Rook's SA Application (USA)

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Active member
Oct 27, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:158062459
Discord Name: mre0
For how long have you played on CG SCP?: 1270 hours (few months)
Age: 16 (17 soon if it matters)
In what country are you located?: US
Time zone: PST
Character names: A1 - Rook | OSA - - Cayde "Nezarac" Bloofster | CI - Alpher "The Habitual"
Civi name:
Donny "Boofus" Salami [GT]
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted MTF or CI roles that you have held/hold: 2x 01 MAJ, 2x Nu7 LCPL, CI-C Delcom, ECA, OA, A1 CPL

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings?: One naming con for when i first joined the server as Peter Griffin. One failrp for shooting a matador at my 01 in bunks.

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?:
In my many months on this server, i have explored many aspects of the server Dynamic. One aspect i have recently found myself more indulged into is the administrative section of the server, and would therefor like to get a position that primarily handles with just that. Also, i have recently found myself identifying problems within the site that i believe i could address and correct with a SA position. Adding on, i like being able to create roleplay and activites for departments that are less interacted with.

What makes you suitable for Site Advisor?:
- Months of Sr. CL4 Experience has given me the proper experience with leadership and decision making to correctly and effectively do anything that needed to be done. Whether it was relations between regiments or strengthening my own, i always put my best foot forwards and dont rest until i am satisfied with the results.
- I have good relations with the individuals i work with
- I have lots of patience and understanding, and am able to work around problems between individuals and myself.
- Lastly, i have recently discovered i love doing administrative work as an OA.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
Authorizing AA and Mass terms (and sweeps if necessary) in order to allow MTFs to swiftly deal with a breach.
Ensure Departments Excluding SC and their ISDs are operating well with no problems, and to deal with said problems if needed.
Vote for New SA members
Overseeing a specific department or 2 to personally ensure their administrative needs are dealt with.
Doing (limited) GOI external affairs work, whether to better relations or come to a peace treaty meeting.

Please Give some lore about your SA character and what storylines they would be involved in: (Quick note, creative writing is not my strong suite, however I have tried my best to create lore I am proud to put my name on)

Phone Log
Site Directors Office --> Overseer Assistants Office: Cayde
7/10/2023 4:32:34 PM
- Start Log -
Hi, is Cayde nearby, i wish to speak to him.
Your talking to him, what can i help you with?
I have a proposal I'd like you to take a look at.
I'm all ears.
I would prefer we met in person. Meet me at my office in 30 minutes. Please also bring document 1-MED-002 with you along with a CL4 personnel file of yourself.
I'm unsure I can bring you those documents and whether or not you are authorized to view them.
-1 has given me permission. I'll see you at 5.
End Phone Log
Meeting Transcript
Site Directors Office
7/10/2023 5:00:42 PM
- Transcript Start -
Hello there Cayde, so nice of you to come visit on such short notice.
Oh its not a problem at all, anyways, lets get to business.
Agreed. Well I have looked over your proposed changes and have made a few minor tweaks to them. Please take a moment to view the highlighted changes.
*Sound of paper sliding across a desk.
Uhm, well I understand some of these changes but I believe it would be best if some of these weren't implemented. Are these changes final?
No, there are 100% susceptible to being altered.
Great, so I guess I can come back to you with another proposition?
How about you bring it up to the other SA and SM's. I think it would be best if you got acquainted with your new coworkers?
New coworkers?
Yes. SA, with permission from 05, are extending you an opportunity to join SA. We believe this way your talents will be put to a greater use.
Wow, uhm, yeah I'll take you up on that offer.
Perfect, please inform 05 of your decision and follow the proper resignation protocol.
Will do, is there anything else i need to know?
Yes, by the end of today please report to the SA front desk for proper introduction to your new position. Welcome to SA.
- Transcript End -

Time: 5:14:34 PM
Date: 7/10/2023
From: Overseer Assistant Cayde
To: 05 Council Inbox
Subject: Resignation

I'm emailing you all to inform you of my immediate resignation. After a brief meeting with the Site Director, i have been offered a position as a Site Advisor and intend to accept. I have returned all 05 issued IDs and cards. Please email me back on a date in which I may visit briefly to be Class E'd of my time as an Overseer Assistant as per standard protocol. It was a pleasure working with you all.

Sincerely, Cayde "Nezarac" Bloofster


Well-known Member
Sep 1, 2022
Clearance Level: 4

To: Rook

From: Site-65 Site Administration

Subject: Foundation Site-65 Role Assignment

Hello, @MRE . Thank you for taking the time to apply for this position. After deliberation between the members of Site Administration, we have come to a conclusion regarding your application. This application is to be denied. Elaboration on your denial is available if you decide to get in contact with Site Administration. You may re-apply in two weeks time.
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