Sane's ban appeal

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Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 15, 2021
Your in-game name: (forgot)
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:139567619
Your steam community link:
Date of ban: 20-10-2023
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Death threats
Who banned you: Holland
Ban length?: 2 weeks
What server were you banned on?: SCP-RP UK
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):
What will you do to stop this from happening again: Not make any SERIOUS death threats
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? Yes
Why should you be unbanned: Because the person I made the ""DEATH THREAT" to Did not see it as a actually threat to their safety or their life they were aware it was not serious and did not feel threathened in anyway shape or form, Which leads me to believe the staff member that banned me just took into their own hands, Without even trying to obtain any context from the situation, Let me fresh you up on what happend so basically what happend is I walked up to kayla and just went in LOOC "NGL Kayla is the only women I would lowkey kill" And than walked off (IF YOU LOOk at what I said how would you know if it was meant in a irl context or ingame context? This leads me to believe I was banned unrightfully as first of all no one fealt threathened to the result of this, IT was clearly a joke and not a serious threat, + there isnt even anyway to know if it was meant as a irl threat or a ingame threat
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I will behave better
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
Cause this server is argueablly the best


Well-known Member
Aug 27, 2022
Hey @Sane

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban Appeal.

Before I banned you. I did some research checking logs etc.

So I will clear things up by quoting your own words and then give my opinion/view about it
Because the person I made the ""DEATH THREAT" to Did not see it as a actually threat to their safety or their life they were aware it was not serious and did not feel threathened in anyway shape or form, Which leads me to believe the staff member that banned me just took into their own hands,
So a sit was made for Death threats by the person you Said it to. Indicating that this person didn't see it as a joke( They may say yea i know its a joke But it can be they don't want to escalate it with you in private chats.)
unfortunately, at the time, there weren't any staff members available.

Taking manners in my own hands: A report was made in our staff chat. Because of the late time nobody could log into the server to deal with the active sit. The next morning i logged in and spent 1.5 hours reading logs finding out what happened. I concluded that this was a Death Threat and banned you for 2 weeks.
Without even trying to obtain any context from the situation, Let me fresh you up on what happend so basically what happend is I walked up to kayla and just went in LOOC "NGL Kayla is the only women I would lowkey kill" And than walked off (IF YOU LOOk at what I said how would you know if it was meant in a irl context or ingame context?

So to start Ingame context or IRL context Looc is used to talk about Out of character things so i can assume this is not any way of Roleplay.
Dont use /looc if you mean it in Rp/ingame. Basically this was IRL threat. I don't see how i need context when the player makes a sit About you for death threads meaning it wasn't for RP or seen as a joke.

So I assumed this wasn't for RP purposes Making it a Threat towards a community member.

The exact sentence you said: ` Jameson "Top' Jonathon: /looc I lowkey hate kayla she's the only woman I want to kill `
This leads me to believe I was banned unrightfully as first of all no one fealt threathened to the result of this, IT was clearly a joke and not a serious threat, + there isnt even anyway to know if it was meant as a irl threat or a ingame threat

I don't see how this can be a Joke for the following reasons.
1. The person make a ticket to report you
2. because of statement 1 I can freely assume you guys aren't Super good friends. ( Assuming not stating)
3. You talked in OOC.

Also, this thing you said made my decision-making absolute.

Jameson "Top' Jonathon: // also I do not regret my statement about kayla

Dont have much to say about this think the sentence is clear and doesn't need explaining why i think this isn't a joke.

Last thing.

In general, Never make a death Threat In OOC even if it is a joke other members don't see it that way. And we Staff are on strict grounds

Edit: All the sentence has been exactly copied out of the logs.

I hope this clears things up need more info reach out to me in this thread thanks.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 15, 2021
Hey @Sane

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban Appeal.

Before I banned you. I did some research checking logs etc.

So I will clear things up by quoting your own words and then give my opinion/view about it

So a sit was made for Death threats by the person you Said it to. Indicating that this person didn't see it as a joke( They may say yea i know its a joke But it can be they don't want to escalate it with you in private chats.)
unfortunately, at the time, there weren't any staff members available.

Taking manners in my own hands: A report was made in our staff chat. Because of the late time nobody could log into the server to deal with the active sit. The next morning i logged in and spent 1.5 hours reading logs finding out what happened. I concluded that this was a Death Threat and banned you for 2 weeks.

So to start Ingame context or IRL context Looc is used to talk about Out of character things so i can assume this is not any way of Roleplay.
Dont use /looc if you mean it in Rp/ingame. Basically this was IRL threat. I don't see how i need context when the player makes a sit About you for death threads meaning it wasn't for RP or seen as a joke.

So I assumed this wasn't for RP purposes Making it a Threat towards a community member.

The exact sentence you said: ` Jameson "Top' Jonathon: /looc I lowkey hate kayla she's the only woman I want to kill `

I don't see how this can be a Joke for the following reasons.
1. The person make a ticket to report you
2. because of statement 1 I can freely assume you guys aren't Super good friends. ( Assuming not stating)
3. You talked in OOC.

Also, this thing you said made my decision-making absolute.

Jameson "Top' Jonathon: // also I do not regret my statement about kayla

Dont have much to say about this think the sentence is clear and doesn't need explaining why i think this isn't a joke.

Last thing.

In general, Never make a death Threat In OOC even if it is a joke other members don't see it that way. And we Staff are on strict grounds

Edit: All the sentence has been exactly copied out of the logs.

I hope this clears things up need more info reach out to me in this thread thanks.
I have personal confirmaiton from kayla she did not take it seriously and did not report me either
They also told me in d block they knew it wasnt serious and We are actually on neutral/good terms and it was a pure joke toherwise we would not have communications and she would have reported me ingame if we were on bad terms
More evidence


Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 15, 2021
Hey @Sane

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban Appeal.

Before I banned you. I did some research checking logs etc.

So I will clear things up by quoting your own words and then give my opinion/view about it

So a sit was made for Death threats by the person you Said it to. Indicating that this person didn't see it as a joke( They may say yea i know its a joke But it can be they don't want to escalate it with you in private chats.)
unfortunately, at the time, there weren't any staff members available.

Taking manners in my own hands: A report was made in our staff chat. Because of the late time nobody could log into the server to deal with the active sit. The next morning i logged in and spent 1.5 hours reading logs finding out what happened. I concluded that this was a Death Threat and banned you for 2 weeks.

So to start Ingame context or IRL context Looc is used to talk about Out of character things so i can assume this is not any way of Roleplay.
Dont use /looc if you mean it in Rp/ingame. Basically this was IRL threat. I don't see how i need context when the player makes a sit About you for death threads meaning it wasn't for RP or seen as a joke.

So I assumed this wasn't for RP purposes Making it a Threat towards a community member.

The exact sentence you said: ` Jameson "Top' Jonathon: /looc I lowkey hate kayla she's the only woman I want to kill `

I don't see how this can be a Joke for the following reasons.
1. The person make a ticket to report you
2. because of statement 1 I can freely assume you guys aren't Super good friends. ( Assuming not stating)
3. You talked in OOC.

Also, this thing you said made my decision-making absolute.

Jameson "Top' Jonathon: // also I do not regret my statement about kayla

Dont have much to say about this think the sentence is clear and doesn't need explaining why i think this isn't a joke.

Last thing.

In general, Never make a death Threat In OOC even if it is a joke other members don't see it that way. And we Staff are on strict grounds

Edit: All the sentence has been exactly copied out of the logs.

I hope this clears things up need more info reach out to me in this thread thanks.
The "Victim" Has clearly stated in the record aswell they did not make a ticket but were "TOLD" To She has also stated we are not on bad terms or anything and she did not taken any threat or take the statement seriously


Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 15, 2021
Hey @Sane

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban Appeal.

Before I banned you. I did some research checking logs etc.

So I will clear things up by quoting your own words and then give my opinion/view about it

So a sit was made for Death threats by the person you Said it to. Indicating that this person didn't see it as a joke( They may say yea i know its a joke But it can be they don't want to escalate it with you in private chats.)
unfortunately, at the time, there weren't any staff members available.

Taking manners in my own hands: A report was made in our staff chat. Because of the late time nobody could log into the server to deal with the active sit. The next morning i logged in and spent 1.5 hours reading logs finding out what happened. I concluded that this was a Death Threat and banned you for 2 weeks.

So to start Ingame context or IRL context Looc is used to talk about Out of character things so i can assume this is not any way of Roleplay.
Dont use /looc if you mean it in Rp/ingame. Basically this was IRL threat. I don't see how i need context when the player makes a sit About you for death threads meaning it wasn't for RP or seen as a joke.

So I assumed this wasn't for RP purposes Making it a Threat towards a community member.

The exact sentence you said: ` Jameson "Top' Jonathon: /looc I lowkey hate kayla she's the only woman I want to kill `

I don't see how this can be a Joke for the following reasons.
1. The person make a ticket to report you
2. because of statement 1 I can freely assume you guys aren't Super good friends. ( Assuming not stating)
3. You talked in OOC.

Also, this thing you said made my decision-making absolute.

Jameson "Top' Jonathon: // also I do not regret my statement about kayla

Dont have much to say about this think the sentence is clear and doesn't need explaining why i think this isn't a joke.

Last thing.

In general, Never make a death Threat In OOC even if it is a joke other members don't see it that way. And we Staff are on strict grounds

Edit: All the sentence has been exactly copied out of the logs.

I hope this clears things up need more info reach out to me in this thread thanks.
The statement of mine stating I do not regret the thing i said about kayla Is taken out of context ones more, As the context is people were saying woah after she put it in ooc I decided to continue the joke and went I do not regret what I said about kayla


Well-known Member
Aug 27, 2022
I still stand at my point that this is still A death threat and broke the server's overall rules and policies. Next time don't say these things at all.

other members of the community don't accept this as you say it's a joke when others see it as something serious.

Also if she got told to report you she still made the Report. Dont see why she reported you when she didn't want to.
We will await for SL's decision

No further comment will be posted by me.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 15, 2021
I still stand at my point that this is still A death threat and broke the server's overall rules and policies. Next time don't say these things at all.

other members of the community don't accept this as you say it's a joke when others see it as something serious.

Also if she got told to report you she still made the Report. Dont see why she reported you when she didn't want to.
We will await for SL's decision

No further comment will be posted by me.
She stated she did NOT report me meaning she didnt make a report, So maybe someone made a report in her name?


Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 15, 2021
+ all the evidence I provided leads me to believe that she does not wish for me to be banned as she decided to not report me

Oct 21, 2022
Appeal Accepted

Hi @Sane

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal

After investigating and having a conversation with Kayla, it was discovered that the ban that was imposed on her was unwarranted. Kayla expressed confusion as to why you suddenly approached her and made the comment you did. Although she stated to me that she figured the comment to be a joke, she later realized that it was not appropriate but did not feel threatened.

After reviewing all the evidence and considering Kayla's statement, it has been decided to lift the ban. However, I strongly advise you to be more thoughtful and cautious with your words and actions towards other members. Inappropriate jokes and comments are not acceptable and may result in more serious consequences in the future.

Kind regards
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