Samuel's ECM Application [USA]

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Big Iron

SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Dec 20, 2023
Steam ID:
Discord name: bigiron.
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 5 months Today
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s):
"Iron", Samuel "Mr. Big" | Small
Civilian name: Steve
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
O-1 LT, ECA, Special Agent, 096, 22415 | [Held] E-11 CSG, Dpt. Manager, UNGOC CPL, CI-G.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?: Nope
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I am applying for ECM. I am applying because I have a lot of ideas that came to me recently for RP that would involve a few departments and would hopefully have an intriguing plotline and story. I overall want to do more RP events with the site than just shoot people and do interviews. I am hoping that if I do get accepted that I can and will make this happen.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
What makes me the best candidate is because of my Sr. CL4 Positions and what I have done within them. I also think my traits as a person make me the best candidate, mainly being that I am a strong-willed individual. I don't give up easily, but just because I don't doesn't mean I won't listen to people and take their criticisms (hell if anyone is reading this currently don't be afraid to give criticism about me.) If I mess up anything I will try to take responsibility right away and try to right my wrongs as soon as possible. I am a pretty avid storyteller and like telling stories, and making RP for stuff I like on the server.

Enough about my strengths for personality now is the time for results and what I have done. For my duty as a DEA manager, I have helped manage punishments in the division and made judgment calls for misdeeds in DEA. Some of them were difficult choices to make, and others were pretty cut and dry. Overall I have led DEA pretty well for my time there and acted as someone that Special Agents could talk to and go to for punishments. For O-1 I have made a push to lead even better and make O-1 the best regiment it could be. I have also been managing documents and writing new sections, so my external document work is pretty well done (I just don't know how to code for some documents). I wish to continue to make O-1 better and give them more engaging and exciting things to do if I am made ECM.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
Upkeeping/enforcing the CoE and enforcing the CoC to make sure the site doesn't fall into chaos or human rights abuse.
Approving tests that need ethics approval and oversight as some tests are dangerous or 100% lethal to make sure D-Class lives are not wasted or in vein and to make sure their final moments are good ones.
They can decide if the site is unrecoverable as well and when to blow it up with the Alpha Warhead.
They lead and order Omega-1 to do their more "hands-on" and dangerous work when needed.
They are the other side of the coin of site command and keep the O5 in check to make sure they don't act as tyrants and vice versa for themselves.
They also do Departmental reviews to make sure each department is running well and ethically.
They oversee IA to make sure the law of the site is upheld and to make sure departments are not breaking laws.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
They vote on ECM apps and give opinions internally which is finally decided by the Chairman.
They can decide who will become the next DoIA.
They also decide if someone will become an ECA or not.
They keep the server health in mind and make sure the server is fun to play on and a good experience overall.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

-Open Samuel-Samson-personnel-file.txt

=access granted=

Warning this file is a CL4-O1 classified document, sharing with unauthorized personnel will result in Omega-1 personnel being dispatched to your location.
Do you wish to proceed?


=opening file=
. . .

Begin log
Mr. Samson was originally born around 199█ in Northern Finland. He had an average childhood with even more average living conditions. His brother had moved out around when he was around ██ and at around 2█ he joined his father in their brewery business brewing, alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks. Unbeknownst to him his father was an informant for the foundation. On one of his delivery runs he was ambushed by members of the Chaos Insurgency, mistaking him for his father and was shot three times initially but retaliated with an illegal firearm he owned, wiping out the 5 ambushers while only suffering 2 more shots. The incident landed him in jail, but but he was bailed out by people who were interested in him.

This incident gained the interest of the foundation as they contacted him and shipped him to Canada to Site 65. They had employed him for his combat experience training him and putting him as a security guard at first. He was interested in getting revenge on the people who shot him and that is when DEA had their recruitment drive. He joined DEA and immediately joined what is currently known as BORTAC mainly involved with their infrastructure by transporting and mass producing chemicals and drugs. He had finally found a CI infrastructure network with one of his interrogations and began to set up an ambush on one of their weapons routes. The ambush was successful and led to the capture of 3 CI agents while also revealing other routes they had used as well. 1 by 1 each route was ambushed and shut down and this victory led him to a promotion to a special agent. At around this time, he had come back into contact with his brother who was now a GOC operative. They had maintained close contact until his brother's demise.

Mr. Samson began to do more Internal work at this time landing him within a few weeks another promotion, this time to Manager. He had truly gone above and beyond for his department working hard to make sure all cogs were greased in the machine that was DEA. At this time though he had learned that his brother was killed in a blue-on-blue incident with the GOC which had hurt his morale severely and had to take a quick break from working for a while. When he got back Omega-1 Members were waiting at his office and had █████████ him without no one noticing. Had slowly showed up less and less to work then just didn't show up at all. Then on one faithful day, he had been found dead in his office with a bullet wound to his head; And he has been marked dead ever since.
start log
Mr. Samson is not dead however, he is now in a veil of utmost secrecy and his whereabouts are unknown.

Mr. ██████ now "Iron" has taken his combat experience and leadership from his previous jobs and has translated it into being the hand of the law for the Committee. He has been secretly serving with them for a while now and most of his operations are [REDACTED] mainly consisting of ██████ and espionage. he still has his diplomatic ways ingrained into him by his desire to make everyone get along but his ████ ███ █████ has gotten in the way sometimes making it hard for diplomacy. Many traits of his past "life" still shine through him today as his work as an aficionado of the law.
"What an interesting file log Samson."

"I am sure it is well padded by the way you worded it."

"It would appear so. What an extensive background! Now how will it help me?"

"I guess it would show I have my head screwed on correctly for working so long in the foundation."

"That would be a fair assumption."
"I had only wanted to talk about your log to see what type of person you are."
"It appears the log slowly answered my questions. Any further questions?"


"Then you may leave."
Jul 26, 2022
I had arrested you because you broke the CoE Code 1.08 by desecrating a a D-Class's corpse well after he was dead by riddling it with more bullets after you emptied a full mag into him. . .
uhhh ive been arrested once this like whole month and it was because i shot a dea in self defense and he was still alive but u to a cl4s suspicion without even hearing what i said you mgiht be thinking of something else but good luck on ur app professional response but yeahhh (edited i only had a shotgun during the life anyway so mag luh confusing)

Big Iron

SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Dec 20, 2023
uhhh ive been arrested once this like whole month and it was because i shot a dea in self defense and he was still alive but u to a cl4s suspicion without even hearing what i said you mgiht be thinking of something else but good luck on ur app professional response but yeahhh (edited i only had a shotgun during the life anyway so mag luh confusing)
Oh yeah I remember you now the main problem I had was you shootin people as a researcher I might have put the wrong charges but the right time I can't remember. I meant to arrest you for Legal Codes 1 5.2 as said above. My fault for arresting you for the wrong charges though.
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A message has been received from the Site-65 Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Samuel's Ethics Committee Member Application.

Thank you for showing interest in the position of Ethics Committee Member. Unfortunately, the Ethics Committee has chosen to deny your application. Contact any Ethics Committee member if you have any questions regarding your denial. You may reapply after two weeks.
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