At the end of the day, we have two incredible GOIs who deserve more content than to just raid and be happy with that. They should be given actual duties, that they would be doing if the SCP Foundation, UNGOC and CI were real. This suggestion aims to increase realistic and interactive RP for all players, and make pinewood more than a minge town with random info-leaks.

Civilian Jobs​

Currently as it stands, civilians are limited to a few choices. While SurfaceRP is a case of "do what you can make of it", for people who are newer, it is hard to find people to participate in this roleplay, often people will be faced with adversity from those monitoring instead of allowing for a civilian population to bloom. While it is rather easy to understand why this is the case, considering surface functions for mingery, scavenging and constant combat, this would allow new opportunities for more versatile and open opportunities for players to play or contribute to.

As a note, I am not going to put "grav gun, keys" etc on the list. Only the additions, think of it as added to a default civi/d-class loadout.

I will also be proposing a rework to some of the current jobs, these will be labelled as "Rework [Number]" and the additions to "Job [Number]"

JOB ONE - PineNews

"As a reporter for PineNews it is your job to know everything going on within pinewood and take a legitimate path of employment. Here you can use your journalism skills to report on the Ranger who is taking bribes, the Mayors wedding plans and so much more."

PineNews would allow for two new jobs for surface, paid the standard £/$40 an hour, they would work to report the comings and goings of pinewood. They would under no circumstance be allowed into Foundation or Insurgency bases, with the only allowance being into the Embassy of the GOC with express permission from themselves. This would be a whitelisted role, that could come with a new public channel in discord for those with the role to post the news reports, and allow people to make solid documentation, effort and RP.

PineNews would be a non-combative job with perma's disabled, where the users would use the following model:
Steam Workshop "Blume News"

They would have the following loadout:
  • Clipboard
  • Camera
  • 50 Armor (due to the press vest on the models i linked)
  • "Body Cam"
  • Radio
  • Satchel

JOB TWO - Taxi Driver

"God, so many calls and requests. Today has been a busy day taxiing, but people need to get from point A to point B afterall. So many people always in suits from that military base, and god- can those green people not read the very clear sign on your car stating 'no guns'? Taxi-ing gets harder and harder as the days go."

As a taxi driver, people will be able to book you with self-managed open comms requests, to get you from point A to point B. This job would have three slots, and be paid the standard £/$40 an hour. This role would be one where people set their own rules for how much they're paid, what journeys, but also allow for some RP to occur, people who drive Taxi's may overhear some conversations that could be fed to PineNews, or even, be a new opportunity for the GOC to deal with "whispers" of comings and goings of other factions. This would be a non-whitelisted role, and have the requirement of a driving license.

This job would be non-combative, with permas disabled, and users would use the default civilian model.

They would have the following loadout:
  • Radio

JOB THREE - Pharmacist

"I suppose the fact living in the constant cold is going to cause so much sickness... but this much? Well- good thing you're on hand to help with all those colds and infections."

As a pharmacist, you would function almost the same as a Medical Chemist. This allows for civilians to get cures for ailments rather than a staff member kill binding, or going to piss of CI until they shoot you down, or just job abusing. However, I understand that chemistry is locked behind donation roles, so I will leave this open-ended for how I believe it should be set. This is yet another non-combative job that would work in the pinewoods limited medical centre to create cures and assist personnel. [CHANGE: I HAVE REMOVED THE FAILRP MENTIONED HERE DUE TO FEEDBACK]

They would use the medic model that is used for trainees and surface medics, with the addition of the face mask given to chemists in order to distinguish them.
They would have the same loadout as the Foundation Medical Chemist, with the addition of:
  • MedKit
  • Injection Syringe

JOB FOUR - Ranger Chief

"All these rangers... listening to a Mayor? No. The job opened, I applied and I got it. These rangers will get into shape with the drills and training I do with them. We will be the best sheriffs office yet. Just wait and see."

At the moment, the rangers are technically at liberty to the mayor by logic, not by a set chain of command. I believe the introduction of a role that requires level 25 support, and level 25 combat to play as the "chief". In this role, you would be able to command over the existing rangers, and due to the levels you'll have some level of tenure in the server to know when RP needs intervention by staff, and also create your own, whether its training days, escorting the mayor and more, world is your oyster, after all. You're the chief you decide.

They would have the same loadout as the rangers with the addition of:
  • Clipboard
  • RGP-5
  • Full Armor

JOB FIVE - Lawyer

"How the hell has a chef committed fraud? What do you mean a civilian got a gun and waved it in the pub drunk? Well time to defend them- or prosecute them. Lets see... case file here- oh god I need coffee"

I believe with the UNGOC trying to enforce a level of law in pinewood, civilians having a new role where they are able essentially flag on when a court case has been called, work on defence and otherwise RP. I do not know if the whitelist will help, or if this should be open and I highly encourage people suggest this in the replies. However, I do believe a support level 20 should be required to play this role.

They would use the regular suited models, and be equipped with the following:
  • Clipboard
  • Briefcase


What job does the mayor actually do? Set laws? Walk around until they eventually get a 008 document? Turn the rangers into terrorists?

I believe the Mayor should become a whitelisted role with heavy documentational guidance, alike how most CL4 roles in other factions, who's job is to create new and exciting RP that is entirely civilian life revolving. The Mayor should be able to request and host their own meetings with the militaries around them, make deals for their town to be funded, hold food markets, carnivals and more. Essentially, there is no *set* re-work for the mayor, but I believe actual job guidance being built in, with an application process, will make the role far more refined and used properly.


Very simple addition: Give a medical cupboard and an x-ray machine to medics, so they can at least treat fractures. Currently, you have to contact a GOI, but they're not always available, and mostly ignore civilians. So this can either happen, or the GOC are encouraged to take in civilians. Issue being, they do not want to allow civilians into their FOB past the embassy for good reason. I think this simple addition means people can stop job abusing, suiciding and more to get over tripping while scavenging and being sent to the stars with a salute and back.


Right now, we have a gas station, some houses and a PD. While this is good for basic RP, a few simple additions may go a long way for enhancing this. Whether its a perma-propped building or a map addition, I will leave the logistics to yourselves. I don't wish to overhaul and make a mini city, all of these make sense to have in a tiny rural town, from someone who lived in a rural time for a good chunk of her life.

Town Hall / Court House

With the Legal System I intend to propose, I think a town hall with a miniature court house will assist people in doing court cases opens avenues for GOC and Civi's doing actual roleplay with embedded legal systems with will be explained below. This building could occupy a small part of No-Mans land. It'd function to enhance roleplay, and also give a new spawn for the Mayor, and for Lawyers.

Here there would be a public decal of SSL approved laws, which I believe should be created by the UNGOC or Mayors and legal teams. Here are some links to how this could look: Town Hall / Courthouses


A pharmacy, whether or not, is needed. Most small towns have one, they're either in old school buildings, like the ones you see in the walking dead, the start of a quiet place, etc. Whether this replaces the current medical place, or is put on the hills, no mans land, I will leave experienced map developers to reason the logistics of this.

This would be where a centrifuge, bunsen burner, and mixing station could be for the pharmacist job, with their spawn and an NPC for chemicals. This is some idea of how it could look: Pharmacy / Chemist

News Building

So, a news building. While we have the small weird dungeon on parawatch hill, it makes sense for the cave dwelling theorists. However, a legitimate small town news agents would work best for PineNews, this could be placed between buildings as stands, or a new building next to the courthouse. News Stands / Buildings

Legal System​

As staff probably already know, when surface is active and arrests for the cells in the PD are taken, my god do people go over the thirty minutes, or just straight up do it without RP reason. The introduction of a Arrest officer, whitelisted only to the lawyers, rangers and mayor based on the SSL approved laws aforementioned, could then allow for less sits, and the jails to be used correctly rather than, "he he haw haw im a ranger and my mayor decided terrorism is on the cards today".

I would be entirely happy to sit down and create this legal system with SSL alike the FLC, so it is easy, small and concise.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Not recently as far as I am aware.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

  • Opens more opportunity for set-rp
  • Allows people to go on surface other than scavenging or minging
  • Makes a more solidified way for surface to work, so RP can finally be made with consistency for the UNGOC.
  • New fun jobs!

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

  • Server Lag from the Map being added to
  • Development time of the map changes
  • Jobs may be abused for cases I haven't thought of

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

At the end of the day, the UNGOC, surface as a whole deserves life. At the end of the day, people should be able to do things on civilian, and these simple additions and changes can make the experience up top far more enjoyable. Surface right now is just... warfare without consideration of the lives of the civilians that would actually be there in RP.

I think this enables change for the better. People will be inclined to Roleplay on surface, more events past GMs/Event team could occur off of the players back, and it puts people in positions to learn how to be roleplay leaders, let their ideas flourish, while the horrors beneath the ground still are there waiting to break free.

Thank you, I will do my best to respond to any and all comments.

ECC Maeve.
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I +support this but I do think Mayor should have the level requirements changed instead of being made a whitelist job as pinewood is already commonly lacking a mayor.

Here is a possible change: Level 25 support Level 90-100 total
Although a Semi-Whitelist like the one that GENSEC Cadets/Jr Researchers take would be a fine idea in my opinion.


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022
While I agree that surface is not in a good state, it is a barren wasteland of RP, the vast majority of this rework would do very little to actually help this in any capacity, and would mainly just add bloat and restrictions to an already player deprived area of the server.

Going through the specific proposals


Pine News

I do not think adding a whitelisted role focused on making content near exclusively for a discord channel would be conductive to RP in any meaningful capacity, especially when the already existing Parawatch job already fits the niche of "Investigator". As i am sure you are aware, very rarely is parawatch played as such, and this would not change even with a fancier job added, but also the premise of creating "news articles" to be posted on the discord does very little for the RP on the actual server being played.

Taxi Driver
Starting off with a small oversight, there is no actual way to obtain a driving license as a civilian character as of current.
Aside from this, this job serves nearly zero function, the map does not have many areas worth visiting, even if your proposed additions to the map were to happen, and a designated taxi driver job would be sincerely underused, the GOIs would largely use their own vehicles, or just walk. This would just be a dead job, Gun dealers and even MC&D, which provide something players love (RDM devices) are always ignored, why would a job providing something less useful in a more cumbersome manner fare any better?

There is and would not be any need for this job.

I believe if someone were to use this role to make non-medical cures i.e. anomalous materials it should be failRP
Adding a job to use the chemistry system on surface might be a good idea, but i think this caveat would create a significant amount of extra burden on staff to watch this, and simply would not get caught, i also do not think that giving civilians access to chemistry, and then banning them from a nebulous category of chems is conductive to the job, what is an anomalous chemical? Amnestics? You can forage those en masse on surface. "Anything made from an SCP"? Betonine requires marcoline to be made, which is derived from 860-2, but Betonine can be found on surface.
Not only that, but a CI dropping off a sample of an SCP and the Local pharmacist being puzzled at the chemicals behavior is good RP potential that would be barred with this.

I think adding a chemist job to surface is a good idea, but your proposed failrp clause is not, adding an Xray machine to surface is also a good idea I support fully.

Ranger Chief
I think this job might give some needed structure to the rangers, letting the mayor have a second in command is something that always happens during the few instances of ranger RP that happen every few months.

I do not think that surface would be able to sustain any kind of meaningful legal RP off the bat, this job might work several months down the line if surface had become more accustomed to roleplay, but the long winded legal RP is simply infeasible for the current and forseeable state of surface, a bloat job.

furthermore, pinewood does not have as elaborate of a legal code as the Foundation does, nor do i think it should have one as surface already cannot capture the attention of players. Adding a 17 page document you must read or spend 30 minutes in jail would only exasperate this issue.

I believe with the UNGOC trying to enforce a level of law in pinewood
Only as a stand in in the absence of rangers or when they are in need of support. I don't think having a paranormal organisation focus on civilian matters is the most interesting thing it could be doing, this is the unGOC, not the UN.

I do not think a whitelisted mayor role would have any meaningful activity, especially considering how an unwhitelisted one is currently going.
Additionally, the mayor job is currently a donator feature.

A Civilian job working like Foundation CL4 jobs is impractical, taking the current, already rarely used, mayor job, and putting restrictions onto what it can do and who can play it would not make it more active, quite the opposite actually.

Furthermore, Half of what you have said the mayor "can do"
requires Gm assistance, which is not always available. I do not think any job should only be able to function with Staff assistance.

Map Changes
I do not believe any of these to be beneficial enough to be worth the time to implement them, largely because i believe neither legal RP nor Pine news are viable on surface. The Pharmacy could and should simply be put into the medical building instead of needing a whole map update for such a tiny feature.

Legal System
I do not believe pinewood would benefit from a legal system being created, no matter how big or small.
Pinewood/Surface as it is right now is a very open RP area with very little barrier for entry, if one were to make the barrier for entry more cumbersome, less people would bother with it unless there were something genuinely worthwhile to get at, which has not been provided by this suggestion. the End result would be an even deader surface, wasted development time, and more bloat on the server.

I believe the only reason people engage with surface at all currently is the low barrier for entry, and taking this away would critically damage surface.
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Taxi Driver
Starting off with a small oversight, there is no actual way to obtain a driving license as a civilian character as of current.
i told a MC&D to get a driving license, he called staff for one and the staff went to me and i said he could have it, so i assume if a civi asked the UNGOC they could probably get one
Yo Jeremy, firstly I want to thank you for responding to this in so much detail, with some of what you've said I do agree with, and other pieces I think of this suggestion can be improved, however- parts I believe the intention of my decision to suggest may assist in a level of understanding regarding it.

Pine News
I do not think adding a whitelisted role focused on making content near exclusively for a discord channel would be conductive to RP in any meaningful capacity, especially when the already existing Parawatch job already fits the niche of "Investigator". As i am sure you are aware, very rarely is parawatch played as such, and this would not change even with a fancier job added, but also the premise of creating "news articles" to be posted on the discord does very little for the RP on the actual server being played.

So, my intention with Pine News is: In any small town, there's always a few nosey busy-bodies that report on news. I believe this will actually encourage RP, people like to be spoken about, and this can open a potential avenue for people to create RP to see if they'd be noticed. At the end of the day, recognition often, in my experience, causes people to want to take certain issues. This role would be an opportunity as well for people to have a creative edge outside of the standard gameplay loop. Parawatch focuses on the paranormal, its in the name, but having a small town news agent that can help create some fun scenarios and report on them - such as GM events, server events, etc - it could be interesting for those involved.

I do appreciate that it isn't entirely focused on SCP. However, if we were to stay at the standpoint, it's not SCP related, bin it, we should enforce civilian RP to a better quality, have interactions based upon cover-ups for civilians, and just better RP with locals other than F/CI taking a disguise and running, or the UNGOC coming in to take away a gun.

Taxi Driver
Starting off with a small oversight, there is no actual way to obtain a driving license as a civilian character as of current.
Aside from this, this job serves nearly zero function, the map does not have many areas worth visiting, even if your proposed additions to the map were to happen, and a designated taxi driver job would be sincerely underused, the GOIs would largely use their own vehicles, or just walk. This would just be a dead job, Gun dealers and even MC&D, which provide something players love (RDM devices) are always ignored, why would a job providing something less useful in a more cumbersome manner fare any better?

There is and would not be any need for this job.

This job isn't meant to be an incredible update to the server, its an avenue for potential RP. However- with this I also think that someone could just hop on CIVI, put "Taxi Driver" at the start of their name and get cracking working in secrets and more from a normal surface level perspective. As for the driving license, iirc you're supposed to be able to get them from GOIs or asking the Mayor? But I could be entirely wrong. Perhaps something regarding this could be looked into for a piece of RP that a faction could do in order to increase and assist education of civilians and improve overall pinewood learning etc. I completely understand your perspective regarding this job however, but I think if people essentially "fuck it we ball" this role, it could be used for extremely interesting RP.


Adding a job to use the chemistry system on surface might be a good idea, but i think this caveat would create a significant amount of extra burden on staff to watch this, and simply would not get caught, i also do not think that giving civilians access to chemistry, and then banning them from a nebulous category of chems is conductive to the job, what is an anomalous chemical? Amnestics? You can forage those en masse on surface. "Anything made from an SCP"? Betonine requires marcoline to be made, which is derived from 860-2, but Betonine can be found on surface.
Not only that, but a CI dropping off a sample of an SCP and the Local pharmacist being puzzled at the chemicals behavior is good RP potential that would be barred with this.

I think adding a chemist job to surface is a good idea, but your proposed failrp clause is not, adding an Xray machine to surface is also a good idea I support fully.
I didn't actually think about CI handing chemicals / scavenging when creating this role, and it is an entire oversight on my behalf that I apologise for. I agree the failRP clause should go, and I will be immediately amending the suggestion to dispose of that. Thank you for pointing this out!

Ranger Chief
I think this job might give some needed structure to the rangers, letting the mayor have a second in command is something that always happens during the few instances of ranger RP that happen every few months.
So, this actually came from the fact myself and friends will attempt to do a level of surface RP, and we wont have a Mayor, or it'll be a Mayor that- well they're just mixing, failrp and more. Ranger is the most versatile role for commencing RP, and of course I agree structure is needed!

So for this next part, I'll be responding to Lawyer/ Legal system as a whole.
I do not think that surface would be able to sustain any kind of meaningful legal RP off the bat, this job might work several months down the line if surface had become more accustomed to roleplay, but the long winded legal RP is simply infeasible for the current and forseeable state of surface, a bloat job.

furthermore, pinewood does not have as elaborate of a legal code as the Foundation does, nor do i think it should have one as surface already cannot capture the attention of players. Adding a 17 page document you must read or spend 30 minutes in jail would only exasperate this issue.

Only as a stand in in the absence of rangers or when they are in need of support. I don't think having a paranormal organisation focus on civilian matters is the most interesting thing it could be doing, this is the unGOC, not the UN.

Legal System
I do not believe pinewood would benefit from a legal system being created, no matter how big or small.
Pinewood/Surface as it is right now is a very open RP area with very little barrier for entry, if one were to make the barrier for entry more cumbersome, less people would bother with it unless there were something genuinely worthwhile to get at, which has not been provided by this suggestion. the End result would be an even deader surface, wasted development time, and more bloat on the server.

I believe the only reason people engage with surface at all currently is the low barrier for entry, and taking this away would critically damage surface.
I'll start with a comparative tool, the FLC. The FLC isn't only to jail people for being idiots, its also to assist in enforcing a standard of quality RP, where people can be removed from that situation due to the standards and tools put in place. Currently, civilian life does not have any type of standard. The introduction of simple laws (and my intention is *simple* not the FLC worthy documentation), whether it be the 10 commandments, or otherwise allows for consequences to have defined actions, rather than a ranger putting you in a cell randomly for 20 minutes with little RP explanation. Essentially, its giving the opportunity for quality control.

As for the point about the UN, not the UNGOC. Unfortunately, the UNGOC as it stands does not actually have a gameplay loop. A lot of their RP heavily focuses on reliance on foundation. While I appreciate the paranormal organisation side of it, a big part of the UNGOC is ensuring secrecy and safety that is actionable for the civilians. However, with a low quality amount of RP, a low quality population of Civilians, it makes it increasingly more difficult to do this strain of RP.

It is of my current opinion, not much else could damage surface. The quality of RP is dictated by either: minges who don't want to play a faction hop on and scream 008 is a zombie virus, or it's tumbleweed through a snowing town. My intention is to actually cause surface to be an enjoyable place where more RP can prosper- where finally, actions and consequences are not dictated by the barrel of a gun.

I do not think a whitelisted mayor role would have any meaningful activity, especially considering how an unwhitelisted one is currently going.
Additionally, the mayor job is currently a donator feature.

A Civilian job working like Foundation CL4 jobs is impractical, taking the current, already rarely used, mayor job, and putting restrictions onto what it can do and who can play it would not make it more active, quite the opposite actually.

Furthermore, Half of what you have said the mayor "can do"
requires Gm assistance, which is not always available. I do not think any job should only be able to function with Staff assistance.
Hm, I do entirely see your perspective with this. However, as of late, there have been a few people - at least UK wise- who have been trying to use the role to create some surfaceRP.

Whether it is a whitelist or not if this suggestion is taken, I think one key thing is imperative: There are actual guidelines and a document of support that is highly accessible to all people going onto such an open-ended role. While I think it'd be great if people just got on, were able to RP, and close the game happy, its not the case with the standard of RP.

As for the GM aspect well... what do you expect. People should be able to organise freely with GMs for RP, and it is something I have always told departments to do. To contact GMs for assistance in RP and events they want to host. Its why we have #event-suggestions. But the other part: the current toolset and opportunities offered on surface demand a level of staff intervention due to it purely being difficult to do. I think this would actually be beneficial to the GM team, especially to those who are struggling for event ideas at the moment, as well as increases our interaction with the playerbase far more outside of the standard, but not always, CL4s of a faction.

As for working like foundation CL4, maybe due to my possible caused disconnect of my position: I didn't view the change this way. I think what @Max Henry said would work even better than a whitelist (I will quote below for ease)
I +support this but I do think Mayor should have the level requirements changed instead of being made a whitelist job as pinewood is already commonly lacking a mayor.

Here is a possible change: Level 25 support Level 90-100 total

Eitherway the intention is the increase of quality, and setting a standard for people to work from within civilian RP.

Map Changes
I do not believe any of these to be beneficial enough to be worth the time to implement them, largely because i believe neither legal RP nor Pine news are viable on surface. The Pharmacy could and should simply be put into the medical building instead of needing a whole map update for such a tiny feature.
I respect this from your viewpoint, but at the end of the day the current pinewood functions as a small town, but is more like what you'd find mid-farmland in my experience. These small things would exist, and I think they could help.

Thank you for responding once more, and I hope this clears up intentions of the roles, changes and more!

ECC Maeve
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+ Support
Chief Ranger suggestion got denied a while ago so i don't know about that, but very good suggestion! Im pretty much the most active civilian / ranger and this would be awesome! (terrorism will have expanded opportunities)
Also preferably if they accept this suggestion also consider this : This suggestion has been slept on for like 3 months
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Karl Smith

Active member
Nov 8, 2022
While I walk around pinewood as GOC, I meet some people that actually RP on surface and don’t act like minges. This would be a great change for everyone.

Even if part of this suggestion is accepted, I think it would provide a lot more structure and incentive for people to actually play on civ roles, considering it's currently just like 3 civs hopping on once a day for 15 minutes usually

Only as a stand in in the absence of rangers or when they are in need of support. I don't think having a paranormal organisation focus on civilian matters is the most interesting thing it could be doing, this is the unGOC, not the UN.
My issue with this is that the UNGOC quite literally has no gameplay loop and completely relies on Foundation, CI, and civilians through which it can sometimes create roleplay
There has yet to be any legitimate suggestions I've seen that give GOC a gameplay loop that would focus on paranormal matters while also being interesting and engaging, and not requiring herculean amounts of time and effort to create a modicum of roleplay from (the current situation). This is the best one I've seen so far that could do that, considering most of our current RP is with civilians (when there are actually more than 2 on) and Foundation.

Sam Montgomery

Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 3, 2021
+ Support

Genuinely good ideas that encourage actual RP, refreshing to see. Too much of the RP on the server is focused in the foundation which makes the world feel very empty. Something else that id like to see would be a rework to the actual buildings on surface. Except for the petrol station and PD, all the buildings getting a makeover to make them unique would make it feel more like a town rather than a bunch of copy and pasted shacks with names thrown on them.

Unfortunately, I doubt the suggestion will be added, at least not as it was intended, as it requires some work and doesn't cost the players actual money. (Or it will be accepted and never actually added)
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