Richard Mann's GM Application [SCP-RP UK]

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Jan 29, 2023
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): richmann0803

For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: 3 to 4 weeks [about 5day of total playtime]

Age: 18

In what country are you located?: Germany

Time zone: GMT+1

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Maximillian Mann[Nothing of Note]

Chaos name (include your rank): Richard Mann Gamma

Civilian name: Jonas Mann

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:20886763

Do you have a mic?: Yes

What server are you applying for?: SCP(UK)

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
-yes, this is my first application

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-2 Verbal's nothing else i am aware off

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
-A little, mostly just writing to stories or backstories for some.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- yes, from organizing Peace negotiations, to infiltration rp and a few other things.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
  • normal week 2-4 h
  • Weekend 4-8 h
  • Exam time maybe 1 h

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
-Because I had a lot of Ideas for Events and wanted to be able to not just suggest them but also get the chance to run them in the way i imagen them. To go even further on that though I had already handed in some ideas i would like to help out realize. The second reason that the server at least on the GOI side seem to be missing some Serious RP and some factions tend to be shoot first think second and I would love to give them a reason to change in the direction of more RP same goes for MTF.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
-I wouldn't pretend to be special, but I love writing documents and thinking through long storylines and planning them out. So I'd say I would be a good addition to the event team by using my lore knowledge and my bad habit of writing very long documents to create very long lasting event chains to give some rewarding pay offs for those who like to rp.


Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

- Data Recovery:
[The Foundation has lost some files to an unknown leak in Pinewood]
(3 Groups would be involved Foundation (IA + MTF + ISD), CI and Parawatch each with their own goal.)
The Foundation would find out about it first and attempt to find out who and where to start with the damage control. Ci would want access to the files for their own reasons and be encouraged to find the person first or even protect them . Parawatch on the other hand would attempt to hide their colleague who would be responsible to the leak, as the foundation and CI would both attempt to either brute force or negotiate their way to the files. (1 Gm can solo it but a Parawatch helper can be useful). They could get this info through investigating to different areas the place where it was stolen in the foundation and a house in pinewood which both would have a hidden message addressed to the Para watch by their last name.

- Cover and Contain:
[an unknown anomalous Human has been reported in Pinewood]
(2 Groups would be involved Foundation(IA + MTF + Research) and maybe GOC)
The IA report in that they have recently spotted a person in pinewood showing anomalous abilities, now they need to be fully identified, contained, moved to the Site and a cover-up prepared. So now it's on IA and some Select MTF operatives, to try to capture the Entity without all of pinewood being alerted. They will need to find out which Civilian is an anomaly, and what makes it even harder is that they could be a shapeshifter. So now the IA need to do good recon and avoid the local CI just to be able be able to get close to it. (How the find out can be up to foundation personal) Once they have captured the anomaly they , still need to be Logged, Researched and Locked up. (GM can solo but one helper can be helpful)

- "We are not umbrella":
[A member of a new Group has arrived]
(Foundation External, GOC , CI and Pinewood Civilians )
A Group announced themselves as Atlas Laboratories, they arrive with 3 members in town 1 in a suit 2 in hazmat. They say they give Free healthcare and a large sum of money to volunteers. After the first 2 or 3 volunteers enter it turns out they where turning them into bio engineered abominations . Now the foundation and GOC have to deal with it, to make it even worse Ci also want a piece of the pie and attempt to either help them out or steal the way of making there "Chimera". Atlas is now a threat to the City and the City has to deal with the monsters tearing the place up. [

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

- "Into the Abyse":
[A Site has gone 100% Silent and the foundation has to find out]
(Everyone - Map of another Site or Site 65 but Empty and with power out)
A site experienced a code black thanks to an unknown event. MTF NU-7, E-11, B-1 and members of Alpha -1 and MTF Epsilon-9 have been send to clear the site out and make sure that all SCPs are reobtained and threats neutralized. They are also meant to escort a team of Researchers to find out why the Alpha Warhead was not set off. They find a few breached SCPs and some Hostiles Trooper be it CI or another on their way. They slowly discover that something dangerous breached containment a while the find a file with SCP-6832 and find out the the SCP-6832-4 Entity has escaped and has to be terminated at all costs. At the end they would either kill it or lock it in and Nuke the Site to destroy it. If they manage to kill it they can contain the SCP-6832 Crystal. (a large amount of Helpers required as well as some)

- "Why would we do this?":
[A Rife in reality was found, and where it leads is a mystery to all but us]
(Everyone - Post apocalyptic town map)
The Rift is found [still on the old Map] as a single Person falls through they are confused and panicked, they turn out to be a member of the GOC and yet something is off about them. They ramble on about how the SCP foundation went genocidal and the humanity was brough to the brink. They do not trust anyone but depending on which group meets them first they are their met with Confusion[GOC], Agreement mixed with anger [CI], annoyance[Civilian/Parawatch] or Hatred [Foundation]. After they are found and interviewed by whatever group found them first begins to work around the portal. Once the rift is stable the foundation will try to secure it. Once they move through the portal they find themselves with a map change and in a SCP-5000 Scenario. They have to deal with lose SCPs and some Hostile MTF-Operatives, the local CI rather than fighting the foundation would join up with our newcomers as well as the GOC remnants and attempt to fight back the monsters in his hellscape. If they manage to beat the monster back they can evac the survivors to their world. If they a pushed back through the portal they need to defend their reality. A lot of Passive Rp can be found from Data Analysis trying to find out what happened to researching the new creations of the now Insane foundation. (Would need Pacs, about 12 Helpers and a lot of prep time)


List an example mission for each of the following:

O-1: "A Corrupt Staff member has been suspected in branch "x" question all staff and try to find out who it is once they are identified find out their motive and if they work for A GOI and bring them to the ECM."

A-1: "Recover a Redacted file from an crashed Helicopter and remove and any evidence of O5s involvement in the crash"

Nu-7: "Seek and Destroy, a hostile GOI has been spotted trying to establish and Base in town you're to team up with IA to remove them from the town and evacuated the VIP they hold hostage."

E-11: "an unknown Anomaly has been spotted, find out how it works with the researchers and then contain, make sure the bio hazard anomaly wish crashed in the transport is safely return to the site without anyone getting infected."

CI: "Unknown anomaly has be sighted in the town it seems to be humanoid that trades weird things for powerful effects find it bring it to base and find out a way we can use it to support a raid"

Foundation Staff: Depends on the foundation staff:

Medical Personal + Research: They are given Foundation staff that got brough over to them by some Agents who found them effected by some type of unknown cotangent they are to quarantine them and attempt to find a cure for it. This would either lead to them finding a cure or someone else getting injected resulting in them requiring some Containment Specialist or E-11 to assist and keep them safe. They would have the chance to discover many different things. Event potential for a SCp-610 event evolving from one of the "less infected" agents.

Tech: unknown machinery is found they need to find out what it does and maybe even fix it if done correctly it can net foundation a blast from the past known as MTF- TAU-5 which could help in a follow up event. The machine they where meant to repair would turn out to be a TAU-5 chamber.

Containment Specialist: can server in the same Role as MTF-E-11 but in case they needed their own objective it would be likely just working with E-11 on containing something new
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Active member
Apr 18, 2022
Despite being a CI main, Richard has shown a lot of interest in quality rp - something which is much needed to be a part of the gm team. I've seen a few lore documents he's made and they're all well thought out, formatted and interesting reads. He's also decently active on the server.

Events are fairly unique and not entirely Foundation focused, which is a plus, although a few seem to be very pre-determined and rely on a faction acting a certain way and doing certain things. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but by assuming how a faction is going to react and planning your event based around that, isn't always the best idea. People are unpredictable, and you can soon find yourself without a plan or way to end the event in a way that is satisfying if you structure it too rigidly. And everybody likes feeling like their choices make an impact.

Best of luck


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022

+One of the best roleplayers in ci

-Had some negative interactions recently

+good event ideas

+well thought out event plans

+Good guy

i like your ideas and have had many interactions with you mostly positive however to me the negative ones have stuck out your skills at rp are very good and so are your ideas good luck!
Jan 29, 2023
Despite being a CI main, Richard has shown a lot of interest in quality rp - something which is much needed to be a part of the gm team. I've seen a few lore documents he's made and they're all well thought out, formatted and interesting reads. He's also decently active on the server.

Events are fairly unique and not entirely Foundation focused, which is a plus, although a few seem to be very pre-determined and rely on a faction acting a certain way and doing certain things. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but by assuming how a faction is going to react and planning your event based around that, isn't always the best idea. People are unpredictable, and you can soon find yourself without a plan or way to end the event in a way that is satisfying if you structure it too rigidly. And everybody likes feeling like their choices make an impact.

Best of luck
I mainly used those longer Explanations to show how it could evolve in an actual event plan i would try to leave it a lot more open, the only reason i made it sounds so rigid was to explain what could happen. But still thank you for the feedback and i will work on it.
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