Robert California Ban Appeal [USA]

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Active member
Nov 29, 2023
Your in-game name: Robert California

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:165685533

Your steam community link:

Date of ban: Sun Nov 26 14:06:14 2023

What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): MRDM -crabber

Who banned you: \"David\"(STEAM_0:1:244096590)

Ban length?: 2 weeks

What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will be more careful in regards to shooting people who have engaged towards the airlock general security from inside the d-block and avoid killing people who are in the gunfire line of sight.

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? No, this is my first punishment.

Why should you be unbanned: From my point of view, I have commited a mistake and I was wrong when I killed the other class-Ds near the shooter I had engaged inside D-block from the airlock, I never intended in murdering the innocent bystanders just the active class-D rebel actively attacking the security guards stationed inside with me. I enjoyed a lot my stay on this server and I am very regretful of my actions taken that day.
In addition to, I am fairly new to the server community with only one day playtime and after reflecting on what I have done in the past few days, now I understand the responsibility every player has in each job available in the server as a whole. I don't have anything against the people involved, I want to create more memories with close friends, as the grind for levels in each branch is worthy of the rewards we achieve in the end, also I want to apologize for disturbing the victims and staff members in my sit.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I promise to keep myself updated on the daily rule changes, maintain everyone's enjoyement in this experience and, keep an eye out for possible roleplay scenarios in order to avoid breaking more rules in the future.

Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
Ever since I was banned, I have been waiting to appeal this since the forum register wasn't properly working. As a result, I count the days I have served, currently almost 3 days out of 14. Time flies by when you are having fun but it seems to last forever when you are not. This is the only server I currently play and I would be very delighted to be granted another chance here as it is the best one in my eyes.
Finally, I appreciate your time spent reading this appeal and wish best of luck/life for the readers.


Robert California.
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Aug 27, 2023
Hello Robert California I am responding to this forum as an explanation of the punishment received so those that decide the appeals understood the situation that led us here. This started when multiple sits were made for rdm. Due to the amount of sits made I decided too take one. While investigating I personally witnessed gensec shooting into d block killing countless D class. After observing I spectated D block catching the names of those that were doing the shootings. Once I collected my own evidence I brought the D class into a staff room and got a clip from them and checked logs. Once logs were checked those involved were brought too a staff room too hear their side of the story. One of the gensec that were brought (there was three involved) stated they were told to kill the d class due too a riot. When asked the name of who issued the order they were unable too recall the persons name. While checking logs for warnings another staff member took a sit for rdm which was involved in the present incident I was already promptly taking a look at. Due to the fact I was already taking a look into it the other staff member promptly requested I take the D class's sit that they had tooken which I then received a second clip. After seeing that Robert California did not have any warnings but did in fact kill more than 3 D class and looked as they would continue I requested a mrdm ban for them which was then issued. I have written this reply to state the situation clearly of what led to Robert California ban. If any other information is need please contact me.
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Active member
Nov 29, 2023
Hello, thank you for replying. I understand your concern over if someone will continue or not killing more people. Although, that was never my intention from the start, I was never contacted before the sit took place or provided with your clips over the specific scenario. So I don’t know when and what exactly you saw in the combat logs but the class D I had killed, were the same ones constantly running out of D-block through the airlock using contraband(staff ruling 4.02 either hacking device to break the doors or clearance 2 keycards) to open it and shoot the people inside. From my short time as class D, The sign outside the airlock states that trespassing will summarily get you terminated and, unethical termination of class D should be punished in-character by IA following the rule 4.01.
Edit: It seems that I have expressed myself badly here as english is not my primary language so, I am trying to explain why I did what I did, apologize for this misunderstanding and asking for a time reduction.
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Active member
Apr 9, 2023
Ban Appeal Accepted

Hi @DnxCalifornia

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

I have read through your ban appeal thoroughly, and I have come to the conclusion that I will be removing this ban and will be off of your record. I'm doing this only because I see that you as a new player should have a second chance and should learn to have a better understanding of the server rules themselves. I ask that you be more careful next time and be mindful of your actions. I will be removing the ban immediately after this is posted

Kind Regards
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