Denied SCP 035 Rule changes/Balances

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Active member
Nov 4, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[Make it so that when scp 035 gets a host or has a host for longer than 10 minutes his box says containment failure.
Or make it FRP for 035 to exit his cc unless he gets breach tooled, hacked, or naturally breached
Make it FRP for SCP's to 'puppy guard' or protect 035 for extended periods of time (10 minutes) to prolong breaches]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[Makes it so that SCP cant breach an 035 by hiding inside his cc forcing people to enter and get taken, Makes it so that ERT won't get falsely exfilled because 035 is breached but his box says containment is fine, Decreases the number of code blacks via making ERT not getting a false exfil due to an 035 that was breached and no one realized due to his box saying fine.

Makes it to where 035 cant breach other scps by getting breached due to unnatural or ways that were not meant. Ex: D class running into 035 without being fear rp'd in just to cause a breach.

Decreases Code blacks and scp breaches due to 035 being defended by scp's for over 20 minutes with the sole purpose to hack out 2-3 SCP's then use breach tools to result in a code black]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[Less 035 breaches, Less of a reason to play 035,]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[This suggestion should be accepted as it balances 035 and decreases code blacks while also addressing issues with 035's being falsely breached resulting in multiple scp breaches. Ex: D class running into 035 without being fear rp'd in just to cause a breach and not appear in breach cue as breached meaning 035 can hack out 3 scp's on top of also having breach tools ]


Active member
Nov 4, 2022
The main thing that makes 035 decent is his power to silent breach. Removing this would make 035 the worst SCP.
im not saying remove silent breach from him. Im saying make it so that scps cant just get him breached without it being a natural breach, breach tool, or hacked out causing his box to still say containment is fine as this messes with ERT exfil and allows him to hack out 3 scps instead of the norm 2 if he's the only breach.


Active member
Dec 7, 2022
035 is a support role and having scps protect him to cause more breach is common logic. scp 035 is so frail that if he couldn't be protected for longer periods of time then he would immediately be worse off as a result
"Makes it so that SCP cant breach an 035 by hiding inside his cc forcing people to enter and get taken" - If they sit for 5m or longer it is against the rules.
"Decreases the number of code blacks via making ERT not getting a false exfil due to an 035 that was breached and no one realized due to his box saying fine." - This is fair, however it is a bug.
"Decreases Code blacks and scp breaches due to 035 being defended by scp's for over 20 minutes with the sole purpose to hack out 2-3 SCP's then use breach tools to result in a code black" - If SCPs work together to keep 035 secure then they deserve to have a CB, not to mention if E-11 focus him instead of the other SCPs he can still be killed.


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Content Team
Group Moderator
May 23, 2022
Suggestion Denied
Hi @Komodo,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion because this would be adding even more restricting rules, which can become quite unhealthly for the server. On another note, SCP-035 is balanced and does not require any nerfs or whatsoever to it. In regards to the containment box not showing that he's breached, I will be looking into this and test it, and then will log it into the github.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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