Partially Accepted Rework containing 079

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Jul 27, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Change how to Contain 079. Currently there is no way to stop people hacking 079 unless multi breach SCP so here are some changes.
1. Make hacking harder every time someone fails
2. Alert 079 if someone fail a hacking attempt
3. add a turret in his CC to kill people containing 79
4. limit how many people are allow to hack 79 at one time

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

not what i have seen or found

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2)
1. be able to counter people if a solo breach
2. make it so there not like 50 mtf hacking 79

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
the main one is 079 being breach for longer / people might get frustrated from 79 kill them with turret

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
make it so 79 can survive longer on solo breach's and add some what of a protection with scp trying to breach tool him out but it will also annoy people as he could just come down and use the turret if there is one and kill everyone there
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Nov 23, 2023
This is a great suggestion, it's healthy for SCP players and while yes the odd e-11 will complain even some MTF I have talked to agree it's too easy to contain a 79 before he can even begin to do damage, might I add a suggestion of a rule change as well where SCP's can actually camp his cc without repercussion, doesn't have to be a full on camp but like a proxy kinda deal because right now it just makes no sense with the state of this game to prevent scp's from protecting another support scp, as far as it stands it's an outdated rule and kind of goes against scp-079 lore wise.
In conclusion this is a 10/10 suggestion, hope it gets added.


Well-known Member
Apr 11, 2024
The turret may be slight overkill unless perhaps it were given a usage cooldown. As for hacking alerts, I'd root more for the alert occurring as soon as someone starts the hack rather than fail. Other than that, These changes would be awesome
Honestly I think it would work a lot better if 079 could protect themselves with levels of encryption.

Instead of hacking out other SCPs, 079 could temporarily hide their own breach status for say, 5 minutes through a Level 5 Hack. And then they could encrypt themselves through minigames meaning MTF need to complete different mainframe minigames that are randomized in order to get to the "Core" of SCP-079 to finally hack them back into containment.

This would stop an SCP-079 breach becoming just "whos the best hacker get them down here rn"

As for SCPs being able to protect Support SCPs, the problem with them being able to protect 079 is that it causes an indefinite breach scenario. When a breach occurs theres only so much people are really willing to put up with until they call ERT and then call a Code Black and then finally a Nuke.

Indefinite 079 breaches where he just hacks out contained SCPs over and over again are challenging but just arent "fun challenging" they are just tedious.

079 just needs ways to encrypt, hide itself and blend in and encourage 079 players to play the long game. Imagine a 079 player being breached for 30 minutes sifting through SCIPNET to cause an info breach, memetic hazards on screens of Site Admin to brainwash, all other kind of shit. The only downside is all this would take a 10000x the time elapsed to implement than it did for me to write this comment.
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Honestly I think it would work a lot better if 079 could protect themselves with levels of encryption.

Instead of hacking out other SCPs, 079 could temporarily hide their own breach status for say, 5 minutes through a Level 5 Hack. And then they could encrypt themselves through minigames meaning MTF need to complete different mainframe minigames that are randomized in order to get to the "Core" of SCP-079 to finally hack them back into containment.

This would stop an SCP-079 breach becoming just "whos the best hacker get them down here rn"

As for SCPs being able to protect Support SCPs, the problem with them being able to protect 079 is that it causes an indefinite breach scenario. When a breach occurs theres only so much people are really willing to put up with until they call ERT and then call a Code Black and then finally a Nuke.

Indefinite 079 breaches where he just hacks out contained SCPs over and over again are challenging but just arent "fun challenging" they are just tedious.

079 just needs ways to encrypt, hide itself and blend in and encourage 079 players to play the long game. Imagine a 079 player being breached for 30 minutes sifting through SCIPNET to cause an info breach, memetic hazards on screens of Site Admin to brainwash, all other kind of shit. The only downside is all this would take a 10000x the time elapsed to implement than it did for me to write this comment.
'hide their own breach status for 5 minutes'? i must be misunderstanding u cos it's not like people will forget he breached - i'm defo all for 079 being able to do super stealth breaches and stuff because it sounds very cool but it'd need a lot of cooperation with all parties involved in any sort of 'brainwash' scenario since anyone who doesn't like fun could easily find a way to tell others you've breached
Nov 23, 2023
Honestly I think it would work a lot better if 079 could protect themselves with levels of encryption.

Instead of hacking out other SCPs, 079 could temporarily hide their own breach status for say, 5 minutes through a Level 5 Hack. And then they could encrypt themselves through minigames meaning MTF need to complete different mainframe minigames that are randomized in order to get to the "Core" of SCP-079 to finally hack them back into containment.

This would stop an SCP-079 breach becoming just "whos the best hacker get them down here rn"

As for SCPs being able to protect Support SCPs, the problem with them being able to protect 079 is that it causes an indefinite breach scenario. When a breach occurs theres only so much people are really willing to put up with until they call ERT and then call a Code Black and then finally a Nuke.

Indefinite 079 breaches where he just hacks out contained SCPs over and over again are challenging but just arent "fun challenging" they are just tedious.

079 just needs ways to encrypt, hide itself and blend in and encourage 079 players to play the long game. Imagine a 079 player being breached for 30 minutes sifting through SCIPNET to cause an info breach, memetic hazards on screens of Site Admin to brainwash, all other kind of shit. The only downside is all this would take a 10000x the time elapsed to implement than it did for me to write this comment.
I enjoy some of these ideas, however for the 5 minute silent breach status on the breach status machine might I suggest it be base-kit for the first 5-10 minutes of one of 079's breaches.
I've had breaches as 079 last less than 3 minutes due to e-11 and other MTF sweeping HCZ for samples when the breach occurred and It's genuinely just unhealthy for such a short breach.

Yes ,of course there are definitely ways to avoid and meta this but It's preferable when compared to the alternative.


Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Oct 20, 2024
I say bring back turbine hacks and let 079 disrupt the warhead launch cause he's the only SCP that can't evade it.
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as cool as it would be for 079 to disrupt the nuke, sadly its entire purpose is to end breaches that have gone on to long so it'd defeat the entire purpose of the warhead - e.g. in the past, everyone who survived the it by being on surface is "shuttled to new sites" and site 65 is completely done for and gone (this was why 10/12 happened 🗿) as an excuse for everything to reset to normal


Game Master
Game Master
May 13, 2024
let 079 disrupt the warhead launch cause he's the only SCP that can't evade it.
I see we got that SCP:SL mindset, but also nothing can avoid the nuke, its a total SCP Reset in the game, every SCP is put back in its containment chamber, no one remembers the nuke too as it kills everyone in the server, even CI and GOC, so its a total reset of rp
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