Denied SCP-096 Bucket FailRP Adjustment

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Apr 20, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Currently, most 096 breaches are felled by a single unimmersive thing happening. You'll be running down a hallway extremely fast, or bashing down a door/shield, when some random person will stick a bucket on the rampaging monster. What I'm proposing is changing it so that while SCP-096 is in his 'enraged' state, he is incapable of being bucketed. Failing that, add a rule that prohibits such behavoir from interfering with legitimate breaches in such a way that RP is being broken by a mechanic that is constantly abused.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Immersion will be maintained as to the destructive nature of a cognitohazard breach. This includes the response methods of those whose responsibility it is.
  • SCP-096 players cannot be immediately captured by virtue of being bucketed during the half-second they are near someone while running to a target. This is especially relevant to 096 solo breaches where he can end up bucketed instantly with no chance for recourse.
  • More interesting and nuanced gameplay on the part of recontainment efforts, as they cannot simply 'Mouse 1' to win, as it were. Protection of non-combatants and proper security would need to be followed.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • It will become more difficult to contain a code 4 when it occurs in the future. This can lead to increased downtime for research and other RP during each breach.
  • There would be an increase in complaints that SCP-096 has become 'too powerful' despite the prevalent availability of scrambles that half the playerbase wears even outside code 4s.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Aside from what appears to be a very basic misuse of game mechanics being rectified, I believe this would help to improve the RP aspect of SCP-096 a great deal. Already players are expected to not abuse the existing sight mechanics and act out the 'Shy Guy' angle during their breaches, but having such an instant shutdown begets more rulebreakers who would rather ignore RP for the sake of not getting captured without any effort. This would, in turn, cause the players to elevate the horror aspect of knowing 096 is around instead of burying it behind what must be oversight on the part of his recontainment mechanics.
Aug 6, 2022
+/- support

+ most of my breaches are i get 1 person that views my photo then e-11 are outside my cc with scramblers and buckets and i only get 1 target

- but at the same time, this is how most 096 breaches get dealt with. if the entire server is dumb enough to not value their life and walk around site during breaches, then 096 will get fed a bunch of targets and will end up uncontainable.

i think the bucket system is fine as sometimes it's a 5 minute cooldown until you can be bucketed

MIke Truman

Active member
Apr 14, 2023
+ massive support
yeah not fun and possible when we think about it, imagine being a monster going at inhuman speeds and you just see someone out with a bucket running towards you spam clicking clearly abusing game mechanichs
-ruins rp
get seen by a d-class inside dblock while running near dblock = infinite breach
flawed idea, if you get into densely populated areas near spawns where people don't have scrambles you just keep going. Also allows minges to propagate the breach much easier and for much longer
A better idea would just be making the bucket significantly easier to break while enraged


Well-known Member
Nov 3, 2022
+support. A solution could be making it so the button can only be clicked once every (insert balanced number) seconds, so that it cant just be spam clicked.
I have a different idea... well 2 ideas:

Add a timer to putting the bucket on (similar to weaponstripping OR interrogate tool) this will be like a 5-10 second timer. and prevents the "Spam M1 until you put the bucket on the SCP going 100 MPH"

allow 096 to break the bucket while engraged. I hate the whole idea that you have to WAIT to break the bucket? a METAL BUCKET. i swear when you're going that fast the bucket would almost break on its own.
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Active member
Jun 19, 2023
+Support Genuinely already thought that this was already a implemented rule but i was mistaken. Hope it does get accepted.
Apr 20, 2023
I have a different idea... well 2 ideas:

Add a timer to putting the bucket on (similar to weaponstripping OR interrogate tool) this will be like a 5-10 second timer. and prevents the "Spam M1 until you put the bucket on the SCP going 100 MPH"

allow 096 to break the bucket while engraged. I hate the whole idea that you have to WAIT to break the bucket? a METAL BUCKET. i swear when you're going that fast the bucket would almost break on its own.

This is actually a really good middle ground as well. If the bucket were treated similarly to the delay that cuffing someone has, it would at least stop the insta-bucket as you run by people. Still would have the problem of getting contained whilst breaking certain doors and shields however.


Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2022
+minor support,
I would be all for it, the only exception is that there should be some way to circumvent this if 096 happens to get into either D-block, or spawn points there should be a way to avoid that as this would result in a loop that isn’t able to dealt with easily, not as much MTF bunks or SS but more of Dblock considering it is harder to deal with.

096 already OP, though it would be more realistic RP-wise it would be an annoying addition.

"096 is already OP"

He's about the farthest thing from overpowered, but still - Support, this is not the right way to fix SCP-096. He's good, but for the same reason the Witch from L4D2 is so feared; he's a freebie basically. You don't have to expend your limited valuable breaching resources to escape with the tall lanky shy man, You can just yank him out of his cell as 035 and just add him to your breach. However, if you're playing 096 and you get breached via the breach que system, you're just a wasted breach due to weak you are as a solo unit. They should put more work into maybe trying to make it harder to release him, and making his actual breach more powerful. You kinda need other SCPs in your 096 breach for it to even work in the first place.

A good way you could do that is, for example, this potentially:

1. 096 counts as half a breach slot, and another SCP will always randomly breach with 096l. Any SCP that breaches via an 096 breach would not have their breach tool.

2. Make 096 immune to anomaly containment beams. With the 096 staff ruling considered, this way, 035 can't just yank him out of his cell, and 096 is far less overpowered. After all, most of its anomalous abilities come from its face when it is enraged, so in theory, could you not potentially make the argument that, besides its uncanny physical strength, it would not have a high enough level of humes that an anomaly containment beam would be able to properly effect it? Additionally, even if it is enraged, Con. beams don't exactly do much in the first place, so that wouldn't effect gameplay. The only thing you'd have to do with this is add another specific set of cuffs for 096, and then if you were to possess someone as 035 with those cuffs, then you could release 096 as 035.

With a very simple change such as this, it would fix a lot of the problems most people have with 096 as a whole. I hope that if this suggestion is denied, that they consider other alternatives.

stee ven

Well-known Member
Aug 12, 2022
I have to say -Support.
This is because in a perfect world yes non combatives would evacuate to the proper areas when there is threat of a cognitohazard, but the thing is noncombatants are usually minges who will touch 008 spores on purpose or spread 096 photos around, scream o5 council on comms, etc so this would end up with 096 breaches that last until a warhead detonation or something like that.
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