Accepted Ruling Change (3.2[a] Foundation Raiding)

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Changes a specific part of the ruling for who can authorize raids from:

Foundation MTF personnel can raid the CI and UNGOC Base when authorised by MTF Nu-7 Commander, External Affairs Agency Manager+, or Site Administration e.g (O5, Ethics, Site Director/Advisor).


Foundation MTF personnel can raid the CI and UNGOC Base when authorised by MTF Major+, External Affairs Agency Manager+, or Site Administration e.g (O5, Ethics, Site Director/Advisor).

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Outside of my DMs with Mercer, no. (N/A)

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Will allow for more raids on CI or GOC if needed when a Nu-7 COM, AM, or SA/SC is not onsite.
+ Makes sense, given the recent change to put MTF Majors on par with DEA AM.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Might be abused to raid CI or GOC too much, but doubtful (on US) as Foundation hates main raiding both bases due to both bases being basically just kill halls.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Overall, I see this suggestion allowing for more freedom for MTF Major+ to carry out tasks that they realistically would. One note I would like to address is that I did not specify Nu-7, this was intended. For instance, if no Nu-7 MAJ, SA/SC, or AM is on, but an E-11 MAJ is and CI have a captured SCP, they can authorize and lead a raid to retrieve said SCP, or if an A-1/O-1 MAJ is on they can authorize and lead a raid to retrieve Site Command.

Raids on US are hardly carried out even though Nu-7 Commanders are both insanely active (I am one of the 2), SA/SC usually has at least 1 person on, and all Agency Managers basically no-life the game, so I can hardly see this being abused. I can't speak on the state of UK, but given that both share the same map I would imagine both share the same sentiment about raiding CI or GOC base, mainly CI.

With the change from Mercer to the Global CoC today to put Majors on par with DEA AMs, it just makes sense for them to be able to authorize this kind of stuff. If anything, I think it should be loweded from Nu-7 Commanders to Nu-7 Major+, but I would prefer MTF Major+ for any regiment.
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