Accepted SCO and COL jobs loadout suggestions

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Apr 2, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
NOTE - If you think something should be changed make sure to mention it in the comments

SCO loadouts
All SCO jobs on the server have the same loadout as CO jobs of that regiment with the exception of the 1stAL / JAC where the senior officer gets a vehicle repair kit but I believe all SCO jobs should have a slight upgrade, just like in the 1stAL / JAC example

INF regiments
STS / SOTF > SCO should have an advanced field kit
IVG / 15th > SCO should have an advanced field kit
AOR / MPK > SCO should have an advanced field kit OR Deployable shield OR Heavy shield

ARMOR and HELI regiments
1stAL / JAC > SCO should have a vehicle repair tool (already the case)
SWB / UAF > SCO should have a vehicle repair tool
COL loadouts
The only thing that stands out in their loadout is a grapling hook that every STS job has other than the inf one, this job should have a tampering device and a C4, these 2 items are kind of a signature of spec op regiments

IVG / 15th
Has nothing special in their loadout, it should have stinger / matador with a C4 OR a sharpshooter rifle they can use WITH normal kits (also IVG COL for some reason gets an AK12 alongside their reg kits)

Currently, this job gets a heavy AND a deployable shied I don't think anything should be changed

1stAL / JAC
Gets a stinger, vehicle repair kit and a proxy nothing should be changed

Gets a stinger and a vehicle repair kit, nothing should be changed

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- COL and SCO jobs would be more balanced between regiments
(COL jobs such as IVG / 15th and STS / SOTF have really bad loadouts comparing to police and vehicle regiments, Armor regiment SCOs have an upgraded loadouts comparing to their COs, and this is not case for other regiments)

- More reason to progress through ranks because currently SCO jobs are the same as CO

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Cannot think of any other than maybe some jobs being too powerful

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Because this way there is more reason of a reason to progress through ranks and also it will be more balanced between regiments!
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.

Chad Power

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 8, 2021
Suggestion Accepted

Hi @Hoxton , Your suggestion has been accepted.

This suggestion will be added to our backlog as high priority.​
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