Sandwalkers Dev app/Dev Appeal

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-In-game name on all servers you play:
Sandwalker on all servers

-Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:171984691


-For how long have you played on our servers?:2018

-What country are you from?:UK

-Time Zone:GMT

-Do you have a mic?:Yes

-Is this your first application for Mapper? If not, link previous ones:

-Have you received any bans?:3 for MRDM 2 was accidental but had punishment was was me being stupid.

-How confident are you with Hammer (Rate yourself 1-10 using rating guide):8-9
Missing a few skills to make me a 10

-Do you have previous experience as a Mapper for GMod?:previous mapper for this community and i have done multiple commissions for other server including Source 2 hammer, I have made multiple projects and can create practically anything what i cant build i can find and get and adapt to the best of my abilitiues

- What source games have you mapped for and used the content of?: GMOD, Sandbox(Briefly),

-How many hours can you commit to Mapping per week?:Minimum 5 max is any of my spare time so i can commit max probably 10-20 depending on work

-Why do you want to be a Mapper? What can you help us with?: Make maps better , make new map, Improve on the efficiency of maps to make them less laggy and less cluttered, better player experience with higher realism.

-Which server(s) on Civil Networks do you play on and which ones would you most prefer to map for? MRP

-Have you made & edited any map before? if so attach some images showcasing your map & edit

-List any ideas of new maps/map edits for CN that you would like to work on.
All MRP maps can be made better lots better and some parts of DRP and SCP can be made better an ever changing map can keep players interested, I want to be a mapper again as i have been allowed to make an app by vents because i made a huge mistake in the past that cost me my rank, i have explained to vents the circumstance of how its been fixed so the issue won't happen again and i shall keep making corrective measure to make sure it doesn't happen(If you would like to know what corrective measures and what was the issue DM me i am more than happy to explain).

I have made quite a few mistakes but I am leaving it behind me, I am learning and have learned from it and I am bettering myself every day. My mental state is lots better which is why I can focus more on helping the community and making maps look better and more fun for the community. My previous work show the beginning of my talents however after spending around 5-10 hours a week on forums and practising i have made my mapping skill better than before, Lighting and Map side coding i have figured how to do and most of the dynamic side of maps i have got a lot better at i have not made any maps atm however from previous mentions i have lots of images on my previous app which i will reupload as they are good reference pieces to my skills also i will be posting images of my talents when and where i can.
Can you show more pictures please? Especially the 4th and 5th
As shown in my last mapper application that is my work however i do not have that map anymore i do however have the maps i created for MRP that i can send images but due to the NDA it woukd have to be private ir just look in the mapping chat from last year when i was present or MRP Content team chat ill make a few more example maps and also try harder to find the maps you requested.
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I have been Mapping for about a year now most things that i have made i cannot share as they are under an NDA as ive down alot of contracted things for not just this server but DARKRP and a couple of SCP servers and also i have dabbled in mapping on Unity and also Arma's map software.

Optimisation, vertex work, lighting, realism, terrain, configs, times of day, scale and everying in between i can do on hammer.
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