Richter Blades Internal Affairs Ambassador Application

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Jul 1, 2022
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:60156969
Discord name:Blade
For how long have you played on CG SCP: July 2022
In what country are you located?:USA
Time zone:MST
Character name(s):Richter Blade. Yvan Kolovitch
Civilian name:Michael
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
-Yes I do indeed.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-I was a prior MTF O1 COM for about 3-4 months.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-Not that I know of
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
-I believe my skill set as a CL 4 operative would benefit the division in ensuring we uphold the CoE and CoC and keep to our professionalism as IA by developing possible training regiments for our department, and generating new ideas for the department as a whole to benefit off of as my time in O1 consisted of plenty of training, document work, and arresting and interrogating individuals. I want to prove that Im capable of my time with Lvl 4 experience again before developing myself further within the foundation.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
-I have plenty of experience with O1 as I worked my way up to commander. I believe I make an excellent leader for my peers and can set them up for success. I'm very knowledgeable of the rules of the server and how to ensure a departments success through training, proper procedure, and great work ethic.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
-Roughly 20+ in my time with O1 alone. Proper structure and format to a document makes it presentable. If there is a predetermined format like there is in IA follow that template and make sure you make it look as nice as can be with pictures and no spelling errors. If you were able to, conduct interviews or question individuals involved the best you can and quote if possible.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
- To help keep order within the employees in the foundation by ensuring IA is following proper procedures such as setting radio frequencies and ensuring proper protocol is made for disguises such as radioing in who they have disguised as and asking before taking disguises of Lvl3 and below personnel, and arrest any other level 4 employees including MTF who may have overstepped their boundaries within the Legal Codex boundaries. Watching over tests to ensure they are following protocol within research guidelines, manning the phones within IA to ensure cases are taken throughout the facility. Ensure new hires to IA are being trained properly and assisted with anytime they may have issues with any arrests and set up to prosper within the department.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Richter is a prior war vet from Iraq who was eventually dragged into the foundation by a duo of strange individuals who addressed themselves as Agent K and Agent R. Starting off as a GENSEC cadet and working his way up to the Riot team Richter had enjoyed his time with the foundation. He grew to find the place comforting and even more so when he was recruited into O1, it almost gave a comfortable feeling of being with his old platoon in Iraq. Richter would eventually grow to become the Commander of O1 where he would continue to thrive until one day he suddenly disappeared. Unknown if it was from a mission or what might of happened to the Commander the Foundation moved on as it would always, appointing a new Commander and thriving. Until Richter would one day return, no longer the same man he once was. He was brought into the Internal Affairs team almost immediately due to his prior field experience where he might once again prosper.
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Omar D Chad

Well-known Member
Jul 13, 2022
+massive support
+Experience as Senior foundation
+professional in any job

been working with in the past and I'm happy that you decided to get on your feet's again, we could use your experience as an Ex Commander of the law enforcement on IA job and enforcing rules .
Jul 20, 2022
IA Logo.png

Application On Hold
Hello Agent Richter "Blade",

Me and my team have decided you are, in fact, fit for the role of Ambassador, but, we all have agreed that you do not have enough experience within the role of agent. You are a quick learner, and your previous roles have proven that you are more than capable of this position, we just need to ensure that you know proper Internal Affairs etiquette. Please shadow more experience agents, Ambassadors, Maxwell, or I while you are on site, and we will reassess your experience in a week or two. Please keep up the good work, my friend!

Highest Regards,

Jul 20, 2022
IA Logo.png

Application Accepted
Hello Richter,

Me and my team have decided you are fit for the role of Ambassador. After seeing how quickly you have adapted to Internal Affairs, and seeing how dedicated you were to receiving this position, our decision was not difficult. Please contact me In-game to start your process as an Ambassador of Internal Affairs. Welcome to the team, Ambassador Richter !

Highest Regards,

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