Rui's Gamemaster Application (UK)

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Well-known Member
Feb 20, 2023
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP:
I first started playing a while ago, as Intelligence before DEA came out, for about a month. And I've recently started playing again just over two weeks ago coming up to three weeks now. (Note that this isn't time ON the server, I must clarify this due to confusion)


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable):
MTF E-11 PVT Ruiuchan

Chaos name (include your rank):

Civilian name:

Steam ID:
Discord ID (name#0000):

Do you have a mic?:
I do, yes

What server are you applying for?:

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
This is my first ever GM application, yes. However, I have two applications for Intelligence Ambassador that were both denied due to DEA's release.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have one from last year in February for RDM.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
I used to be a developer for multiple games on the ROBLOX platform and as such we were involved heavily with hosting events in-game such as lore
events that involved perma-death for characters or the set year shifting into a new age.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
I have been heavily involved in mainly Star Wars RP on ROBLOX as well as DarkRP, M-RP and SW-RP on GMOD.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
9-10 if I wake up late. 13-14 if I wake up early.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
I personally want to become a gamemaster because it'd be a great way to express my artistic and creative side to the community. Most of the time in the server, nothing different is really going on except from the odd few days a week that an event occurs. Mostly, I just want to give the players an enjoyable and fun experience to be part of. Something that will make them think "Wow! This server is amazing, there's always something great going on and the atmosphere keeps you on your toes at all times!". It would also be something different for everyone to do, including myself, as it gives the community a breath of fresh air. Plus I've also seen that not a lot of events allow the main area of players to experience what's going on as it's shut behind ranks and regiments, I want to change that and give the people something to look back on and have great memories of.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I have three main things that I can list here.

1: I have experience in player satisfaction and everything in-between when it comes to gameplay, I can tell when the fun starts to die out and becomes stale. With this asset I can direct an event accordingly to suit the needs of all players accordingly, giving them the chance to become re-immersed in the server and be sat on the edge of their seats wanting more while also improving upon the basics of normal RP that happens.

2: Another reason is that I have been involved in many high ranks in other communities, meaning I have leadership and organisational skills at a high quality level, so getting things done efficiently and quickly in a mature manner is second nature to me.

3. Finally, I believe that I can bring to my server, multitudes of creative ideas and scenarios to participate in with different outcomes and interactions to be involved in. I have spent a lot of time writing stories in high-school and drawing multiple concepts in graphics courses for my GCSE's. Captivating and hooking in participants towards the lore and action side of an event would be a great asset that I can bring to the server, ultimately improving the experience for all.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
The Lord's Puzzle:

Description - Multiple mysterious artefacts have materialised around the surface of Site-65, the appearance of these artefacts have sparked a strong interest from the three main GOI's (Foundation, UNGOC and CI). Imbued with varying properties and emitting celestial sounds, these artefacts resonate with the song of The Lord inside of them based on their appearance. The Lord, an entity (weaker reality bender) resembling that of a King is of astral origin, born from the heart of a dying star, is has a towering humanoid figure with skin that shifts between forms. The Lord is capable of many feats, however his power has diminished after the loss of his precious artefacts with each one granting him specific abilities such as Lesser Reality Bending (The capability to create convenient physical objects at will and divine weapons resembling characteristics of the cosmos).

Goal - The GOI's must forge temporary peace and gather these objects placed randomly and set them in a secure location far from the prying eyes of any unauthorised individuals, summoning The Lord.

Twist - Each artefact collected will interact differently to the environment it is collected from causing a defence mechanism to trigger, summoning spectral entities weak alone but powerful in large numbers. Once all artefacts are collected and placed in the respective location, The Lord will appear, his physical form manifesting from his treasures being gathered and resonating with each other once again. The Lord will then grant all GOI's an official sigil, declaring them to be true knights of Celestara.

Finale - The event ends with The Lord declaring his pleasure and offering one final gift before dissipating into the environment, spectral knights, manifested from the gathering of the universal energy. It is suggested from The Lord that the groups take ONE knight each, so they can aid in base defence when called upon. It is agreed upon that these knights will be dubbed SCP-8576-1, considered as surface anomalies.

A Strange Day At The Foundation:

Description - An influx of mysterious entities have infiltrated the Foundation, with an appearance of a bright orb that secretes a light blue fluid with physical behavioural properties resembling that of water while in their primary form. These entities have random and varying behaviours which are intended to puzzle foundation staff.

Goal - MTF are designated to locate, capture and contain these entities for sampling of their anomalous fluids. The entities will be selected randomly from the players on the server, tasked with spreading disinformation and blending in with foundation staff. While disguised, these entities will attempt to hide all clues to their true form to allow them to complete their objective. Ultimately, causing a match of similar concept the kids game 'Guess Who'.

Twist - The entities have the capability to manipulate their environment, distorting their appearance into a different identity or interacting with nearby objects to confuse and re-direct site personnel away from their vicinity to reduce suspicion.

Finale - After these entities have been contained, they will be able to be sampled, granting a new chemical for use and creation labelled as 'Mimicryne', which allows the consumer to temporarily take on the identity of someone else for a period of time.

Storming The Vault: Unleash Chaos:

Description - Site 65 has retrieved a significant amount of new information and resources. Chaos Insurgency are becoming desperate and have taken note of this after a deep-cover operation which has sparked a theory of a vault full of new anomalous arrivals soon to be at the Foundation. CI are underway to launch a daring raid in an attempt to recover this new information and keep it for themselves. The Foundation however, has not come unprepared, the halls are rigged with traps of all kinds, MTF units stationed at various ambush points all for the sake of retaining the secrecy of the contents within the vault.

Goal - CI will have to push their way through the foundations halls and corridors, dismantling and triggering traps. All while fighting off the onslaught of well-placed MTF. The siege will take place over the span of an hour, with CI needing to breach the vault with explosives and take the documents placed within then exfil or MTF successfully defending the vault upholding the standards and commitments they swore to keep.

Finale - Upon CI gathering the documents placed inside the vault, it will give them access to documents on various SCP's not yet introduced to the facility, giving them insight on what to expect in the future and how to prepare for them when necessary.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

Event Name - Rift Of Reckoning: Unravelling Space
Description - An anomaly of unprecedented scale has been detected near Site-65, radiating violently from the reactor room. A crack within the threads of reality is starting to emerge, growing in size, the anomaly threatens to engulf the entirety of the facility and all surrounding structures and living organisms.

Phase 1 - The anomaly grows until it eventually implodes, sucking in all persons on the server, transporting them to Site-19. What they don't know is that the SCP's are there too and that Site-19 recently had a little mishap from which they weren't able to recover from just yet. Everyone must work together, put their differences aside before they all lose their lives.

Phase 2 - SCP's have been spotted roaming the corridors and halls of the site. A plan must be organised to turn on the emergency generators and activate the Omega warhead to destroy what remains of the desolate site. However, all individuals must exfil before the Omega warhead goes off.

Phase 3 - Upon exfil, players will be extracted via emergency vehicles placed in storage for moments just like this. As they escape, they will witness the destruction of Site-19 and all contents within.

List an example mission for each of the following:
Ethics Committee have gathered, their ramblings filling the room. However, what they don't know is that a wolf in sheep's clothing stands among them, the fake member suddenly reveals himself to be an ex CI deep-cover operative, stuck to his life long task of taking revenge on the Ethics Committee for the unjust actions brought against his D-Class brothers murderer which led to him being unpunished and set free. The man takes the Ethics hostage, but wasn't sharp enough to think about a panic button placed conveniently under the table where all members sit due to his long monologuing. O-1 must respond quick and fast before anything happens to the ethics members, terminating the intruder.

A-1 has received information that a multitude of classified CL4 documents have been released to a civilian within Pinewood via unknown methods for days. A-1 must put together the clues left behind the individual, dealing with them accordingly upon discovery and terminating the any and all civilians and recovering the documents before they spread further amongst the masses.

MC&D have called for the support of the Foundation regarding a rather unique scenario involving , Nu-7 are assigned to assist MC&D only to find a new undiscovered anomaly temporarily named "The Phantom". Nu-7 must capture the anomaly and bring it back to Site-65 for further testing and research, however to find the real apparition of this being. Nu-7 must uncover riddles given to them by the fake apparitions, ultimately leading to the location of the real one.

A new collection of SCP's are making their way into the foundation, namely known as "The Anomalous Ducks". These ducks are inanimate objects that possess different abilities independently defined by their appearance such as levitation, musical skills, emitting disco lights and music and distorting your vision to look black and white similar to that of an X-Ray. However, a rift has sucked them all in and scattered them across Site-65. E-11 have been tasked with recovering these ducks before they manage to get away.

Word has spread to the Chaos Insurgency that the Foundation are working with an unknown organisation to assemble a new super-weapon capable of wiping the CI base off of the Pinewood map. CI must locate different FOB's where these components are and initiate an assault on the convoys being loaded before they reach the assembly point .

An anomaly similar to SCP-1451 has begun slowly appearing around the UN's base holding hands and forming a circle, what they want is unclear and how they got there is uncertain. UNGOC has requested the aid of the Foundation to help demolish this collection of entities via explosive firepower before an unfortunate turn of events occurs as well as collecting any remnants of the entities to discover exactly what they are and why they appeared.

Foundation Staff:
The anniversary of the Foundation has arrived! It's time for everyone to celebrate with their party hats and cake, except SCP-079 has a little surprise for them regarding a one time use ability forged from extensive calculations for this very moment. While all the festive celebrations are on-going the foundations lights flicker around the party table, suddenly (with the new one time use ability procured by SCP-079 called "PRINT") an anomaly from the backrooms fandom has appeared, mainly known as The Party-Goer has been materialised, these entities are described as a yellow humanoid with 20th century celebration clothing, donning a red balloon in their right hand. They exhibit strange behaviours, seemingly unaware of its surroundings. Despite the environment they've been produced into, the party-goer will engage in festive activities like dancing, singing, or offering party favours to the individuals it interacts with!
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Hello Ruiucha, am giving you a -Support because of many things which I will state below, I will put in a spoiler to remove clutter.

Starting with the first event:

The Lord's Puzzle: What you are suggesting is a surface war over event items, But surface wars are not fun for all Sides, CI win most of these wards due to their numbers, UNGOC is the 2nd in place due to how strong their weapons are, And Site would always suffer due to low numbers and/or weak weapons, Also some things are not clear, What is the item given by the lord? What would knighthood do in his dimension? Nit pick but: what is this lord? Is it a reality bender? an SCP? How would he work?

A Strange Day At The Foundation: So you haven't given a real number so I'll assume there are 3, Reailty bending events which cause harm isn't something very liked, And three of them is worse, If they are able to "Evade" MTF it would get annoying resweeping site every time.

Also: This isn't a nitpick, Three different Reality benders but you gave no info on them, You need to state what they are what they do how strong they are, This type of stuff needs to be perped before hand and not made up on the spot.

Wield A Fist Of Iron And Raise Hell: Civis don't know about the foundition, They think its just a up tight militry, And what you stated is just a Normal CI raid but MCnD <Which are VERY strong> and Civis get to take part, Also, This would ruin any relations GOC MCnD CI and Site had, This event in general is a bad idea.

Moving on to Map change event:

Map change events aren't done much so I won't say too much, And it doesn't sound too bad, Not sure if its worth a map change event and the ending isn't the best.

Moving on to DPT specific events:

O-1: Kidnapping All gensec <Some of which are new players> and leaving Dblock unmanned is VERY bad idea, And making the one escaped captain force RP the fact he will work with Dclass Which btw the Dclass will insta kill the CPT, Also raiding Ethics and killing all O-1 and EC is something that will not work and shouldn't happen, Overall I think this event idea is not the best.

A-1: This is just a CI DC mission, This happens... Every day.

Nu-7: They do this to Kayla in CI base sometimes, They put her in a room fill it with slams and she has to parkour out of it, Also I don't think SA would like to be kidnapped by real CI for an event.

E-11: As An E-11 CPT if this happens I would log off the server, We already hate combative Reality bender SCP events as it is and forcing us to fight against many is something we would not like, Reality benders are not weak, They are as strong as their name, They can bend time and space they can kill us at will, I feel like you are using them too much.

CI: UNGOC is not a fan of WMD, Also this would hurt any retaliations UNGOC and CI have, The event is again just another Raid on site.

UNGOC: Why wouldn't Site capture them first? Why wouldn't CI? Also GOC Kills anomalies they don't secure and research them, They as well don't sell SCPs it goes against their views.

Its also to be noted, You aren't clear with how much SCPs there are and how they work.

Foundation Staff: The time when the foundation was made is not common info, Its something very secert and am pretty sure it isn't even set, It also varies from canon to canon, But for the sake of the event lets assume we knew it, What does this party goer do? what do backrooms have to play in this? This sound like a SCP event which is for E-11 HH and RsD.

Overall all your events have some issues within them, And you are giving us few details, You also have less than a months time on this server <Back from your perv time> Your time as a roblox GM does help, But am unsure of how things work there.

Most of your events contain combat, Which limits players like Medical RsD ect. From the event.

I would say rework your events and research how each DPT feels about events, And experience some events for yourself and see how they go aswell.


I have reviewed your forum and events after the changes you made, I kept the -support for the following reasons.
Small events:

First event: There isn't really anything wrong with this event, But getting UNGOC CI and site to put their differences aside is something that is mostly likely not to happen, When we normally want them to fight a common SCP we make it an OOC event, But then anything they see in the event can't be used IC.

second event: For this event its mostly nitpicks from me: Getting a player to do what you want him to do is something very hard to do, And some players don't like being told what to do.

Third event: What you wrote here is just an enchanted CI Raid for documents, This also looks like to be a 2 parter event as its left on a cliff hanger.

All of your small events contain combat and are leaving out the non-combative side of the server.

Map change:

I think E-11 would like to fight SCPs on a different map, But I think the non-combative side of site wouldn't like that, Also CI will not play along and try kidnap as thats what CI does, UNGOC would fight the SCPs.

Overall Map change events don't happen much, But this event is again very combative.

DPT events

O-1: So a normal CI DC taking an ECM hostage and O-1 have to negation or kill the DC, This already happens, Alot.

A-1: What your saying here is an info leak on surface, but instead of DEA dealing with it, A-1 would do it? Info leaks on surface already happen and normally SOP deals with it not A-1, Also I don't think Ethics or GOC will take kindly to A-1 killing Civis instead of Class Aing them.


Foundation regarding a rather unique scenario involving
Involving what? Also, You haven't explained to us what The phantom is, And what it does or how it can be contained, What are the puzzles how would they work?

E-11: This one isn't bad, I think it would be fun for E-11.

CI: If this FOB means a different base, Then it would be nice for CI, but CI would defo call GOC and tell them that Site is making a WMD, Which I think GOC is against.

UNGOC: You again, Didn't tell us the forum readers what they are and what they do or how they appeared.

Staff: Am neutral on this one.

First, I'd like to say sorry for my mistake in the old comment about UNGOC which Niox corrected.

I think most of your events are combative based and some are just normal CI raids.

In my opinion you haven't experienced much of the server yet, And should reapply in a month or two, if you were to be denied.
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Well-known Member
Feb 20, 2023

Hello Ruiucha, am giving you a -Support because of many things which I will state below, I will put in a spoiler to remove clutter.

Starting with the first event:

The Lord's Puzzle: What you are suggesting is a surface war over event items, But surface wars are not fun for all Sides, CI win most of these wards due to their numbers, UNGOC is the 2nd in place due to how strong their weapons are, And Site would always suffer due to low numbers and/or weak weapons, Also some things are not clear, What is the item given by the lord? What would knighthood do in his dimension? Nit pick but: what is this lord? Is it a reality bender? an SCP? How would he work?

A Strange Day At The Foundation: So you haven't given a real number so I'll assume there are 3, Reailty bending events which cause harm isn't something very liked, And three of them is worse, If they are able to "Evade" MTF it would get annoying resweeping site every time.

Also: This isn't a nitpick, Three different Reality benders but you gave no info on them, You need to state what they are what they do how strong they are, This type of stuff needs to be perped before hand and not made up on the spot.

Wield A Fist Of Iron And Raise Hell: Civis don't know about the foundition, They think its just a up tight militry, And what you stated is just a Normal CI raid but MCnD <Which are VERY strong> and Civis get to take part, Also, This would ruin any relations GOC MCnD CI and Site had, This event in general is a bad idea.

Moving on to Map change event:

Map change events aren't done much so I won't say too much, And it doesn't sound too bad, Not sure if its worth a map change event and the ending isn't the best.

Moving on to DPT specific events:

O-1: Kidnapping All gensec <Some of which are new players> and leaving Dblock unmanned is VERY bad idea, And making the one escaped captain force RP the fact he will work with Dclass Which btw the Dclass will insta kill the CPT, Also raiding Ethics and killing all O-1 and EC is something that will not work and shouldn't happen, Overall I think this event idea is not the best.

A-1: This is just a CI DC mission, This happens... Every day.

Nu-7: They do this to Kayla in CI base sometimes, They put her in a room fill it with slams and she has to parkour out of it, Also I don't think SA would like to be kidnapped by real CI for an event.

E-11: As An E-11 CPT if this happens I would log off the server, We already hate combative Reality bender SCP events as it is and forcing us to fight against many is something we would not like, Reality benders are not weak, They are as strong as their name, They can bend time and space they can kill us at will, I feel like you are using them too much.

CI: UNGOC is not a fan of WMD, Also this would hurt any retaliations UNGOC and CI have, The event is again just another Raid on site.

UNGOC: Why wouldn't Site capture them first? Why wouldn't CI? Also GOC Kills anomalies they don't secure and research them, They as well don't sell SCPs it goes against their views.

Its also to be noted, You aren't clear with how much SCPs there are and how they work.

Foundation Staff: The time when the foundation was made is not common info, Its something very secert and am pretty sure it isn't even set, It also varies from canon to canon, But for the sake of the event lets assume we knew it, What does this party goer do? what do backrooms have to play in this? This sound like a SCP event which is for E-11 HH and RsD.

Overall all your events have some issues within them, And you are giving us few details, You also have less than a months time on this server <Back from your perv time> Your time as a roblox GM does help, But am unsure of how things work there.

Most of your events contain combat, Which limits players like Medical RsD ect. From the event.

I would say rework your events and research how each DPT feels about events, And experience some events for yourself and see how they go aswell.
Apologies for the poor clarification, it was 4am when I started writing this out. I'll edit accordingly and hopefully I can change your mind.

I appreciate your input on this.


Well-known Member
Feb 20, 2023
Edited to be better and more refined, please give your inputs when you can.


Well-known Member
Feb 20, 2023

Hello Ruiucha, am giving you a -Support because of many things which I will state below, I will put in a spoiler to remove clutter.

Starting with the first event:

The Lord's Puzzle: What you are suggesting is a surface war over event items, But surface wars are not fun for all Sides, CI win most of these wards due to their numbers, UNGOC is the 2nd in place due to how strong their weapons are, And Site would always suffer due to low numbers and/or weak weapons, Also some things are not clear, What is the item given by the lord? What would knighthood do in his dimension? Nit pick but: what is this lord? Is it a reality bender? an SCP? How would he work?

A Strange Day At The Foundation: So you haven't given a real number so I'll assume there are 3, Reailty bending events which cause harm isn't something very liked, And three of them is worse, If they are able to "Evade" MTF it would get annoying resweeping site every time.

Also: This isn't a nitpick, Three different Reality benders but you gave no info on them, You need to state what they are what they do how strong they are, This type of stuff needs to be perped before hand and not made up on the spot.

Wield A Fist Of Iron And Raise Hell: Civis don't know about the foundition, They think its just a up tight militry, And what you stated is just a Normal CI raid but MCnD <Which are VERY strong> and Civis get to take part, Also, This would ruin any relations GOC MCnD CI and Site had, This event in general is a bad idea.

Moving on to Map change event:

Map change events aren't done much so I won't say too much, And it doesn't sound too bad, Not sure if its worth a map change event and the ending isn't the best.

Moving on to DPT specific events:

O-1: Kidnapping All gensec <Some of which are new players> and leaving Dblock unmanned is VERY bad idea, And making the one escaped captain force RP the fact he will work with Dclass Which btw the Dclass will insta kill the CPT, Also raiding Ethics and killing all O-1 and EC is something that will not work and shouldn't happen, Overall I think this event idea is not the best.

A-1: This is just a CI DC mission, This happens... Every day.

Nu-7: They do this to Kayla in CI base sometimes, They put her in a room fill it with slams and she has to parkour out of it, Also I don't think SA would like to be kidnapped by real CI for an event.

E-11: As An E-11 CPT if this happens I would log off the server, We already hate combative Reality bender SCP events as it is and forcing us to fight against many is something we would not like, Reality benders are not weak, They are as strong as their name, They can bend time and space they can kill us at will, I feel like you are using them too much.

CI: UNGOC is not a fan of WMD, Also this would hurt any retaliations UNGOC and CI have, The event is again just another Raid on site.

UNGOC: Why wouldn't Site capture them first? Why wouldn't CI? Also GOC Kills anomalies they don't secure and research them, They as well don't sell SCPs it goes against their views.

Its also to be noted, You aren't clear with how much SCPs there are and how they work.

Foundation Staff: The time when the foundation was made is not common info, Its something very secert and am pretty sure it isn't even set, It also varies from canon to canon, But for the sake of the event lets assume we knew it, What does this party goer do? what do backrooms have to play in this? This sound like a SCP event which is for E-11 HH and RsD.

Overall all your events have some issues within them, And you are giving us few details, You also have less than a months time on this server <Back from your perv time> Your time as a roblox GM does help, But am unsure of how things work there.

Most of your events contain combat, Which limits players like Medical RsD ect. From the event.

I would say rework your events and research how each DPT feels about events, And experience some events for yourself and see how they go aswell.


I have reviewed your forum and events after the changes you made, I kept the -support for the following reasons.
Small events:

First event: There isn't really anything wrong with this event, But getting UNGOC CI and site to put their differences aside is something that is mostly likely not to happen, When we normally want them to fight a common SCP we make it an OOC event, But then anything they see in the event can't be used IC.

second event: For this event its mostly nitpicks from me: Getting a player to do what you want him to do is something very hard to do, And some players don't like being told what to do.

Third event: What you wrote here is just an enchanted CI Raid for documents, This also looks like to be a 2 parter event as its left on a cliff hanger.

All of your small events contain combat and are leaving out the non-combative side of the server.

Map change:

I think E-11 would like to fight SCPs on a different map, But I think the non-combative side of site wouldn't like that, Also CI will not play along and try kidnap as thats what CI does, UNGOC would fight the SCPs.

Overall Map change events don't happen much, But this event is again very combative.

DPT events

O-1: So a normal CI DC taking an ECM hostage and O-1 have to negation or kill the DC, This already happens, Alot.

A-1: What your saying here is an info leak on surface, but instead of DEA dealing with it, A-1 would do it? Info leaks on surface already happen and normally SOP deals with it not A-1, Also I don't think Ethics or GOC will take kindly to A-1 killing Civis instead of Class Aing them.


Involving what? Also, You haven't explained to us what The phantom is, And what it does or how it can be contained, What are the puzzles how would they work?

E-11: This one isn't bad, I think it would be fun for E-11.

CI: If this FOB means a different base, Then it would be nice for CI, but CI would defo call GOC and tell them that Site is making a WMD, Which I think GOC is against.

UNGOC: You again, Didn't tell us the forum readers what they are and what they do or how they appeared.

Staff: Am neutral on this one.

First, I'd like to say sorry for my mistake in the old comment about UNGOC which Niox corrected.

I think most of your events are combative based and some are just normal CI raids.

In my opinion you haven't experienced much of the server yet, And should reapply in a month or two, if you were to be denied.


Hello Ruiucha, am giving you a -Support because of many things which I will state below, I will put in a spoiler to remove clutter.

Starting with the first event:

The Lord's Puzzle: What you are suggesting is a surface war over event items, But surface wars are not fun for all Sides, CI win most of these wards due to their numbers, UNGOC is the 2nd in place due to how strong their weapons are, And Site would always suffer due to low numbers and/or weak weapons, Also some things are not clear, What is the item given by the lord? What would knighthood do in his dimension? Nit pick but: what is this lord? Is it a reality bender? an SCP? How would he work?

A Strange Day At The Foundation: So you haven't given a real number so I'll assume there are 3, Reailty bending events which cause harm isn't something very liked, And three of them is worse, If they are able to "Evade" MTF it would get annoying resweeping site every time.

Also: This isn't a nitpick, Three different Reality benders but you gave no info on them, You need to state what they are what they do how strong they are, This type of stuff needs to be perped before hand and not made up on the spot.

Wield A Fist Of Iron And Raise Hell: Civis don't know about the foundition, They think its just a up tight militry, And what you stated is just a Normal CI raid but MCnD <Which are VERY strong> and Civis get to take part, Also, This would ruin any relations GOC MCnD CI and Site had, This event in general is a bad idea.

Moving on to Map change event:

Map change events aren't done much so I won't say too much, And it doesn't sound too bad, Not sure if its worth a map change event and the ending isn't the best.

Moving on to DPT specific events:

O-1: Kidnapping All gensec <Some of which are new players> and leaving Dblock unmanned is VERY bad idea, And making the one escaped captain force RP the fact he will work with Dclass Which btw the Dclass will insta kill the CPT, Also raiding Ethics and killing all O-1 and EC is something that will not work and shouldn't happen, Overall I think this event idea is not the best.

A-1: This is just a CI DC mission, This happens... Every day.

Nu-7: They do this to Kayla in CI base sometimes, They put her in a room fill it with slams and she has to parkour out of it, Also I don't think SA would like to be kidnapped by real CI for an event.

E-11: As An E-11 CPT if this happens I would log off the server, We already hate combative Reality bender SCP events as it is and forcing us to fight against many is something we would not like, Reality benders are not weak, They are as strong as their name, They can bend time and space they can kill us at will, I feel like you are using them too much.

CI: UNGOC is not a fan of WMD, Also this would hurt any retaliations UNGOC and CI have, The event is again just another Raid on site.

UNGOC: Why wouldn't Site capture them first? Why wouldn't CI? Also GOC Kills anomalies they don't secure and research them, They as well don't sell SCPs it goes against their views.

Its also to be noted, You aren't clear with how much SCPs there are and how they work.

Foundation Staff: The time when the foundation was made is not common info, Its something very secert and am pretty sure it isn't even set, It also varies from canon to canon, But for the sake of the event lets assume we knew it, What does this party goer do? what do backrooms have to play in this? This sound like a SCP event which is for E-11 HH and RsD.

Overall all your events have some issues within them, And you are giving us few details, You also have less than a months time on this server <Back from your perv time> Your time as a roblox GM does help, But am unsure of how things work there.

Most of your events contain combat, Which limits players like Medical RsD ect. From the event.

I would say rework your events and research how each DPT feels about events, And experience some events for yourself and see how they go aswell.


I have reviewed your forum and events after the changes you made, I kept the -support for the following reasons.
Small events:

First event: There isn't really anything wrong with this event, But getting UNGOC CI and site to put their differences aside is something that is mostly likely not to happen, When we normally want them to fight a common SCP we make it an OOC event, But then anything they see in the event can't be used IC.

second event: For this event its mostly nitpicks from me: Getting a player to do what you want him to do is something very hard to do, And some players don't like being told what to do.

Third event: What you wrote here is just an enchanted CI Raid for documents, This also looks like to be a 2 parter event as its left on a cliff hanger.

All of your small events contain combat and are leaving out the non-combative side of the server.

Map change:

I think E-11 would like to fight SCPs on a different map, But I think the non-combative side of site wouldn't like that, Also CI will not play along and try kidnap as thats what CI does, UNGOC would fight the SCPs.

Overall Map change events don't happen much, But this event is again very combative.

DPT events

O-1: So a normal CI DC taking an ECM hostage and O-1 have to negation or kill the DC, This already happens, Alot.

A-1: What your saying here is an info leak on surface, but instead of DEA dealing with it, A-1 would do it? Info leaks on surface already happen and normally SOP deals with it not A-1, Also I don't think Ethics or GOC will take kindly to A-1 killing Civis instead of Class Aing them.


Involving what? Also, You haven't explained to us what The phantom is, And what it does or how it can be contained, What are the puzzles how would they work?

E-11: This one isn't bad, I think it would be fun for E-11.

CI: If this FOB means a different base, Then it would be nice for CI, but CI would defo call GOC and tell them that Site is making a WMD, Which I think GOC is against.

UNGOC: You again, Didn't tell us the forum readers what they are and what they do or how they appeared.

Staff: Am neutral on this one.

First, I'd like to say sorry for my mistake in the old comment about UNGOC which Niox corrected.

I think most of your events are combative based and some are just normal CI raids.

In my opinion you haven't experienced much of the server yet, And should reapply in a month or two, if you were to be denied.
Thank you for providing your edited feedback, without this there wouldn't be much way for me to improve, I'd just like to throw in some counter points from my perspective of how I see it all.

Small Events:
First Event:
I understand your concern about getting UNGOC, CI, and the site to cooperate. The idea was to create a scenario that challenges their usual dynamics, but I can see pretty well how it might be unrealistic. However, unique scenarios such as this one can lead to interesting roleplay opportunities. If managed well, the event could push characters to find common ground under different circumstances they aren't typically used to, I genuinely believe this would add depth and meaning to their interactions.

Second Event: I agree getting players to follow a specific path can be a rocky road considering they'd want to do it how they want to. However, having certain key players take on specific roles with pre-determined jobs could add structure and direction to the event significantly. With proper support, players MIGHT enjoy the opportunity to be part of a more scripted storyline so they don't have to improvise (For this I was thinking that some people might not be as creative as others, so improvising isn't that easy for them, I wanted to give them an opportunity to be part of something too). Making it organic like the others would be a lot harder for the type of event that this is and would require a lot of time to write out and create with the multiple variables to be considered.

Third Event: I aimed for a storyline with a potential second part, but I can see how it might come off as unfinished to many people. For this I took the inspiration of movies with how they end on cliff-hangers which I believe can keep players engaged and looking forward to a continuation onto this event, which would develop a sense of story development.

Map Change Event: I understand your concern about balancing the interests of combative and non-combative players. However, a map change event can really give a fresh and immersive experience that benefits the entire community. With deep planning activities for both combative and non-combative roles, this can be an inclusive event event for everyone. For example, while E-11 and UNGOC engage in SCP combat, non-combative players could be tasked with finding a secure escape route, medical assistance, or diplomatic negotiations to resolve relations between the GOI's relations temporarily. The main part of a map change event would probably be combative regardless, I simply can't think of a scenario where there isn't combat where it isn't stale that also involves the entire server.

DPT Events:


I understand that hostage situations are common. Which is why further prepping would be needed for this event to add more twists and dilemmas to make the event more fun.

The feedback regarding info leaks is noted. Involving A-1 in such events can offer a different perspective and approach compared to the DEA. The idea is to make it feel different otherwise it's just sticking to the same normal RP rules rather than allowing players to try something else.

I apologize for the lack of detail, for this I don't want to elaborate too much on what this phantom is because it's an event I have a lot of ideas for and I haven't really settled on one main idea for it. This would be great as an improvisational event, making it up on the spot would make this feel so much more organic and immersive.

I mainly want to keep this a mystery for now, I've already planned ahead of time how this would play out and all the extra nitty gritty details.
Here is a quote that I like to abide by for stuff like this. All questions would be answered during the event by playing through it.
"A writer must keep just enough mystery to make the reader wonder, but reveal enough truth to make them understand."

Julien White

Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
May 11, 2024
+ Support

You have shown a genuine interest to be a game master, I have read your entire application and although there are partial combat focused events it's clear that you have put in effort which is always amazing to see. You have shown, as in the messages above to take criticism upfront and maturely, I wish you the best of luck with the process, your event ideas are great and through reading your interest in why you want to become a GM you have great potential.

Good luck;

Julien White


Well-known Member
Feb 20, 2023
+ Support

You have shown a genuine interest to be a game master, I have read your entire application and although there are partial combat focused events it's clear that you have put in effort which is always amazing to see. You have shown, as in the messages above to take criticism upfront and maturely, I wish you the best of luck with the process, your event ideas are great and through reading your interest in why you want to become a GM you have great potential.

Good luck;

Julien White
Thank you very much, I appreciate your input.

Cheetah / RustyOsprey2

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Nov 24, 2023
Application Denied

Hi @Ruiuchan

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

Unfortunately, we have decided to deny your gamemaster application.

If you want further information regarding the denial of your application please get in contact with either of the Event Team Supervisors.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks​
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