SCP-096 Buffs/Changes

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This aims to make SCP-096 more challenging and fun to play, with the following changes:

1. - Increase damage against doors: regular doors break in one hit, blast doors take less time (a few minutes). [Edit: Bulkheads should take like 10 - 30 seconds to break for SCP-096 at most, in my opinion.]

2. - Bucket health reduced by 50-100%.

3. - Changing how SCP-096 destroys buckets: instead of spamming "G", hold or toggle it to auto-reduce bucket health.

4. - Players picking up a bucket have a 5-minute cooldown before grabbing another.

5. -SCP-096 can roam outside his airlock if the doors remain broken and unattended for 60-120 seconds (official rule change).

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I'm not sure, maybe. If so, it was a while ago and this is probably a new content team.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
(This numbered list will be in correlation with the above number list)

1. - Right now, 096’s breaches can be trivialized by closing HCZ bulkheads once 096 is called out spamming buckets, reducing the fun and engagement for everyone. This change would make breaches more engaging and supports SCP-096s strength in lore.

2. - Current bucket mechanics are frustrating and can even cause physical discomfort for SCP-096 players, requiring the spam of "G" to break it while repeatedly being re-bucketed. Reducing health and changing bucket mechanics would improve this.

3. - Self explanatory, the same mechanic can be applied to bulkheads. Spamming "G" is frustrating to players and can cause physical discomfort due to how much you need to spam it.

4. - Buckets are too easy to grab, being obtainable by any player with no cooldown in high-traffic areas. Other similar objects, such as the Reality Anchor, don't cause nearly as much damage to an SCPs breach as buckets do for SCP-096, and they require a 5 - 10 minute cooldown and a Level - 3 keycard. Introducing a cooldown for buckets forces players to use them wisely, making 096 breaches more challenging and rewarding without taking away from the ability to contain SCP-096 during low population hours.

5. - If doors are left broken and unattended, it makes sense for 096 to roam outside of them after a minute or two. This punishes neglect on the Foundations part and improves both gameplay and makes more sense for roleplay. It's entirely and easily avoidable and logical.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Some players may find SCP-096 harder to combat, though I don’t believe it’ll be too overwhelming.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
SCP-096 is in a not amazing state right now compared to some other SCPs, which is why 076, 682, and the other meta SCPs dominate the server. These changes would make SCP-096 more enjoyable, less frustrating, and encourage variety in SCP breaches. Even if all suggestions aren’t accepted, these are solid improvements to make SCP-096 more engaging for everyone.
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Well-known Member
Jan 5, 2024
+ Support

096 is a joke right now and a lower threat than any other LCZ SCP breach (well, maybe 457 is still worse)
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This aims to make SCP-096 more challenging and fun to play, with the following changes:
1. - Increase damage against doors: regular doors break in one hit, blast doors take less time (a few minutes).

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This aims to make SCP-096 more challenging and fun to play, with the following changes:
2. - Bucket health reduced by 50-100%.
Reducing it by 50% would be fine. 100% is far too much.

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This aims to make SCP-096 more challenging and fun to play, with the following changes:
3. - Changing how SCP-096 destroys buckets: instead of spamming "G", hold or toggle it to auto-reduce bucket health.
Yes, I would rather not break my fingers playing 096

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This aims to make SCP-096 more challenging and fun to play, with the following changes:
4. - Players picking up a bucket have a 5-minute cooldown before grabbing another.
Yes, they'll prob be 18 people with a bucket anyways.

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This aims to make SCP-096 more challenging and fun to play, with the following changes:
5. -SCP-096 can roam outside his airlock if the doors remain broken and unattended for 60-120 seconds (official rule change).
Yes. I don't know why this isn't allowed yet he can still do it. If they wanted to make it not allowed, surely they could just do what they do with every other SCP, and just add the SCP blocker that prevents SCP's from leaving their cells.

Overall +Support
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