Denied SA Disguise Card

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Mar 4, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

This Suggestion Adds Disguise Cards to the Site administration role Site Advisor, Site Manager, and Site Director

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

1.) This would provide a way for SA to walk around site in a more safe manner

2.) It would stop CI from being able to locate and kidnap SA so much

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

1.) CI might Complain that its to hard to kidnap SA

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I believe this suggestion should be accepted because right now SA doesn’t have any form of true protection like their own regiment or a Special strong Pistol like SC so I think this would provide a simple way for us to be able to go around site without the constant anxiety of being kidnapped or killed.
Oct 21, 2022
most RRT are Incompetent & forcing Nu-7, E-11 & DEA to guard Site Administration really isn't a choice, the only people Ive ever had Escort is people who are willing & if that's the case they should maybe make a small department dedicated to SA protection, it serves a purpose unlike the addition of Beta-1
I'm not sure how it is run on usa but on UK there is a dedicated division within NU-7 GA "Guardian Angels" That assist escorting CL4 but primarily SA, I think implementing this to USA or something similar would be better as it would show SA as still a public figure but at the same time offer a level of protection that's needed from hostile intruders.

I understand the annoyance of being captured by chaos insurgency but at the end of the day we are meant to be a public figure and having the disguise cards takes that away. It would massive change the role of SA and affect RP in a negative way.


Well-known Member
Jul 28, 2022
I'm not sure how it is run on usa but on UK there is a dedicated division within NU-7 GA "Guardian Angels" That assist escorting CL4 but primarily SA, I think implementing this to USA or something similar would be better as it would show SA as still a public figure but at the same time offer a level of protection that's needed from hostile intruders.

I understand the annoyance of being captured by chaos insurgency but at the end of the day we are meant to be a public figure and having the disguise cards takes that away. It would massive change the role of SA and affect RP in a negative way.
Theres something like that on US which is called "Phase Walkers", I am a member of it and we dont have many members and not all of them escort often.
Massive -

This got denied before

SA dont hide in the shadows that's IA whole job

Just cause u get kidnapped alot doesnt mean u need it. Literally be better and ask Nu-7 to guard you. On UK they have a whole divison ment to guard you. Even going as far as starting 10/12 part 2 (Nu-7 vs ISD and winning)

Assistants have them since they are tied to cl5 information so if they get kidnapped they can be tortured for cl5 info. and cause they work with IA to enforce the FLC.

And its balancing issues. As IA both specialist for ISD (8 or 4 in total) assistants(4) 05, ethics, (around 8) and atleast 13+ jobs with disguise cards counting all IA jobs. And DEA

So at this point literally everyone can disguise aside from MTF GSD medical and research


Well-known Member
Jul 28, 2022
Massive -

This got denied before

SA dont hide in the shadows that's IA whole job

Just cause u get kidnapped alot doesnt mean u need it. Literally be better and ask Nu-7 to guard you. On UK they have a whole divison ment to guard you. Even going as far as starting 10/12 part 2 (Nu-7 vs ISD and winning)

Assistants have them since they are tied to cl5 information so if they get kidnapped they can be tortured for cl5 info. and cause they work with IA to enforce the FLC.

And its balancing issues. As IA both specialist for ISD (8 or 4 in total) assistants(4) 05, ethics, (around 8) and atleast 13+ jobs with disguise cards counting all IA jobs. And DEA

So at this point literally everyone can disguise aside from MTF GSD medical and research
Ethics are 90% public and them and their assistants have disguise cards


Super Administrator
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SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Apr 11, 2022
-support I've been SA for months now and I've never been kidnapped by CI so it's literally a skill issue
Why do we need disguise cards if we are publicly known leaders for the site, where everyone should know who we are and where we are to be able to come forth to us so we can always be able to assist them.
Disguise cards suit us no value or purpose if you're scared about being kidnapped get an RRT escort or something


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Content Team
Group Moderator
May 23, 2022
Suggestion Denied
Hi @Thorn,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion because we there is no reason for Site Adminitstration to have disguise cards (and we do not plan to give disguises to anyone at this moment because they are fine as it is, and it could lead to some imbalances). Also do note, you have departments dedicates to escort you, so use them if needed.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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