Denied SA Disguise Card

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Mar 4, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

This Suggestion Adds Disguise Cards to the Site administration role Site Advisor, Site Manager, and Site Director

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

1.) This would provide a way for SA to walk around site in a more safe manner

2.) It would stop CI from being able to locate and kidnap SA so much

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

1.) CI might Complain that its to hard to kidnap SA

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I believe this suggestion should be accepted because right now SA doesn’t have any form of true protection like their own regiment or a Special strong Pistol like SC so I think this would provide a simple way for us to be able to go around site without the constant anxiety of being kidnapped or killed.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022
you have a million jobs to help protect you on site, and SA doesnt really act in the shadows like say site command or their assistants would. just doesnt make sense. plus would leave like just mtf command for CI to capture
Yes but the issue with that is we are taking away from regiments for example DEA if there is 3 to 5 SA on that takes a lot from DEA for defending code 1s.
It’s because SA are suppose to be very public get, compared to assistants who not only follow the orders of O5/ECM the info they have is a lot more important compared to what SA have.
The issue with that is assistants get them but we don't? I understand that SA is a noncombative but at least give us something fun to use on our whitelist as there's really nothing we do in game besides auth tests or AA.

+Support for me though
Great Suggestion, Site Administration deserve a disguise card!

As A Site Manager I really dislike having to either:
A: Require Nu-7 or DEA to be with me at all times whilst I'm not inside Site Administration offices.
B: Having to be watching all around me at all times as CI can literally pop out of nowhere at anytime. or
C: Never leave Site Administration offices entirely.
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Reactions: Chad
Oct 26, 2022
The O5 Council and the Ethics Committee have designated protection, and SA do not. This would help them quite the amount and prevent as many captures; plus provide a way for them to traverse the site without worry. Why do those with designated personal protection details given to them by the Foundation have disguise cards whilst SA do not? I understand they are supposed to be public and SC is supposed to watch from the shadows; but it feels like a simple and reasonable request that should just be given to them.
I wanted this when i was SA, however Site Admin have RRT, Nu-7, E-11, DEA, and combat medics at there will. SA are a public figure and if they need investigations they would contact I.A, so unfortunately I do not think this is needed
most RRT are Incompetent & forcing Nu-7, E-11 & DEA to guard Site Administration really isn't a choice, the only people Ive ever had Escort is people who are willing & if that's the case they should maybe make a small department dedicated to SA protection, it serves a purpose unlike the addition of Beta-1


Well-known Member
Jul 28, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

This Suggestion Adds Disguise Cards to the Site administration role Site Advisor, Site Manager, and Site Director

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

1.) This would provide a way for SA to walk around site in a more safe manner

2.) It would stop CI from being able to locate and kidnap SA so much

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

1.) CI might Complain that its to hard to kidnap SA

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I believe this suggestion should be accepted because right now SA doesn’t have any form of true protection like their own regiment or a Special strong Pistol like SC so I think this would provide a simple way for us to be able to go around site without the constant anxiety of being kidnapped or killed.
+ Support SA should not have to rely on those like myself to guard them to have any safety, when CI raids they cannot disguise themselves to hide themselves, and CI know exactly who they are even though they are one of the highest ranks on site.
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