Robert 'Tomato' Peterson's Discord Ban Appeal

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Jul 28, 2022
Your Discord name & tag: dr.roberttomatopeterson

What server is this for, Network, CityRP, SCP or MRP?: SCP-RP

Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help): dr.roberttomatopeterson

Date of ban (if known): 11/07/2023

Reason for ban (if known): Advertisement

Who banned you?: Death_depth2001

Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?: No

Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal)
OK, so I was apparently banned for advertisement. I messed Yeke and asked if I could post my friends twitch link in the chat because she was raising money for Extra Life (charity) and I wanted to help her raise money. He said no but that I could put it as my status. So I did just that. Then, without directly linking the twitch link, i made a few posts about it directing people to the status so people could watch. I really don't believe that warrants a complete ban from the discord. I was under the impression I was doing the correct thing by not linking the Twitch directly but I guess I was wrong. I apologize for this and meant no harm. I simply wanted to help raise money for charity.

John “Atlas” Kent

Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 9, 2022
Appeal Respond

Greetings, @Robert "Tomato" Peterson

Thank you for taking the time to make a ban appeal on our forum. Before I give my verdict, I want to address some issues.

To begin with, I received a ticket about a player putting a link into the #research-communications-uk channel. After reviewing the evidence, I had to give you a 2-week ban on Advertising based on the punishment guidelines.

Now I understand that raising charity is a good thing. However, the fact that you were trying to put a link into the channel was not relevant, and please refrain from doing so in the future.

Kind regards

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