Denied Rework UNGOC Thauma to a Type Blue

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Feb 8, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion changes the UNGOC thaumatologist to a Type blue. This changes it's max energy to 100 and max HP with inversion to 500.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I personally haven't seen one.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
The thauma will have more of a chance in combat.
The energy wont run out so quick after the Reality bender nerf.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
The only one that I can really think of is people might complain about this in combat.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The UNGOC Thauma has a max of 75 energy right now and after that big Reality bender nerf, you can't actually do much in combat. The reason im relating all this to combat is because it mostly gets used in combat and is very rarely used for Roleplay or tests.
UNGOC Thaum was intended to be Non-Combative. Fuck, it used to be a 1:1 of Foundation Thaum. The only reason it isn't is because they forgot to update the combative rulings (As they didn't update that UNGOC Thaum was excluded). I asked a SL about this when it was introduced, and they said that yes, it was Non-Combative and was intended For RP.

I feel like UNGOC Thaum being combative is stupid, and buffing it, essentially making it a crutch that a any SPC can get on is wild to me.
-fuck UNGOC
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Alex/John Dingle

Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 7, 2022
No, Y'all litterly already have an orange suit for when y'all are outnumberd + like niox said Thauma meant to be for RP not for combat, also y'all bunker is small eneugh that like 4 scrantons can fully cover the entire thing to pretty much counter a TB raid.
Just wanted to put in a comment, in regards to this.
The reason im relating all this to combat is because it mostly gets used in combat and is very rarely used for Roleplay or tests.
You as a player in UNGOC, and especially a CO, Have the power to utilize the job in as much RP as you would want. You have full creative freedom alongside mutliple GMs in the UNGOC CO team available to assist you in creating whatever RP scenario you want. The reason it doesnt get used for Roleplay or Tests, is not because of an inbalance in its job properties, but mainly on how it is utilized.
Sep 10, 2023
But only if you can't use it and OSuit at the same time.

Why would that logically make sense for goc to not bring their full arms to bear? Just say the reality bending defence abilities of the OSuit interfere with GOC TBs. Who cares. Balance > Whatever
Bro thinks that we'd be allowed to use the TV whenever we want
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Dec 25, 2023
I think that Thauma should be made stronger to somewhere above its current 75 energy/200 max HP scenario, but I don't think it should be labelled a Type Blue or be that strong.

+/- Neutral I guess, I want it to be stronger, but I feel you've suggested it is too strong / an uninteresting change.

Why on earth are GOC asking to be stronger?
Yall have Kbars, TacTablet, Orange suit (Hell even white/grey/red on the UK) and overall better gear.
Personally I think GOC is just kinda weaker than CI right now which isn't a good thing, probably more of a CI needing nerfs issue than a GOC needing buffs - but I find it crazy that this massive faction like the GOC sometimes cannot beat CI in fights because CI have stronger stuff.


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Dec 20, 2023
Personally I think GOC is just kinda weaker than CI right now which isn't a good thing, probably more of a CI needing nerfs issue than a GOC needing buffs - but I find it crazy that this massive faction like the GOC sometimes cannot beat CI in fights because CI have stronger stuff.
In my opinion this is because CI is dominated by combative focused players whereas most GOC aren't combative mains or they would be CI instead due to CI having the best combat loop. As someone once described GOC its non combative mains with good equipment


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Dec 20, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Hi @SkyWing ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

GOC is not a primarily combat focused regiment and as such the GOC thaumotologist is balanced around RP mainly and not combat. For its intended purposes of RP we believe it is fine where it is currently.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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