Richy Meez Ethics Committee application

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Well-known Member
Feb 13, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60366827

Discord name: Donk

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 7 weeks

Age: 16

In what country are you located?: England

Time zone: GMT+0

Character name(s): Richy Meez + [REDCATED] Meez

Civilian name: Richard Morton

Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held
: MTF O-1 CPT (Current) CI Alpha (Previous)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
: I have 3 warnings, 1 - RDM, 2 - Naming convention, 3 - Metagaming:
1)For the RDM I had been a D-Class and had found a knife in a scrap pile, another D-Class had said a guy standing in medical line was annoying him and asked me to kill him, I had stabbed him after doing so and was warned for RDM.
2) For the Naming convention I had been warned the day before as a different character: my CI character. The day after I had played as my foundation character and had not changed my name which was only just "Meez" I was brought into a sit and warned after it.
3)My metagaming warning I do not agree with however I never bothered to appeal it as I didn't really want to make a forum account, I had been playing D-Class during a code 2 when gun dealers was supplying guns (Before the rule change) During the code 2 an A-1 member (Pan) had came in D-block with a cadet and had entered vents, I went to the shower vent and started saying "How are the vents in there, are you two doing good?"
The A-1 had noclipped out of the vent and brought me to an admin room, he had accused me of using voice proximity to find out he was inside the vent. After the sit he warned me and O-1 and A-1 had left the vents.

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why
: Ethics Committee member, the reason I want to apply is because I am quite good at with ethical problems with the correct judgement to ensure that the problem is dealt with without a biased opinion and that each member had a good and fair roleplay experience. A lot of the ethics committee members are not on most times of the day so a lot of researchers and O-1 don't have a lot to do until one is online, I would like to allow all members to have stuff to do majority of the day.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?
: I play for many hours on the server and will be able to help players that are trying to have problem such as an break of code of conduct or a ethical violation. I am quite good at 1-1 RP with other players so situations that require ethics help can be done for most parts of the day.
I will be able to allow O-1 members to have a RP situation for most of the day and create scenarios that will allow for a higher quality of gameplay so that they are not bored out of their minds while playing.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?
: The Ethics Committee deal with the documentation of the code of conduct and the code of ethics. This makes sure that all personnel inside the foundation are treated equally so that there is no breach of human rights.
They can host tribunals for personnel to get a fair and non-biased case of both the person being accused and the accuser, this allows for a fair output and ensure that the correct punishment happens after trial.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?): The Ethics Committee deal with internal affairs and the medical department, this is so that they can ensure that all actions preformed is ethical and that they are not breaking any of the documents that are enforced on the facility. Omega-1 is the division that protects Ethics so they are able to handle the procedure and actions that the squad preforms.
Because of the new rule change of security killing D-Class unethically not considered RDM it is important that ethics ensures that general security actions are to the ethics code and any officer who preforms murder is apprehended and punished for their crimes, it will also test internal affairs to see if they are upholding the law and ethics.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in
Richard Morton was a previous SAS SGT who always did his objectives no matter how dangerous, his actions with the British military unit included his special extraction of a highly valued target: the objective was to snatch a terrorist with access to highly classified documents linked to the military, the warehouse that was the castle to the terrorist group had been under high protection built like a fortress. Richard Morton was given special operation orders to extract the target. His skills had proved his worth to his squad as he was able to retrieve the target without any squad casualties, the objective was successful and his name was well known amongst his squad.
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Foundation Omega-1

Richard Morton had been extracted by a hidden SCP Foundation member working within the military grounds. He was handpicked to a special mobile task force known as Omega-1, his goal was to protect the Ethics Committee at all costs and to do the work that is asked, due to Richard having a high moral compass and the need to have each person treated equally and fair he was more then willing to work for the MTF.
After his induction to the squad his works had made a name for himself along the high commanding members that even knew of the presence of O-1. His code name assigned to him was "Meez" as it was the word that Richard muttered during combat. As his code name was assigned all known parts of Richard Morton was removed and hidden from all eyes, the only people to remember Richard Morton was those who had kidnapped him, the O5 Council and Ethics Committee. The hard work to ensure the ethics inside of the facility was always uptight and obeyed was his main goal and all of the personnel inside the facility that had ignored this crucial guide was arrested and given special punishments due to their crimes to the foundation.
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CG Super VIP
Feb 20, 2021
Hello, I will be giving you a +support for the following reasons.
Active in-game and TeamSpeak.
Good at RP.
Ethical (most of the time).

Best of luck.

Deleted member 1291

Many good interactions
Has always been in character & appears to be very responsible
Super active both in-game and on TS


Well-known Member
Feb 10, 2022

+ Active in game, and Ts
+ Good at RP
+ Great Omega-1 Member "as Daanvy said" (Ethical, most of the time)"
+ Friendly in game

Good luck!


MRP War Criminal
Dec 31, 2020
Hi @Meez , ill be giving you +Support
+Friendly person
+Mature and good at RP
+Shown understanding of Ethics


CG Platinum VIP
Dec 24, 2020
Hello there, I'll be giving you a +Support
+Active in-game
+Great leadership
+Nice guy
+Ethicaly in check
+Good roleplay ability

Deleted member 55

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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Meez' application for a position on The Ethics Committee.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position for The Ethics Committee, the committee is in agreeance that you are suited to be on The Ethics Committee. However, you will be put on a trial period for the position. Please contact me on Teamspeak once you're ready for your interview.

Once again, The Ethics Committee appreciates the time and effort you put into your application and congratulate you on your new position within the facility.

Signed and Approved

Director of the Ethics Committee.​
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