Scotty "Burns" Cal Ban Appeal

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Your in-game name: Scotty "Burns" Cal
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:590260079
Your steam community link:
Date of ban: 9/25/2023
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): "Severe Toxicity"
Who banned you: Henry \"Gambler\" Tayor
Ban length?: 3 days
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the URL):
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I was banned because someone had mistaken me saying the N word. In the clip he sent it was me on Response unit in airlock and I had just killed a d class because they had a card, and after I killed him, I said "Fuckin dumb ass bum ass bitch" which is kind of a habit because that's what I always say when I kill my friends on other games. Anyway, in the clip he sent the moderator my mic cut at the perfect moment to where it sounded like I said the start of the Nword.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? yes warned about 4-6 times banned once before for rdm kicked for scripting (i typed +left in console)
Why should you be unbanned: I didn't really do anything.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I will stop trash talking people after i kill them and try to speak more clearly so mistakes like this dont happen again
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:[/b] Because I really like this server and I know its only 3 days but I don't want this on my record
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Complaint Response

Hello Scotty, I had gotten a report from a person and had taken it like normal.
The report said 'Security said N-WORD', I took said report and asked for a clip which the person had given after a minute of waiting.

I reviewed the clip and heard it over multiple times to make sure it couldn't be an accent or how someone says a word, after deciding that yes you have indeed said the word in question, I brang you and began to interrogate. You said 'Oh, I thought I called him as you said 'Fucking Dumb-' etc etc, which even without the word mentioned being said, would still provide you with a warn and a five minute gag/mute due to toxicity and possibly worse if you had previously done warns. After this, I said that I would have to provide you with a ban due to severe toxicity.
Complaint Response

Hello Scotty, I had gotten a report from a person and had taken it like normal.
The report said 'Security said N-WORD', I took said report and asked for a clip which the person had given after a minute of waiting.

I reviewed the clip and heard it over multiple times to make sure it couldn't be an accent or how someone says a word, after deciding that yes you have indeed said the word in question, I brang you and began to interrogate. You said 'Oh, I thought I called him as you said 'Fucking Dumb-' etc etc, which even without the word mentioned being said, would still provide you with a warn and a five minute gag/mute due to toxicity and possibly worse if you had previously done warns. After this, I said that I would have to provide you with a ban due to severe toxicity.
I dont have anything to say i know you were just doing your job
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