Richter "Blade" Montagne's Second Ethics Member Application [US]

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Jul 1, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name: _blade_
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since June 2022 for over 1000 hours
Age: 25
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: MST
Character name(s): Richter "Blade" Montagne Yvan "Liquid" Kolovitch
Civilian name: Mattholomew
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes I do
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-Current Site Advisor for a few weeks. MTF O-1 COM for about 5 months. Ethics Assistant for roughly 2 month. IA Ambassador for about 2 months. MTF O-1 CO team 1 month. CI-A a few different times.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
- Ethics Committee Member. I am applying for this position as I believe my professionalism and proper work ethic would be a fine addition the the Committee. During my previous experience in O1 I have understanding with document work as well as how the Ethics Committee does their job and operates. Being a member of the Ethics Committee has been what I strived for since I was a Commander of O1 in 2022 and I believe the work and effort ive put in have shown that it may be a suitable time.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
- I believe I would be the best candidate due to my prior O1 commitment. I always strived to put in the best of my work for the regiment and the foundation and would continue to do so for the Ethics Committee. Within O1 I displayed my ability to lead an entire regiment and issue new commands to bolster the gameplay loop of O1. That skill had only developed further as I worked more CL.4 jobs around the site. I would also be able to properly engage RP between the Facility, ISD's GOI's etc.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
-Oversee and update the Code of Ethics as well as enforce it. Engage in RP with other departments to ensure they are up to Ethical standards, as well as doing reviews on said departments. Oversee Omega-1 and Ethics Assistants and give orders to them. Oversee Sitewide functions and ensure Codes 1-5 are controlled.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
-Make votes on various situations within the department and working with other members of Site Command. Vote on Department leaders for Internal Affairs as well as selecting Ethics Assistants. Work with SL for any RP changes or ideas made for the Foundation. Participate in meetings externally on Discord
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Richter is a prior war vet from Iraq who was eventually dragged into the foundation by a duo of strange individuals who addressed themselves as Agent K and Agent R. Starting off as a GENSEC cadet and working his way up to the Riot team Richter had enjoyed his time with the foundation. He grew to find the place comforting and even more so when he was recruited into O1 for his exceptional performance within D-block, it almost gave a comfortable feeling of being with his old platoon in Iraq. Richter would eventually grow to become the Commander of O1 where he would continue to thrive until one day he suddenly disappeared. Unknown if it was from a mission or what might of happened to the Commander, the Foundation moved on as it would always, appointing a new Commander and thriving. Until Richter would one day return, no longer the same man he once was. He was brought into the Internal Affairs team almost immediately due to his prior field experience where he might once again prosper.

Richter would do well during his time with Internal Affairs, successfully being hired on to the Ambassador team. He knew he was comfortable now, not needing to worry about constantly being under gunfire, and being able to assist in keeping the site secured and as calm as it can be on a normal day. He found himself working with Ethics more often than not, and acting as a role model for the Agents that work underneath him during his night shifts. It was a nice change from the militaristic duties of O1. Being able to write documents to help IA and set up presentations. Unfortunately, Richter was believed to be assassinated during his time as Ambassador as he seemingly disappeared, all existence of him covered up.

Until about 4 months later he had resurfaced, breathing new air back into O1 again. His service was a welcome asset and he would quickly find himself sitting with the CO team and assisting with leading O1 yet again as a well used asset eventually leading one of their sub-divisions and ensuring proper Ethical practices were enforced throughout the facility. One day he would be filing a report within the Ethics Wing when his computer would blank, displaying an encrypted message requesting his presence on Floor 3. Greeted by A-1 he is brought into the Offices and greeted by the Council. No words exchanged just a simple document handed across the table in front of an open chair.

Site Administration Application

Signature : Richter Montagne Date: 04/14/████

A new job almost feels like a new life, and Richter was enjoying this new life. Working for the Ethics Committee under the guise of O1 made the desk job seem almost envious. Being safeguarded by an entourage of elite soldiers, and this new position within Site Administration would be one extra step towards that goal. But for now to continue developing himself to assume the position he was almost trained for. Within Site Administration Richter was tasked over the Medical Department but joining mid review period so he had no requirements. He would take the time to practice his reviews and interviewing medical personnel. As his first review period would begin he would be formatting his Department review documents when his screen blanks out and displays the following message:

[Message Decrypting]
[Message Loading}

"Clearance Level 4 Credentials Please:"


"Credentials Accepted. Welcome Mr. Montagne. You have "1" new message!"

>Open Message

{████████}:"Greetings Mr. Montagne, I hope this message finds you in good health. But let me cut to the chase and make this short. There has been a recent opening within the Committee unexpectedly and due to your prior history with Omega-1 and commitment to the Foundation even afterwards we believe you might be a good fit for the slot. Anyway apply if you want, or don't. Its not my life. Farewell Mr. Montagne

[File Attached] EthicsCommitteeApplication.docx

A message has been received from the Site-65 Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Richter Blade's Ethics Committee Member Application.

Thank you for showing interest in the position of Ethics Committee Member. Unfortunately, the Ethics Committee has chosen to deny your application. If you have any questions regarding your denial, feel free to contact any Ethics Committee member. You may reapply after two weeks.
  • Sad
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