Denied SCP-096 Bucket FailRP Adjustment

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Apr 20, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Currently, most 096 breaches are felled by a single unimmersive thing happening. You'll be running down a hallway extremely fast, or bashing down a door/shield, when some random person will stick a bucket on the rampaging monster. What I'm proposing is changing it so that while SCP-096 is in his 'enraged' state, he is incapable of being bucketed. Failing that, add a rule that prohibits such behavoir from interfering with legitimate breaches in such a way that RP is being broken by a mechanic that is constantly abused.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Immersion will be maintained as to the destructive nature of a cognitohazard breach. This includes the response methods of those whose responsibility it is.
  • SCP-096 players cannot be immediately captured by virtue of being bucketed during the half-second they are near someone while running to a target. This is especially relevant to 096 solo breaches where he can end up bucketed instantly with no chance for recourse.
  • More interesting and nuanced gameplay on the part of recontainment efforts, as they cannot simply 'Mouse 1' to win, as it were. Protection of non-combatants and proper security would need to be followed.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • It will become more difficult to contain a code 4 when it occurs in the future. This can lead to increased downtime for research and other RP during each breach.
  • There would be an increase in complaints that SCP-096 has become 'too powerful' despite the prevalent availability of scrambles that half the playerbase wears even outside code 4s.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Aside from what appears to be a very basic misuse of game mechanics being rectified, I believe this would help to improve the RP aspect of SCP-096 a great deal. Already players are expected to not abuse the existing sight mechanics and act out the 'Shy Guy' angle during their breaches, but having such an instant shutdown begets more rulebreakers who would rather ignore RP for the sake of not getting captured without any effort. This would, in turn, cause the players to elevate the horror aspect of knowing 096 is around instead of burying it behind what must be oversight on the part of his recontainment mechanics.


Well-known Member
May 17, 2022

If this suggestion gets accepted people will just run to D-block and just make the breach last as long as possible. The bucket system isn’t perfect but there needs to be some way to stop an 096 breach and looking at the pros and cons I think the bucket is the best system for it.


Well-known Member
May 11, 2023

While a blanket "you cant bucket while enraged" may not be the correct answer, allowing anyone to grab a bucket and somehow exactly place a metal bucket upside down on an 8ft tall monster running faster than a car just doesnt make sense. Even worse with how buggy the bucket placing can be combined with server lag. I may be biased because of how much I enjoy playing 096 but I don't think you should be forced to play with such a handicap just because half the players are too stupid to value their lives during an announced breach.

Goondra "Sleepy"

Active member
Dec 9, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi Bard,
Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.
We Believe this would make 096 breaches almost impossible if they reached D block or medbay likewise.

We do have 096 bucket update in the works - so for now just bare with us until that comes out.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.
Thank you again for the Suggestion​
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