Richard Mann's GM Resignation Appeal

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Active member
Jan 29, 2023
Name: Richard Mann

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:20886763
Previous Rank: Game Master
Date of resignation?:

Why did you resign?:
3 seperate Reasons:

Burnout: I stopped enjoying what i did as much due to stress from University and me overworking myself a few to many times, aswell as i relutance to ask for help combined into a very unhealth combination.

Inactivity: Due to the Brunout i felt no longer motivated to play at all meaning i stopping showing up as much and no longer put in as much work as i needed and wanted too, in order to make my events enjoyable and interresting.

An Accident: Something regardining my real life i really do not wish to speak about to much, but if you need a confirmation and some details i can provide them in needed. This incident just simply woundn't allow me to play on the server for a while.

All this combinded + mutiple raids on the CI roster + Exams being on the table for that Month resulted in me no longer being able to handel it and leaving.

Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?: i resigned from CI for bascially the same Reason

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: a Single warn for job abuse on CI [ switching to Jug to counter a large raid while we were low on memebers]

Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?: I have, after a much needed break regained my motivation and due to University cooling off gained more time this time around. Yet the most important reason is since the incident which led initially to my resignation having been sorted out.

I can now comitt myself to GM with renewed vigor and a lot of new Ideas. As well as Finishing the Void storyline which had spawned plent of rp and give those invested in it a chance to contuine their related roleplay.
+ Support

I always enjoyed participating and helping in your events, they were creative out of the box and I thoroughly believe you will do even better if reinstated. My only concern is the lack of activity on the surface currently and wish for you to engage within the current community, however do believe this will increase once obtaining the position again.

Good Luck,
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