Rule Suggestion SCP-22415 Changes

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

  • Make SCP-22415-1, -2, and -3 terminatable SCP's. ( IE you can shoot them dead like 939 or 966. )
  • Change Rulings on SCP-22415-1, -2, and -3 to allow them to send combative into the dimension.
  • Allow 22415-2 to give combative the swep.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Not at this time.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

  • Allow a better utilization of the Dimensional SCP's.
  • Introduces better and controlled counter play to 22415 Dimensional raids without the need of a pay walled Cartographer Job.
  • Introduces a dynamic utilization to counter raid annoying combat methods employed by CI, such as Siege Raiding.
  • Rewards 22415's to actually passively be on the job to better contribute to the combative side of the loop, instead of being something you flag on during a breach.
  • Pushes towards more usage of Shadow Realm from MC&D's to combat this change.
  • Gives foundation a unique role that will directly benefits the foundation for counterplay, similar to how CI has the Type Blue, and GOC have Orange suit.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

  • Will give Foundation more movement when fighting various threats, such as D-Class entrenchment, CI entrenchment, and other combat situations.
  • 500 health can sometimes be difficult to get through, however with the scp's not having armor, it is doable.
  • 22415's would become more prone to death during fire fights.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

As it stands at this time, the foundation do not benefit from the cartographer job. It is inconvenient to setup, and takes too long in the heat of the moment to properly utilize. The SCP's themselves, fall off as a niche whitelist since their capabilities are currently limited by rulings against their usage in combative situations. If they could be utilized to combat for example, CI Raids, it would give the foundation an actual proper defense against 22415 dimension raids, and increases the difficult for CI to utilize this dimension to enter the Foundation.

The thing to consider as well, CI will still be able to raid utilizing the Shadow Dimension for almost full immunity from foundation counter, so it seems fair to balance out 22415 at least, which is a cheap alternative for CI. 5,000 will get you a dimension that either you could get caught or you slip in. 30,000 will get you almost uncontested movement into the foundation.

If 22415's can send people into their dimension to deal and help with combative situations, it would promote them to be present on site more, and remains reasonable balanced due to the limit at a time 22415's can send into the dimension at once.

Bear in mind, if you are in 22415's dimension, you can see people in the baseline reality moving around. This means if CI are holding a position, and 22415 walk with say 3 MTF pass the CI formation, the CI can see people in the baseline reality move by, and can counterplay accordingly.

Having talked with players of the community, the Dimensions feel like a miss, and it doesn't help that one of the core jobs for this dimension, the Cartographer is a Paid Job, and the SCP's require an application, and are not applicable towards the majority of the gameplay loop, that being combative situations. Them being terminatable will also keep balance, as CI can kill the 22415, and the 22415 shouldn't return to help with the CI raid until their NLR time is up, since 22415's arn't like DEA, where their job is to fight CI.
+Support on 2 and 3. Neutral on 1 - currently, 22415 has max 500 HP and is non-terminable, so it'd have to be given a lot more health and be balanced well to make it not a huge pain in the ass.

Not being able to help combatives basically breaks 22415 in RP. There's no RP reason set out for 22415 to not help them, so you just have to make random shit up that doesn't make any sense, or just outright tell people that server rules say you can't. At least give 22415 a consistent RP reason why they won't do that, if it's going to keep being a rule.
-If 3 were to go into affect, 22415 would need a health buff to about 1-2k, so it wouldn't be instant death.
-Also SCP buff and 22415 nerf yay

The main issue i feel would come from this is that CI are holding somewhere inside F, and they're negotiating for a hostage, then 3 guys appear out of the dimension and shoot CI mid negotiations, which encourages combat and poor RP over valuing the hostages life.
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-If 3 were to go into affect, 22415 would need a health buff to about 1-2k, so it wouldn't be instant death.
-Also SCP buff and 22415 nerf yay

The main issue i feel would come from this is that CI are holding somewhere inside F, and they're negotiating for a hostage, then 3 guys appear out of the dimension and shoot CI mid negotiations, which encourages combat and poor RP over valuing the hostages life.
I think that should kinda go towards "Not Valuing a life" rule though.

Realistically speaking, you shouldn't attempt to storm negotiations as you risk your hostages life. I know I'm an oddity with this view though. I've done so to hold people back from ruining negotiations though.
+Support on 2 and 3. Neutral on 1 - currently, 22415 has max 500 HP and is non-terminable, so it'd have to be given a lot more health and be balanced well to make it not a huge pain in the ass.

Not being able to help combatives basically breaks 22415 in RP. There's no RP reason set out for 22415 to not help them, so you just have to make random shit up that doesn't make any sense, or just outright tell people that server rules say you can't. At least give 22415 a consistent RP reason why they won't do that, if it's going to keep being a rule.

My idea, and why I'm leaning towards keeping their health at 500, ensures proper counterplay to 22415's in combative situations. Being able to enter and exit a dimension on will allows you to negate a lot of damage, then again, for the 22415's. If you die in the first minute of a combat situation, it would suck, but I see that as a necessary trade off to keep the SCP's from being unfair for CI and D-Class, who 22415's are going to be used against.
Neutral leaning to -support

The unending wave of people popping up behind you out of nowhere is super annoying. The necessity for 22415's to assist isn't so much needed imo now that people are picking up the idea that there are cartographers and a portal can easily be opened up in the MTF training room. It would be alright if the proposed (I can't remember if it was accepted or still in discussion) anti-dimension barrier could also be used by CI as a double edged sword - i.e you can't dimension in but you also can't dimension out.

I do however heavily agree that 22415 needs to be changed to be more lenient and fun. There are so many restrictions on the SCP that I hardly wish to play on it, there are simply more fun things to do.
I agree, but from experience it happened pretty often (before I went on LOA that is), which is why I fear it happening more
Although do take that with a grain of salt as I am again, on LOA
I do need to comment, I see this happen a lot too, people just don't put an attempt to value another person life, and are willing to risk the persons life in a hostage situation, even with "Revive Gloves" being a thing.
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