Scott 'Orrical' Mitchell's DoM App [UK]

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Well-known Member
Jun 10, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:62218455
Discord name: orrical
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 791,220 Seconds
Age: 24
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Scott 'Orrical' Mitchell
Civilian name: Jones 'Orrical' Foley
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Medical Consultant (HOLDING)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
None at all


Why are you applying for the Director of Medicine?
I have been working in the Medical Department ever since I was cleared to when first arriving at the Site, I have fully dedicated all of my time whenever I am on site to doing my job and performing medical duties. I know what great position Medical can be in and I love helping people around the facility with any questions about the medical department and field all the way through to performing life-saving surgery on them. I'm applying because I have the skills and know-how to be a Director of Medicine, I have already helped rewrite crucially used training documents and wrote up a training on Psych Evals for those Doctors who need it most. Whenever I can I am providing new players information on how to do their job properly, I have been teaching people how to use chemicals and alternative ways of treating people and I love it. I have a good rapport with a fair amount of people in the facility all in different departments. There are plenty of ideas I want to get in the running for medical, some of which I've made hints at to other members of MLT that we should be looking into this or that but one thing I would really love to get a bigger handle on is creating events or cross-departmental trainings and situations that medical would need to figure out, creating these scenarios with other departments is one thing I would love to do as we would all have something to do and it would build up a better relationship between Medical and other departments. I hope to make some extremely useful changes as Director of Medicine to encourage more people to join the Medical Department and ensure they are welcomed to it too.

What makes you suitable for Director of Medicine?:
I have gathered all of my Medical training and information from basically nothing, I had a prime bit of assistance from medical personnel back when I was a trainee when I was shown how to make chemicals despite not having full access to any of it yet, that immediately opened up my love for the Medical Department, they did not care I was new, they wanted me to know what I was doing and wanted me to enjoy it too, I feel like I am bringing that energy over to the new trainees on the Medical Department too when they truly want to get involved in the department, I know what it is like to be at that position and the anxiety felt, I can bring new personnel and make them feel welcomed. Due to my understanding of the medical department too, I am very confident on all aspects of the medical field and what is needed to keep it stable and functioning. I have been involved in many different medical roleplays all with a different situation tied to them whether it is doing an Evaluation on an SCP or performing surgery on a high level member of staff. I know how to perform every medical duty to a professional level and I have been teaching others how to do so too, being patient is very important as a DoM, not everyone knows what you currently know and it is up to you to make them feel welcome and confident, I am very confident I can help lead the department effectively and also ensuring that medical lead situations are kept up to a high degree.


What are the responsibilities of the Director of Medicine in RP?:
The most important thing that a Director of Medicine needs to do is look around and discuss with his fellow Medical Leadership Team on where we can implement suggestions and improvements to the Medical Department in order to make it easier to access and understand for lower levels of staff or to improve department policies and procedures as a whole, an example of this would be a separate training dedicated purely to understand chemical formulas for cures and how to create them rather than them being brushed as a topic, we currently mention it briefly during medical licensing but once the door is closed, a lot of staff are not confident enough to ask for help and they leave the department feeling overwhelmed.

A Second Responsibility is for the Director of Medicine to review applications for Medical Consultants alongside their Medical Leadership Team and providing that the applicant passes the application, the Director of Medicine would then need to conduct an interviews for them as they have just passed the beginning stage of the process and then train them up correctly as a Consultant, this is a responsibility that is incredibly important as the new Consultant will help form the Medical Department as a whole and will assist the Directors with leadership duties. A poorly trained Consultant can do a lot more damage compared to a poorly trained Doctor.

A Third Responsibility is the most obvious one: Doing your basic medical job even as a Director, it is very important that a Director does their basic duties to show that they are still doing what they first joined the department to do and that will lead to other personnel feeling more comfortable working with that department as it shows that a Department Director is willing to do basic tasks and not just shove them off to someone else (without a good reason) it also opens the avenue for trainees, Doctors and even Sr.Doctors to ask the Director questions on what they are doing and what they can do better, cooperation is very important and will build relationships between Medical Staff.

A Fourth Responsibility is that the Director of Medicine also manages the relationships with other departments on the site and making sure they are having the occasional meeting with them and new departmental contracts are signed and acted on, they must be actively seeking out the other departments and must be willing to receive the representatives of these departments in order to make sure these relationships don't falter and a bad line of communication forms.

Another responsibility that is often overlooked but still very crucial is that a Director of Medicine needs to have the confidence to hand out disciplinary action to medical personnel breaking policies without feeling bad or guilty, You must ensure the department does it's job correctly and that they do not break any rules at all whether that would be server rules (At that point go to staff) or the FLC, it is very important that the DoM handles issues that are raised to them because they are the face on the Department and whichever decision that make will reflect on medical as a whole, they will have plenty of ways of enforcing Medical Policy by either handing out strikes, removing licenses if required or having a departmental job ban pending review by Site Administration if needed.

The Director of Medicine needs to be confident in making documents for the department whenever they need updating or a document needs to be created plainly, they will be a port of call for evaluations on high-level personnel such as the O5, Senior members of A-1 and O-1 and the Ethics Committee, having documental confidence is imperative, they are in a very trusted position and must be confident in handling everything like this. Document updates for guidelines, Policies, medical rules and other disciplinary related documents are important and must be handled properly.


Please give some lore about your Director of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Scott was born in the year of 1981 in the United Kingdom in the city of London. Scott had an extremely relaxed childhood being able to do what he wanted with his parents never batting an eye at him, he got into trouble a lot at school and was failing on all of his subjects apart from Science Chemistry, he loved mixing together different substances and chemicals which often led to him getting into more trouble with his teacher when messes were made all over the class laboratory. When Scott had reached 18 he attended Medical School at ███ in London which his parents fully supported but though to be honest he noticed that they never really seemed to care what he did, he received "Outstanding" grades on his training into Medicines and Surgeries and realised that he truly did want to go into Medicine. Once Scott had gotten his Medical License he got a job as a Local Hospital in London helping out as many patients as he could, after 2 years he started to get really burned out and irritated by the same thing day in and day out, he wanted some more excitement in his life so he started to look around for other opportunities, he was offered a job with family members up in Canada where he could assist his family up there on medical procedures, he took it, at least he would be out of the UK.

Scott stayed in Canada for another 5 years helping out at the hospital with his family where he then became their Lead Surgeon and was the go-to person for extremely serious surgeries in his area, this filled him with pride and he wore it like a badge of honour, this kept him happy for another 3 years until he was told that he was to operate on someone but was not even allowed to know his name, this made Scott extremely confused but did his duty as normal, he had lives to save.
The surgery was done on a tall man with a very serious face, it unnerved Scott a bit but he pushed forward and completed the surgery perfectly, as far as he could tell, the patient would make a full recovery.
Scott went back to his office after a long day to find an envelope with a very weird symbol on there, he had never seen this symbol before... He opened the letter and it was addressed to him asking him to be reassigned to the Canadian Military Base in the medical department with only the last words being "say nothing"
Scott was always very curious so he went and discovered the Foundation.

The Foundation took a massive interest into Scott due to his medical skills and because of the fact they managed to save their Inspector? Scott had no idea why they held a simple Inspector in such a high regard but still he accepted this, they put him to use over the next 7 years being an asset and performing emergency surgeries and check ups when needed, he spent all of this time climbing the ranks of the Foundation and was finally revealed to him who the Inspector truly was, they only told Scott that is real name was █████████ and that Scott had saved him previously. Scott was originally content with the high rank he would receive as a Consultant but still strived for more, he wanted to do more around the site and use what medical knowledge he had, he bided his time and worked as vigiliantly as he could, every now and again looking up from his medical table to see more people like ██████████ standing opposite from him in suits. The alarm went off and a SCP Breach had commenced, Scott did as he always did and ran to the Shelter to await its end but it took a lot longer than usual. He returned to the Medbay to see it coated in blood, on every wall and all over the floor. he went back to his office to see yet again another letter on his desk. Scott was promoted to the rank of Director of Medicine, he assumed the SCP breach had killed the previous Director, if only he knew the truth.
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Well-known Member
Jun 10, 2024
I asked this to Shrimple, and I'll ask it to you to before giving my Support:

Before I give my support, is there any notable RP that you have created, based on Scott "Orrical" as a character, or for medical as a whole? Such as a storyline or a operation that included others.
If you are referring to other departments being involved then no, Medical as a whole, the most recent noteable RP I technically created was when I had a Trainee and Doctor assist me with an Operation on a CL4 member of staff, I had them gather tools and medical supplies for me and got them to do basic things such as watch vital signs and answer questions when we weren't at a crucial point in surgery, that was last week I believe?
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Jun 18, 2024
+genuinely one of the best people I've interacted with on the server
+had great RP with him as RS with both surgeries and curing diseases
+Always a good laugh
+Very Active
+Helps those that need it and always leads with example
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The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, Mr Mitchell

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

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This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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